Saturday, January 11, 2014


A life with love will have some thorns but a life without love will have no roses.

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, can you believe it?

If you're like me, you would agree that it's a wonderful feeling to receive flowers! 
I must say that my sweet hubby does a great job in this area.
He blesses me with flowers several times throughout the year...
...sometimes for no special occasion.

More times than not, they are roses—my favorite—and no particular color.
I love them in all shades.

It is not because I am a perfect wife or anything even remotely resembling one.
The fact is, I feel undeserving of them quite often.
Still, he keeps bringing them to me.

But it saddens me when they start to droop their heads and lose their petals.
Some blooms will last longer than others, no doubt...
...and I have a hard time throwing them out when they wilt.
So, here's what I do while they are still intact.

The stems dry straight while hanging and will once again hold up those pretty heads...
...if you're lucky enough to keep the petals from falling off.
I sprayed these with a very strong fixative-type hair spray.

Most of these roses have been around for quite a few years.

Some them came from my hubs, of course...
...and others from funeral sprays from both my mom's and dad's caskets.
Dad died in 2002 and Mom in 2010 so you see they've been around a while.
All of us children picked some out.
All eight of us.

Some were vibrant red...

...some were a deep burgundy...some were yellow.
Others were pale yellow with pink tips...I think they are called "peace".

Something so magnificent happens to them when they dry, don't you think?
Look at the textures and the beautiful layering of the petals.
There is something so...Victorian about them.
I almost love them as much after they've dried as I do when they are fresh.

Fragile? You bet.

Like the dried roses, life is fragile.


We now have this light shining in our hearts,
but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure.
This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.

2 Corinthians 4: 7



It is only a tiny rosebud,
A flower of God's design,
But I cannot unfold the petals
With these clumsy hands of mine.

The secret of unfolding flowers
Is not known to such as I,
The flower God opens so sweetly,
In my hands would fade and die.

I cannot unfold a rosebud,
This flower of God's design,
Then how can I have wisdom
To unfold this life of mine?

So I'll trust Him for His leading
Each moment of every day
And I'll look to Him for His guidance
Each step of the pilgrim way.

For the pathway that lies before me
My heavenly Father knows
I'll trust Him to unfold the moments
Just as He unfolds the rose.

~Author Unknown


 And now, a few more "rosey" quotes...

We can complain because rose bushes have thorns,
or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.
~Abraham Lincoln

 The rose speaks of love silently, in a language known only to the heart.
~Author Unknown

The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose.
~George William Curtis

Don't strew me with roses after I'm dead.
When Death claims the light of my brow
No flowers of life will cheer me: instead
You may give me my roses now!
~Thomas F, Healey

Just like me believing that I didn't deserve the gift of roses from my husband,
God's love is like that for us, His children.

He keeps giving it, regardless.
Because He loves us without conditions.
That is what He does...that is who He is.
Aren't you glad?

So, sweet friends, I leave you with this song which reminds us of the most perfect rose of all.

"Rose of Bethlehem"


Sharing here:


  1. How very beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you, Barbie! Hope you are having a great week!

  2. Such a lovely post with beautiful pictures of roses. You are so blessed to have a sweet husband who gives you flowers. And I love Selah and that song.

    1. Hi Cathy! Thanks for your visit and comments! Selah is one my favorite groups as well :)
      Blessings, Debby

  3. Wonderful verse and beautiful photos to illustrate it. I do love dried roses and have some from 1975. They sure don't look like much, though.

    1. Thank you, Vee. Wow....1975 is just a few years back! Somehwere I have parts on my wedding bouquet from '76...I wonder where it is and if any of those roses are still intact...hmmm?

  4. Lovely photos and post. I like dried roses...I have a few here in a little china dish from an old bouquet...

    Yours are extraordinary :)

  5. Beautiful images and words. I lOVE roses in all colours.

  6. I also love roses in any colour. Beautiful post. Have a wonderful week. Jen

  7. Pretty roses. Even when dry they look beautiful.

    1. Thanks, Rajesh...yes they do...thanks for stopping by :)

  8. I'm with you Debby!
    I'm a rose lover through and through but when dried like this I think somehow they are even more beautiful.
    You're right when you said they're almost Victorian - or vintage!
    Thank you for the hairspray tip - I'kk remember that.

    1. Hello, Shane...Thanks for stopping by! I can't remember if I have thanked you for following me...thank you! :)
      Blessings, Debby

  9. The roses are beautiful. And I love the poem! Lovely images, have a happy week!

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Eileen! Hope you are having a great week!

  10. I'm so glad I came by--what a beautiful post and wonderful images. And I love all the quotes. I have similar dried roses from both of my parents' funerals. They look quite similar to yours.

    1. Hello...glad you came by too! Thanks for you sweet comments. Do you have any secrets (other than the hairspray) about preserving or keeping them from getting so brittle? I really do love them dried and love to reuse them.

  11. What a beautiful post - both the words and the pictures. I love that quote by Abraham Lincoln. Life has been a little (a lot!) thorny this past week, but in it all, I am smelling the roses.

    The Lord provides beauty even when life is messy!


    (I've always enjoyed feeling like I was the Lord's little Rose of Sharon!!)

    1. Sharon...I love the way you think! Keep smelling the roses in the midst of the trials...I know you have been going through some "stuff" lately. What would we do without His beauty? I don't think I want to know.

      Blessings to you sweet Sharon!

  12. Visiting fir the first time and how beautiful these image shares are, very lovely~

    1. Hi Mary...thanks for stopping by and for taking the time to comment....come back any time!

  13. Hi Debby! The dried roses are so beautiful and continue to speak beauty. Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

    1. Thank you, Sheila! I hope you're having a great week!

  14. So many beautiful memories tucked away in these.

  15. I had to laugh because I had had some beautiful roses that were variegated and they were even looking cool as they were drying. ....but then they droooooped! I remembered you could hang them upside down so with the next ones I did this just today (as a matter of fact!). My hubby had suggested hair spray! which I didn't try yet. So it was interesting reading your post.

    1. That's awesome! Perfect timing for you! Use a lot of that hairspray, too...the more you spray, the better they stay...hey, I just made up that little rhyme! Thank you stopping by and good luch with your roses :)

  16. Breathtaking, Debby. I'm a rose lover and The Man is so good at bringing home flowers (often roses) for no reason, except he loves me. Aren't we blessed?

    I agree that something magical happens when roses dry. And they smell so unique, as well. I, for one, love them both fresh and dried.

  17. What a beautiful post! Your photographs are lovely, and the words you use are just perfect. I love to dry roses, have been doing so for years. . .and I still have a pretty good memory of where each bundle came from. They are all special.

  18. Lovely Pictures of Roses and Words!!
    A life without Roses would be a rather empty Life :)

  19. Debby, I have always been awe of the beautiful blooms that a prickly stem brings forth. I love roses! I am the youngest of 8 children in my family. The rose holds a special place in my heart because my dear dad died when I was only 9 mnths old. Mom said the rose was his favorite flower. Love your photos, the quotes, and the beautiful music!
    Thanks for sharing with SYC. I have a few dried roses also. Precious indeed!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.