Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Simplicity: a Note Card Collection

Hello everyone!
I hope your week is off to a great start.
We have been having more lovely freezing rain and sleet :(
You know, I think I need to return that calendar I purchased in January...
...I'm pretty sure it's defective!
Anyway, the bright spot will be joining in the fun over at Vee's Note Card Party!
So...when I was thinking about a theme for my note cards,
my first thought was spring...well of course!
That is what's on most our minds, isn't it?
But as I was looking through my photos, I found so many that I had taken at our cabin...
...where life is slow and simple.

What do you think of when you think of simplicity?

This is my box cover.
I wanted to give the photos some "artsy" effects so I played around a bit with them.
I love the Waterlogue app that many of you are using these days.
I don't have an iphone so I just experimented using Photoscape and Picmonkey together.

Checkers, anyone?
This is where my grandchildren learned how to play...
...on the front porch of the cabin.

And no... this is not where I sit to drink my moonshine...
...I do that inside where no one can see me.

Surely you know I'm kidding, right?

During the warmer months, the road to the cabin is lined with a variety of wildflowers.
I love picking them and placing them in simple vessels like this old wooden bucket.

The original version of this photo was in one of my first posts...
...where I took you on a little tour of Fancy Gap.

This photo in it's original form was also in that same post.
I call it serenity.

I love what The Message version of the Bible says about simplicity...
..."A simple life in the Fear-of-God
    is better than a rich life with a ton of headaches".

Proverbs 15:16 
The Message

Blessings, sweet friends!


  1. Your notecards are fantastic! You really took it over the top when you used the theme Simplicity. And of course I love your cabin in Fancy Gap. Pass that jug around! heehee! And enjoy your day! Sweet hugs, Diane

    1. Thank you Diane, for your sweet comments :) Happy Spring!

  2. Hi Debby, I love your selections for notecards. Simple and nostalgic. Thanks for sharing with us.

  3. O, I'd buy a box of these AWESOME note ards in a heartbeat...
    you've done a wonderful job editing your photos...beautiful

  4. guess i had too much of that moonshine..
    ards should have been Cards...:))

  5. These are all so appealing, Debby. Can you send me a box? :-)

    1. Thanks Gayle...email me your address if you are serious...so am I :)

  6. These are so beautiful Debby. What a restful and peaceful spot to visit and relax. I would love a set of notecards like these.

  7. Your notecards are so beautiful, I love the artsy effects you did with them. Dh and I love visiting the mountains, we like Fancy Gap, and Hillsville Va. Lots of antique shopping there. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you! That area of the country is really so beautiful...so cool that you are familiar with it. Do you go to big flea markets on Memorial and Labor Day weekends? Lots of people do!

  8. Such beautiful images. Great choices for Vee's party.

  9. What wonderful editing you did on your photos, not using that popular app! I did not even think that was possible! Gorgeous cards --I'd also love a set like these.

    1. Thanks for visiting and for your sweet comments, Pat! Happy spring tomorrow!

  10. I enjoy the whimsical look these have.

  11. The Simplicity collection of note cards you created are very nice, I especially like the box top design.

  12. Your note cards a absolutely beautiful!!! They look so professional and I love the Proverbs verse you chose.

    1. Rosella, thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind comments!

  13. How beautiful! As is your profile. I am going to attempt to become your newest follower. I say attempt, because something in the system has been not enabling following.
    Simplicity is a blessing.

    1. Hi Carol! Thank you for your kind comments and interest in my blog...I'm not sure what the issue might be but you can leave it to Blogger or Google to have one! :) Have a blessed day.

  14. Delightful! Love the treatment you gave them in editing...looks great. Simplicity is a good thing!

  15. Oh so nice! I would love to sit in that rocking chair and stare at that beautiful view!

    1. Thanks for visiting, Melissa! I never grow tired of that view :)

  16. Lovely note cards! We could all use some simplicity in our lived!

  17. Debby ... you don't need the waterlogue app. Your manipulated images couldn't be any prettier than they are on this post. Just lovely ... all of them. Simplicity, wild flowers and moonshine (!!) are calling my name. Have a grand week.

    1. Haha...I love the last line of your comment..lol! Thank you so much for your visit and kind compliment :)

  18. I thought I'd already commented, but I don't see it! So, I'll try again. I just wanted to say these are beautiful selections for the Note Card Party! I love your editing and the theme. Simplicity is good!

  19. Call Walmart today and get those cards on the shelf!! My friend is so talented!! I always love what you do. Maybe I should try the moonshine and then make art.....it may help me....lol. Hugs to you!!!!

    1. Lol, Lisa...you never fail to crack me up...thanks for your sweet, funny words! Hugs right back atcha!

  20. Beautiful photographs and lovely effects on each one. Truly wonderful note cards.

    1. Thank you Karen, for your visit and kind words! Have a blessed day!

  21. Oh I simply LOVE these Debby! Especially the last two shots. Please put me on your list when you start taking orders...

  22. Love the first collage note card. Beautiful effects too! My favorite is the wooden ice cream bucket with the flowers. I love your blog and for some reason it doesn't come up on my blog roll. I'll try to figure out why. Maybe I have visited and not followed.

    1. Thank you...that wooden ice cream bucket fell completely apart a couple of years ago and I glued each slat back together with Gorilla glue! The bottom rotted out completely so I actually have to set another container inside of it...I refuse to throw it away :) I was pretty sure you were listed in with my followers...not sure what is going on there...probably a Blogger issue :( Have a blessed week!

  23. Debby, I love your notecards. Simplicity is indeed a good thing. I really like the checkerboard photo and the flowers in your third card. Very nice! Interesting note you have about the ice cream bucket! lol

  24. Oh, what a nice collection of images for your note cards! And you did a fine job editing! I'd definitely buy these!

  25. Beautiful collection, Debby Ray, and I love the country look. I would definitely use them as note cards :) Happy Spring, sweet lady! Hugs to you!

    1. It is beautiful here today, Stephanie! Spring is in the the air! Thank you for your sweet comment :)
      Have a blessed weekend!

  26. Hi Debby! Your notecards are beautiful! and there is nothing wrong with drinking your moonshine outside, but it's pretty cold out there! LOL!

    The checkerboard is so lovely. Did someone make that? Or maybe you bought it at a resale place. I really like it :)
    Happy Spring!

    1. Ceil, you crack me up! The checkerboard was a hand crafted on that we purchased at a flea market right after we got the cabin. My oldest grandson has already gotten dibbs on it since he learned to play as just a little guy. He is quite the checker shark....only my younger (his uncle) and my hubby are the only ones who have beat him. Thanks for your sweet comments and spring blessings to you...it's 75 degrees here today!

  27. These are beautiful, Debbie!! I especially love the bucket full of wildflowers.

    1. Thank you for visiting and for you kind comment! That one my fave too :) Have a blessed weekend!

  28. Debby, The effect you were looking for in theses pictures were so accomplished! I will Pin some of these!
    I have so much to learn with my new camera, and I need to using some of the photo shop tools also.
    Maybe in another season, Just loved these so much!
    Hope you are well, we are having terrible Dust Storms, please PRAY for Rain...
    Love, Roxy

    1. Awww...thanks Roxy...most of these effects are from a free online download program called Photoscape, combined with a little tweaking in Picmonkey. Still using my little 'ol Sony point-n-shoot but have my eye on a DSLR. Hope you get some rain soon! It is 75 degrees here today and heavenly! Have a blessed weekend!

  29. Hi Debby,

    What beautiful effects you've created with the apps! I so enjoyed your description and artistic images for this note card collection. Indeed, both are very calming in their simplicity and splendour. How lovely that you get to spend such peaceful moments with your grands playing fun games. Gathering wildflowers is something that always brings me happiness, too!

    Thanks so much for following Poppy View! Have been trying to follow you back, (as well as a few other recent followers), but have been having some problems as Google is not allowing me to! Will try to figure out what the glitch is!

    Have a wonderful week!


    1. Hi Poppy! Thank you for you sweet comments! I have been missing you...not sure what happened but I was following you before (and I am pretty sure you were following me already) but for some odd reason you were not in my list anymore and i hadn't seen anything from you lately. I looked you up to make sure your blog was still active....glad I found you again! Google is always having some sort of issue it seems :( So glad to hear from you...have a blessed week!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.