Saturday, February 22, 2014

Resting in the Son

This is Oscar.
He loves lying around, resting in the sunshine.
He will find the smallest little rays of the warm, bright light... it filters through the windows in the early part of the day.
He moves when the sun moves.

He finds his comfort resting in the the sun.

As for me, I find my comfort resting in the Son.

I found this old-hymn-made-new on YouTube.
It was written in way back in 1876 by Jean S. Pigott.
You may know it...I hadn't heard it before.

It speaks to my heart...and to where I find my rest... the Son, Jesus.

Click on the play button to hear this beautiful old hymn, sung by Steve Green.
I think it will bless your heart too.

Ever lift Thy face upon me, as I work and wait for Thee;
Resting 'neath Thy smile, Lord Jesus, earth's dark shadows flee.
Brightness of my Father's glory, sunshine of my Father's face
Keep me ever trusting, resting, fill me with thy grace.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. ~ Matthew  11:28

I hope you find your place of rest this week, my friends!

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  1. Wow,I had not thought of that song for a long time,but have sung it often in the past.Yes,it is a comfort to know we can rest in the Son.

  2. Hi Debby, I see you on many of the blogs I follow and want to say hi. I have my late mom's doxie, Harriet. I love your sweet Oscar. This is a lovely old hymn and I enjoyed the video arrangement very much.
    Pleasure to visit with you. Have a blessed Sunday. Mildred

    1. Hello Mildred! Thank you for coming to seem me and becoming my newest follower, as I now am yours as well! I saw a pic of sweet Harriet...she's a doll! Oscar keeps our life entertained, to say the least! We also have Hunter, a Jack Russell mix. I don't recall ever hearing the hymn but I sure am glad I found it!


  3. I was able to find it on my You Tube app and it was lovely! Perhaps this is the newest old hymn. I know that the old ones are revived every now and again...a lovely thing, too, because so many of them are beauty and truth.

    1. I so agree, Vee...such a beautiful hymn and love that it has been made new again!

  4. Thank you for sharing this hymn. The words are reassuring and do bring rest. Oscar looks so well loved.

    1. Susan, just to let you know, Oscar is well loved AND well spoiled :)

  5. I love the scripture Matthew 11:28 because it has always given me hope. I also love the picture of your dog basking in the sun! Great post.

    1. Sorry for the late reply....thanks for stopping by :)

  6. Thank you for sharing at The Weekend Brew!

  7. I loved this post for several reasons this morning....I have been reading that same Scripture for days now, only in the Message. This morning each post I have clicked on has held the words to an old hymn. I have now been sufficiently primed to sing an old hymn at church this morning & am so praying we do!!! The photos of Oscar are stunning - not only because he is a beautiful dog but because he truly is a picture of finding rest in the Son. Today may I bask as well & find rest in Him. So grateful that I visited this morning from Spiritual Sundays. Have a blessed Sunday!

    1. Joanne, I love the newer music too but sometimes we need to hear one of those old hymns...just the way the words are put together can sometimes create such beautiful images of God. I am so blessed that YOU were blessed! Have a great week!

  8. Oscar is adorable!! Love his photos! Great son and scripture my always make me feel peaceful! Love and hugs!

    1. Thanks...Oscar is a hot mess most of the time! Love & hugs right back at you!

  9. Inspiring ... beautiful post.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  10. Dogs seem to get the resting thing quite naturally...while I need to remind myself to rest in Him. pretty song, it is a new, "old' one for me!

    1. I agree, Anita...I need to be reminded at times too! Have a blessed week :)

  11. Visiting from Dwellings....I am a huge hymnal fan (although I love the new too!) but I had never heard this! Beautiful. Thank you for sharing....from your newest follower. ♥

    1. Hi Nannette! Thank you coming to visit and following me too! I had never heard the song either until this weekend...I have it on my brain now...I guess that's a GOOD thing!


  12. I love the old hymns but I don't recall ever hearing this. It's beautiful! This is such a wonderful post, Debbie,
    thanks for sharing the hymn.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl...sorry for the late response :)

  13. Love your photos of Oscar, and the reminder he gave you of resting in the Son. Lovely old hymn too - thanks for sharing it! I was your 'neighbor' at The Weekend Brew today.

    1. Hi Kym...sorry for the late reply but wanted to thank you for your sweet comment! I appreciate your visit!

  14. This post went straight to my heart. It has been a stressful week, and I need the reminder to rest in Him. This version of the hymn is beautiful! It is a "new" hymn to me, too, but I will be putting this one in my collection for sure! Thank you so much for sharing. He is rest.

    1. Cheryl...isn't it wonderful to be able rest in His arms? I thought the same thing about the hymn...I had never heard it either...I love when old things are made new again :)

  15. I was exhausted from a long day of work, when I read this. I love the thought of resting in Jesus. His arms are the place to be.

    1. Helene, I am so glad you stopped by! Isn't it such a blessing to be able to rest in Him? There are no other arms I'd rather be in! Have a blessed day!

  16. Dear, I am a wee bit like your little pooch, I also look for the rays of sunshine to come in the the window, but my pretty kitty always gets the best spots. Plus if my Hubby got home and saw me lying on the floor tying to catch some rays, He would be like what the heck... LOL
    So I guess I will head to the sunshine state and get a full ray all to myself :o)
    Blessings, Roxy
    Love the Hymn Resting in Jesus

    1. Lol...Roxy, the only time I have the desire to catch the rays is when I am at the beach! And just go ahead and rub in the fact that you will be heading there soon! There may even be trip for me this spring as well to my favorite beach in NC!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Such a lovely hymn, Debby, and your sweet sentiment "Resting in the Son".
    He is amazing!

  19. Hi Debby! This is a new hymn for me too, and the way the singer does it, it really is restful!
    I think I underestimate the power of rest all the time. I really need it, but I think I can cheat my body and keep going. At some point, something's got to give!

    I like Oscar's idea. Follow the sun, and rest :) Happy Tuesday!

  20. What a precious doggie. I love how animals (or at least the ones indoors) tend to favor those sunny spots. Like you, I enjoy basking in the light of Son. There is peace and rest in His presence.

  21. What a nice hymn, new to me too! Oscar is just as happy as can be, isn't he? What a cutie!

  22. What's not to love about that sweet doggie resting. Mine are currently napping too. That's in between times when they're out, just so they can come back in and get a cookie. Sneaky.

    Thanks for stopping in at Cranberry Morning today and reading my Hodgepodge!

    1. I enjoyed the Hodgepodge very much! Have a blessed day!

  23. My dear Debby Ray, what a precious, encouraging post! This is just what I needed this evening and I will fall asleep thinking upon these words.

    By the way, Oscar is quite the cutie pie :) Hugs to you!

    1. Stephanie... I had never heard the hymn until last weekend when I found it for this post. Ever since then, off and on, the song is playing in my brain and I find myself singing along. I am so glad it was a blessing to you!
      Oscar is quite the entertainer :)

  24. Oscar is adorable!

    And thank you, Debby - I so needed to read these precious words about *rest* today. I have been so overcome with emotion in the last couple of weeks. Feeling very anxious and sad. So you will understand how the words to that hymn washed over me like a refreshing rain.

    Thank you, and GOD BLESS!

    1. Thank you, Sharon...he is so much fun. I hope you are doing better and I am glad that this old hymn spoke peace to you, friend. I will continue to pray for you as go through this period of grief. You are such an encouragement to others and it is now time to be on the receiving end!

      Blessings and hugs, sweet friend :)

  25. He is so adorable, and I love this post. I struggle with resting, but I think that makes me human. :-)

  26. Oh Debby Ray, little Oscar is so adorable! Your photos are amazing and that last shot is just precious! Beautiful hymn, just bring peach to my soul!
    Blessings sweet friend!

  27. Exactly what I needed this weekend, Debby Ray. It is so nice to visit with you and be refreshed. Have a blessed week.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.