Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Stand-out in the Crowd

“Those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it.” 
~ Rick Warren

"Birds of a feather flock together."
I will never forget those words coming out of my sweet mom's mouth quite often as I was growing up.
This was her way of letting us know that we needed to be careful of just following the crowd...
...and to choose our friends wisely.

When I was snapping photos of the birds, I was just randomly clicking here and there,
unable to see exactly what birds were feeding there against the bright glare of the snow.
As I went through them on my computer I saw right away that there was a stand-out among them.

The first thing that entered my mind was that Sesame Street song...
..."One of these things is not like the others."

Then I asked myself this question: "Do I stand out in a crowd?

I like to think that I do, as a Christian...but I'm afraid there are those other times...
...those times when I just seem to fit right in with the world around me.
Oh, nothing blatantly ungodly, mind you...
...just nothing special...nothing specifically godly.

As a Christian, God calls me to stand out from the crowd by living a holy life.
Using my name and the word holy in the same sentence....really?
Sometimes it seems like an oxymoron.


“Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth.” 
Ephesians 4:29


“Let your speech always be full of grace, seasoned with salt.” 
Colossians 4:6


Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2


I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. 
They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. 
Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. 
As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.
John 17:15-18


I don't know about you...if you struggle with this like I do.
All I know is that I do want to stand out... that people will know without a doubt that I have Jesus Christ living within me...
...and maybe, just maybe...
...they will see something in me that they want also.

Dear Father in heaven, I don't want to get lost in the crowd.
Through Your abundant grace, I will be a stand-out!

Have a blessed week!


  1. Your link is here now, Debby. I went to check it out to see if there was a problem, but I guess it was just slow getting on the list. These are good thoughts and scriptures. Like you, I hope I don't get lost in the crowd. I think it is easy to do in our world today. Thank you for sharing. BTW I love birds. This is a great bird picture.

    1. Thank you for checking on the link...I did see that it did there...just a little slow like you said :) I appreciate your comments too!

      Blessings, Debby

  2. The cardinal and your words bring to mind the verse that says though our sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow. What a visual you have shared with us along with your helpful thoughts.

    1. I was thinking about that scripture as well, Susan. Those cardinals came out from all over after the snow...there were SO many of them...such a beautiful contrast! Have a blessed week!

  3. Thank you for sharing. I too want to stand out in a crowd, to be noticed for His light shining through me. Have a blessed tomorrow!

  4. Lovely verses and post. The Cardinal is standing out, a real beauty! Have a happy Sunday!

  5. It's always easier to follow Christ with our words rather than our deeds. That seems to be the tricky part. But I do think that if we truly follow Him, we do stand out - and it will be uncomfortable, because we're totally going against the tide. Great post. And what a spectacular photo. Love the cardinals.

  6. Great post Debby and just a beautiful illustration.
    Audrey Z.

  7. I love the photo you have used to complement your post. I try not to agonize anymore because I know that Christianity is not a self-improvement program (as Bob George says). I just try to be present and available knowing full well that I fail all too often.

    1. Thanks agonizing here...I just know that I need to do better in this most of us do. You are right about Christianity not being a self-improvement program...we can do nothing in our own strength, but with God's help, we grow and mature :)

  8. Thank you for the thought provoking challenge. Gentle Joy

  9. There is no doubt in my mind that you stand out more than you think! Just in this blog your Godly character stands out from the world. I feel blessed to know you....:)

  10. Lovely photo and thoughts. We can't measure up to all that the Bible and sermons and guilt trips from childhood that we have amassed throughout the years via parents, school and church have burdened us with. I struggle with that alot. Sometimes we just need to remember that if God is love and we try to show that to our brethren, that it will be counted as all joy. Or even if we inspire people... SO If I was SITTING AROUND in the FOYER of Heaven and you came on in, and God Said " how about her on a scaled of 1-10" I'd give you a 10 :)

    1. Deb...what a sweet thing to say...thank you for kind words of encouragement :) Have a great week!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. The Cardinal sure does stand out from the others. You have posted some deep thoughts here,but so true. We need to be noticed as being different from the world.

  13. Love the photo! Important thoughts.

  14. I love your thoughts in this post and the photo goes with them so well! I would like to think I stand out, too, in the way I should, but I also know I fail so often.

  15. Love this Debbie! To dare to be different means to stand out! Rather than following what society believes us to be, we need to make it a point to live our lives as the bible directs and look to Jesus as our role model. We all have a different personal will from God which He created Himself, and He didn't anoint us to be anyone other than who we are. :)
    Visiting from Beauty In His Grip!
    Blessings and love,
    Denise @

    1. Hi Denise! Thanks so much for stopping by...I so appreciate your kind and encouraging words.
      Have a blessed week!


  16. Good post with challenging thoughts. And an amazing photo that got it all started!

  17. Hi Debbie! What a fun surprise to see on the computer! I think this is the Dad with some of the kids, right? I'm pretty sure the male is the deep red one.

    Like you, I have a hard time thinking that I am holy. But that's what we are called to be. I hope to stand out too, and be watchful for the Lord in my life. You did such a great job of comparing the cardinal to your spiritual life. I love that!!
    Blessings my friend,

  18. Good Morning Debby, I loved the way you used the picture of the Red Bird in contrast to the sparrows. I think wanting to stand out for Jesus is what he asked of us all! I do feel like I might blend to much and I need to remind myself that I do carry HIS glory! This is a dark America and sometimes I do not recognize it. But thank God for all who are willing to stand out! And YOU my dear do that without even noticing I am sure very often...
    Love, Roxy

  19. Loved this photo, Debby! What a great moment to capture...

    And your message was great, too. Sometimes it's easier to blend it with the crowd - especially these days when it's not popular to take a stand for the Lord. In His strength, may we be willing to be bold, to stand out because we stand for Him!


  20. What a beautiful post! I too remember the song on Sesame Street. We must be close to the same age. I have been married 35 years and have two children, 1 grandchild and 1 on the way. My little girl loved Sesame Street, new every character and every song. When she was 2, she asked for "Big Bud," for Christmas. She got one on Springs. She wore it out! I found you while visiting Living from Glory to Glory. So glad I did! I am going to start following you. Hope you'll visit me and follow too. Most times I write about the things that capture my heart. Hope to hear from you. Blessings, my friend. Bonnie

    1. Thank you, Bonnie, for your coming by to see me and for your sweet comments! I love Roxy @ Glory to Glory, doun't you? I also appreciate you being my newest follower! I came to see you as well and am now following you as well! I think it's so cool we both have family in Nashville! Mine are actually in Spring Hill...30 min south a bit. My son went to Trevecca Nazarene University and never came home! It gives us a fun place visit from time to time! Have a great week!

  21. I want to stand out in the crowd, too, in a quiet, graceful, loved-filled way. Please forgive me when I do not.

    1. Susan...I so agree with you..."in a quiet, graceful, loved-filled way". That is not my usual nature...the quiet part...but I never want to stand out by being self-righteous or rude. God gives us so many opportunities to stand out in the right way...we just need to be able to recogonize them. Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment!


  22. I want to stand out in the crowd, too, in a quiet, graceful, loved-filled way. Please forgive me when I do not.

  23. I LOVE this Debby! What a wonderful pic and post! So glad you found me so I could find you. I get your blog by email now so I don't miss any!

    1. Betty...thank you so much for your sweet comments and for following me!

  24. I love the picture and this wonderful post. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  25. Another wonderful, thought-provoking post, dear Debby Ray! And may I just say your photo is perfect for what you spoke on :)

    Thank you for bringing refreshment and encouragement to my heart and thank you for sharing at ROI. Hugs to you!

  26. Hi Debby, I am visiting from Roses of Inspiration! Your post brought me to tears, yes, I am a Christian, but have failed miserably at times, it is good how God uses others to remind us to Stand Out for Him! Thanks for posting this today.
    I am now following your blog.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.