Friday, February 28, 2014

Searching for Spring

Is this really the same crazy lady who actually wanted snow?... might be asking yourself.

You remember...
...that one who got so excited when 2 inches of the white stuff fell from the sky?

She was the one who kept asking "where's mine?"...
...while most of the rest of the country was drowning in a sea of white...
...and some unfortunately still are.

Yes....the crazy person is/was me.
A couple of weeks ago, we were blessed to get about 8 inches of lovely, white, fluffy snow.

I was able to make the snow cream I wanted to make.
I got to enjoy my little dogs running through it and shivering to get back inside.
I saw some gorgeous red birds standing out like sore thumbs against the vibrant white backdrop.
I was even blessed to be able to capture a perfectly shaped snow flake...
...with my dinky little point & shoot's lens., I'm done with winter.
And this is reason why.

I saw these growing at the base of my mailbox a couple of days ago.
That's all it took for me.
One look at these tiny blue beauties and I am ready for spring!

I wasn't sure what they were called so I googled "tiny blue wildflower"...
...and it was first picture that popped up!

Persian Speedwell (Veronica persica) is their horticultural name...
...and it seems they are sometimes called "Baby Blue Eyes".

So, Old Man Winter, you can moooove on over 'cause spring is movin' in!

So, I'll be out and about...searching for spring.
Wanna join me?


  1. Baby blue eyes, isn't that the sweetest name for a flower? Caught a glimpse of some primroses flowering but expecting another storm Sunday night and Monday

  2. It's right around the corner for those of us in the southern parts. I'm almost ready for it, but, then again, I haven't had but a flurry of snow. I'm sure I'd be more than ready otherwise.

  3. What a pretty little flower, Debby. I sure wish I could join you in searching for spring but we're among the buried under snow people. However, I hope you enjoy finding the beauty of your spring there and will share it with us. Have a great weekend. Blessings, Pam

  4. I've been watching too much Downton Abbey because I immediately thought that these are "Mary's blue dress blue." Ha! They are darling.

    1. Ah yes....Mary's beautiful blue was gorgeous! Speaking of Mary, Have you seen her in the previews of her American movie about some airplane hijack or something? It seems so odd to see her in anything other than a British drama!

  5. Hi Debby, Love these dainty blue blooms! I am definitely ready for spring and color!
    Have a nice weekend.

  6. Such pretty flowers. I would love to join you in looking for spring,but it will have to wait a while.We are heading for a low of around -35C this night.That's just pain COLD.

  7. I came to visit from the Dedicated House and thoroughly enjoyed it. I, too, have SPRING FEVER :) And am looking for it everywhere - online and off. So thank you for more lovely flowers AND getting to meet your sweet dog, as well in the previous post. My granddogs all say WOOF :) Have a blessed and beautiful weekend (PS My post for Anything Blue Friday is at :) :) :) )

  8. Such a pretty and refreshing sight. It will be a long while before we see flowers here.

  9. Hi Debby! I remember your photos of snow cream. I told my husband about it, and looked it up on Google. I had never heard of it before. Blogging gives you an education, doesn't it?
    But I am growing tired of cold and snow too. We got about an inch of snow last night, with six more forecast for the weekend. Erg.

    Those little flowers are like little buds of hope, aren't they? I am so hoping for better weather soon. The delicate blue looks like the open sky, so I hope for that too :)
    Have a wonderful weekend looking for Spring. If you find it, let me know!

    1. Oh man..."Buds of Hope"...wouldn't that have been a great title for this post? How did I miss that? I hope you don't get all of that snow! Spring REALLY will be here soon :) Happy weekend yo you!

  10. Yes.....I've been looking for Spring and today it was 74 degrees...whoohooooo!!! Loved it...loved it...loved it.....and went outside and worked in the yard and after about 10 minutes I's hot out here.....and then I said "hush your mouth!"....haha....yes, I had a conversation with myself right there in the front yard....:) Hope you see Spring soon too!

  11. Beautiful blooms! We have a few flowers peeking through too and they make me so excited that Spring is just around the corner.

  12. sooo sweet!
    afraid a flower would need to be xtra strong to push it's way through the snow we have!
    thanks for posting 'hope' !!

  13. Your mosaic is beautiful! I love those little wild flowers!

    1. Thank you for the visit and the comment! We have freezing rain and snow today :(

  14. Lovely blue have captured it so well!

  15. Oh yes, time for old man winter to move on!! I love the pretty wildflowers! Happy a happy day and week ahead.

    1. Since I posted this, old man winter seems to have returned :(

  16. Oh yes, send that message very loudly this way. Still covered in white and so cold.

    1. I'm trying really hard! More freezing rain and a little snow today :(

  17. Love, love, love your little blue flowers, so beautiful. I'm so ready for spring but everything up here in the north is still cold and frozen, Laura

    1. Thank you....they are covered with snow again :( Oh well...I will keep searching!

  18. I also long for spring! Nice flowers you have found!

    1. I hope spring arrives soon! Thanks for visiting!


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