Tuesday, January 14, 2014

In my mind, I'm goin' to Carolina....Beach

I'm sharing this today for Vee's Note Card Party!
I just love this fun party, don't you?

Although I am still holding out for a bit of snow (I realize you think I'm CRAY-CRAY!)...
...this time of year I always start yearning for a trip to a favorite place of mine.

What's that I hear?
Oh...it's such a delightful, calming sound to these ears of mine.
Listen...do you hear it too?
I think it's the sound of Carolina Beach calling my name.

What's that you say?
That you have missed me...and when I am coming to see you?
Oh, Carolina Beach...how I have missed you too!
I will come for a visit as soon as I possibly can.
It has been way too long since I have seen your lovely sunrise.

I am counting the days, the weeks, the months...
...however long it is before I am able to be in your presence again.
As you know, I only live a short distance away from you...
...less than a few hours...that is all!

So why has it been so long since I have visited?
The lack of planning on my part, no doubt.

But if it makes you feel any better,
 I do have your webcam on my desktop at work...
...so I can spy on you from time to time.

It really only makes me miss you all the more...
...since I can only get a tiny glimpse of your beauty on my computer screen.

But I can't hear the soothing sound of your surf or the seagulls calling...
...or breathe in the saltiness of the air...
...nor can I feel the sticky mist on my face...
...or experience the delightful sensation of squishing your cool sand between my toes.

Oh, Carolina Beach, how I do miss thee so!

I miss you mostly because when I am with you, I feel the presence of the One who created you...
...the One who created me...oh, so very strongly!
Your endless waves and vast horizon remind me of the measure of God's love...
...and the extraordinary beauty He created for us because of that love!

I do promise to visit you soon.
Really I do.

Until then, I'm goin' to Carolina (Beach) in my mind :)


  1. Oh my! I would love to go, too. I love the ocean and visit as often as I can but you're right...life gets in the way and we don't go as often as I want to. Beautiful photos for note cards! AAAAhhhh....they are perfect!

  2. Oh so lovely. As beautiful as the beach is, I really like the capture on the sea gulls. That is some amazing photography!

    1. Vee...thanks for the compliment. This is how it's done: point & shoot camera set on auto...hold it out, up, this and that way, snap, snap, snap and sometimes you just get lucky :)

    2. Oh, and I almost forgot...having bread in your hand is a must...so they will get close enough!

  3. Debby, Your notecards are lovely. I can tell you really love the beach. Hope you get there soon!

  4. You make me want to pack my bags and go to the beach right now! Beautiful set.

  5. You've got some great pics there and they make a nice set of notecards! I bet with this winter weather you are longing for the beach!

  6. Debby, this is a beautiful post and I love your photos of Carolina Beach. You make me long to go to a lovely warm beach too. Wonderful post!! blessings, Pamela

  7. Beautiful Debby, I'd love to take a stroll on this Carolina beach! Sometime this Spring my daughter and I will be driving from Seattle to Jacksonville, N.C. Not looking forward to the road trip that much but maybe we'll have a chance to head to the beach. Thanks for your visit to my blog...

  8. What gorgeous beach note cards. You'll have us all yearning for Carolina and now I'm singing the tune!! Your photos are spectacular.

  9. Beautiful photos for note cards and beautifully written.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  10. Beautiful photos of the Carolina beach! My favorite is the sand path down to the beach.
    Thanks for visiting me and your sweet comment.

  11. I really enjoyed your post.....beautiful words, beautiful photographs!

  12. Funny Girl! Don't forget the sunscreen! Oh by the way I will meet you there! Roxy!
    Also, I did Pin that photo of the beach walk...

    1. Pack your bags, Roxie...let's go! That beach walk pic is one of my faves...it was taken back in 2009 and was the walkway behind the old, quaint little motel where we stayed...right out of the 60's! Love that place!

  13. Oh, Debby, your images are just gorgeous! I'm in awe of your capture of the seagulls and the beauty of the sunrise makes me want to go to Carolina Beach!

  14. Hi Debby,

    You've captured the radiance of this most beautiful beach, and I sense the peace and tranquility that calls you to its shores, time and time again. The first photo of the sand path and the water in the distance is awaiting your footsteps, leading to rejuvenation and light. Look to the sky for the seagulls and they will guide you there.

    So enjoyed your captivating words and images.

    PS: We might just have the same Sony 'point and shoot'! Mine is the Cyber-shot 3.2 megapixels and it hasn't let me down yet!:-D

    1. Poppy, thanks so much for your kind comments...I REALLY need to get there this spring! About the camera..I had that same Sony Cybershot 3.2 megapixels camera for years...loved it...then I upgraded to the 7.2 mp version after I gave that one to my son. I have used this camera for about 6 years or more and it has done me well! Mine is getting a little dinged up and I have lost the outer silver ring on the lens so my little magnetic wide angle that I got to use with it won't stick anymore :(...not a good lens anyway so no matter...but recently I read where the old Pentax K1000 35mm camera lenses fit perfectly on the Pentax K series DSLR's. I have that old camera from 1979 and 3 great lenses! SO...I am looking on ebay for the Pentax body only to use with the old lenses. It is the only way I will be able to afford a DSLR. I am excited about this but will still keep my trusty Sony P & S! I thought I was the only one still using one...glad to know I am in good company since your pics are amazing! Blessings, friend!

  15. Debby, I think I'll join you on a Carolina beach. These are all lovely. You've captured the reason why folks love to go to the beach -- peace and fun! Beautiful post.

    1. Sure...come on down! Thanks so much for your visit and comments!

  16. Can I come along, too? It looks like it will be quite a gathering from all the comments. Really lovely beach photos evoking the peace and majesty of God's creation. The gull photo is stunning!

    1. Lorrie...come on along...the more, the merrier! You bring the bread for the gulls...lol! Thank you for visiting!

  17. These are such beautiful pictures! And I hear your heart, Debbie. I can not see the vastness of the ocean without seeing its Creator!

    1. Hi Cheryl! Thanks so much for visiting and being my newest follower! The ocean is certainly one of the most majestic things our God ever created, that's for sure!


  18. Loved the photos and now I actually have the song "Summertimes Calling Me" stuck in my head. That's OK. I happen to love that song. I am anxious to hit a Carolina beach soon too. I live in Georgia, but frankly, I prefer SC beaches. Shhh. Don't tell my neighbors.

    1. Debbie, thanks for stopping by! I'm not sure I'm familiar with that song you mentioned but I'm glad if it's stuck in your head, you at least like it..lol! I am in NC and this is the closest beach to me...only about 2 1/2-3 hours away...a few miles north of Wilmington, NC. Many people around here go to Myrtle Beach but I prefer a less populated, less commercial one like Carolina. There is an awesome acquarium a few miles away at Fort Fisher too! :)

  19. Debby your Note Cards are amazing - calling us "To go down to the Sea again" - not hard for me as it's summer over here!
    They are all beautiful cards but those seagulls take the cake for me - your tip about the bread in the hand is such a good one - thank you!
    I'm glad someone else has a P & S... I sometimes struggle with mine!
    This morning I've been trying to get photos of the sparrows at the bird feed. I do it from my kitchen window - for some reason the zoom is always blury - I don't know why. Any thoughts?
    Shane x

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Shane, yesterday I typed a big long response to your comment and it must not have made the connection when I published it...it's gone! First of all, thank you so much for sweet comments. Like I told Vee in my comment to her, the shot of the gulls was somewhat of a fluke. I have done this often and it seems that maybe out of about 25 shots, you get a good one...put camera on auto and just hold face up toward the subject and start clicking and clicking...don't even look through window! That is the advantage over dslr since they are so heavy. About the birds at the feeder, I struggle with this as well. Most of the time if you zoom all the way in something, the quality is not as good. What I would do is make sure it is on auto, that macro is NOT on, and maybe zoom in a little. Use a tripod of some sort and get as good as shots as possible...then try cropping as small as you can and still get good clarity. Good luck...let me know how it goes!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Loved these photos :) I can almost feel the warm sand between my toes :) Hugs to you, Debby Ray!

  22. Love that photo of the path leading to the beach through the tall grasses...

  23. Just about takes my breath away it's so beautiful there! Hope that you return very soon!

    1. Vee, I can't wait to get back...it's only a short trip, less than 3 hours. I WILL GET THERE SOON!

  24. Our last vacation with my dad was at Carolina Beach. Your photos are so gorgeous. The third one just took my breath away, just like Vee. Just beautiful!

    1. Thanks for the compliment! It is so cool that you went there...I love it because it is not as crowded as other beaches,,,and just as beautiful id not more. Have you been to the Aquarium at Fort Fisher down the beach a few miles? I say we get a blog party together and all meet at Carolina Beach! I know the perfect place to stay!

  25. What a fun post Debby! There is so much to love at the seashore. My daughter and I will be making a road trip from Seattle to North Carolina late in April so that we can be at Camp Lejeune to welcome her husband our son in law back from Afghanistan. Maybe we'll get to the shore while we are there! Blessings.

    1. Wow...you have a l-o-n-g trip ahead of you! And how wonderful your son-in-law is returning to his family...you all must be excited! I do hope you get to enjoy it while you are there. Safe travels!

  26. Debby, Your shots are beautiful! Hope you get to visit the beach sometime soon!

    1. Thank you Beth! I hope so too...maybe this spring :)

  27. Debby
    You really love this place, don't you?
    I can plainly see why it calls to you.
    You're photos depict a place of peace and tranquility, a place to rejuvenate and worship our Maker.

    1. You are right, it is one of my favorite places and I am looking forward to getting there soon!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.