Saturday, March 15, 2014

New Beginnings

"Behold, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone.
The flowers have already appeared in the land; the time has arrived for pruning the vines,
and the voice of the turtledove has been heard in our land.
The fig tree has ripened its figs, and the vines in blossom have given forth their fragrance.
Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come along!"

Song of Solomon 2:11-13

In just a few short days, the calendar says it will be SPRING!
Aren't we all just so ready for it?
It has been a long, cold winter, to say the least!

Just as starting the new year back in January seemed like a new beginning,
the winter season has a way of putting a damper on our enthusiasm and our spirits, doesn't it?

Spring has a way of re-starting our "engines" again.
Spring is a time for new beginnings.
A time when we are ready for a fresh start...for our hope to be renewed.

When I see these little green buds peeks their cute little heads out of the dirt,
it reminds me how I have felt much of the winter...
...craving the warmth of the sun and ready to get going again!

If the winter doldrums have gotten you (and me) down, 
spring is the perfect time for us to begin to find our joy again!

To start that diet (once again) after our New Year's Resolution wore thin...
...the only thing that's thin... start taking those walks that we gave up on when it got too cold... get that house back in order by doing some spring cleaning...
...and not just our physical dwellings places...
...but more importantly in our hearts, Christ's home.

~ Gertrude B. McClain

It's only the beginning now
...a pathway yet unknown
At times the sound of other steps
...sometimes we walk alone

The best beginnings of our lives
May sometimes end in sorrow
But even on our darkest days
The sun will shine tomorrow.

So we must do our very best
Whatever life may bring
And look beyond the winter chill
To smell the breath of spring.

Into each life will always come
A time to start anew
A new beginning for each heart
As fresh as morning dew.

Although the cares of life are great
And heads are bowed so low
The storms of life will leave behind
The wonder of a rainbow.

The years will never take away
Our chance to start anew
It's only the beginning now
So dreams can still come true.

 May we all rejoice as we welcome spring this week...
 ...even if the temperatures don't cooperate!


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  1. I sure could use some Spring in my soul right now. These photos cheered me up - so pretty, so promising!

    And, I loved seeing the pics from your visit with the family. Looks like *Joey* was welcomed with open arms! How wonderful.


    1. Oh dear Sharon...I will pray for you that you will receive some springtime in your soul! Wishing you a blessed weekend, friend!

  2. Hi Debby, What a lovely, inspirational post. Your spring photos are beautiful. Wishing you many blessings this weekend.

    1. Thank you and have a blessed weekend as well!

  3. I don't know that I've ever thought of spring as one of those "beginning" times. Of course, January is a beginning, and September is equally so, especially with our twenty-plus years of homeschooling. But, you're right! Spring is the perfect time for renewal and refreshing. Pondering...

    1. Now I need to put this into is much easier to know it and say it! Have a blessed weekend :)

  4. It's a wonderful time of year here in Florida. We took a hike today and saw some signs of Spring and enjoyed the warm temps. Happy weekend!

    1. It was beautiful here too...70+ degrees. Weekend blessings!

  5. Hello Debby, I have always felt the same way, as New life starts peeking out from its brown coat, it reveals color!
    I always like to spring clean and start fresh in all my rooms! Have a wonderful restful Sunday!
    Always, Roxy

  6. What a beautiful post, Debby. Your photos and quotes of spring are wonderful. We have 3 feet of snow here but I know it will be leaving us soon so I will welcome spring - snow, cold and all - with joy. Blessings, Pam

    1. Pamela, even though I'm sure you looking forward to the spring, you seem to have a wonderful attitude about the snow you have been having an abundance of :) Why not, right? You can't do anything to change! I hope your spring thaw is coming soon!

  7. Seeing all that fresh spring growth is invigorating and refreshing.It will be a while yet,before I will be seeing it over here,but I can already enjoy these sights here on your blog. Thanks.

    1. Ruth, I'm so glad to share my hints of spring with you! Just to let you know, we are having a little freezing drizzle today :( This weather is like a roller coaster.

  8. This post is filled with all kinds of beauty. So thankful Spring is almost here!

    1. Thank you, Barbie...spring will definitely be a welcome thing!

  9. Gorgeous photos Debby. I'm so happy Spring is almost here!

    1. Thank you, much as I enjoyed the little bit of snow, I too am ready for spring and all of the beautiful colors!

  10. A very good word...I know that I am yearning for some warmth and an ease on the pocketbook.

  11. Beautiful photos and words, Debby. I've always thought of spring as a new beginning, too, when everything is awakened after a long winter's nap. I just hope my olden body will perk up when the chilly days finally leave. :)

    1. Thanks, Cheryl...same here...I am looking forward to getting out and doing some walking!

  12. Beautiful truths! I'm totally ready for Spring!

  13. My dear Debby Ray, your post is simply lovely and full of inspiration! Thank you for sharing these precious words and beautiful photos. I am certainly looking forward to Spring and new beginnings :)

    Hugs to you!

  14. Lent is the perfect time for new beginnings.

  15. Debby, so very eloquently written, and effortlessly read! Up until last year, autumn appealed to me for its quiet romanticism, coppery leaves and crisp mornings. But this year, turning 50 just last week, I realized that spring was, indeed, my new favourite for its fresh and vibrant beginnings, pretty petals and intoxicating scents. Wrinkly leaves are no competition for blooming beauties, and at 50, the latter lovelies beam brightness into my world!

    Have a wonderful weekend!


    1. Thanks for your sweet words of encouragement, Poppy! Happy Birthday, again...I hope your visit to see your family was a very special time! Yes, I do love spring and cannot wait 'til I see some color on these bare trees...after this weekend I think it will start happening....70's and RAIN...a perfect combo for spring buds! I do still love the fall, especially after a hot, hot summer like we usually have here!

      Have a blessed weekend, my friend!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.