Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Winter Storm Ulysses: A White "Christmas" in March

Yay! My internet is finally back up! Things seem to be getting back in order around my neck of the woods...literally. I say this with all sincerity and compassion to my friends and neighbors who lost many, many trees and electrical power for what must have seemed like endless days (some are still without) due to Ulysses, a crazy ice storm that hit our area in North Carolina last Friday.  Fortunately for us, we were at our cabin in Fancy Gap, VA. It seems as though we are not quite finished with winter yet!


For those of you who read my last post about the baby doll, you might remember that we had our Birthdays/ Christmas/Valentine's/Easter get together with our son and his sweet family who live near Nashville this past weekend. We often meet at the cabin since it is a short drive for us and saves them about 2 hours on their trip. We knew they were forecasting a wintry mix for our area and were concerned about it interfering with our plans. We were traveling towards the northwest...and the storm was coming from the southwest and we literally criss-crossed it on our way and made it to the cabin just in time to see a light snow starting to fall. The Nashville Bunch were enroute but still a few hours away. I had a feeling that they may be taking a midnight hike. I was right. The sound of spinning tires woke me up as I sat dozing in the chair awaiting their arrival. After giving it that old college try, my determined son gave up, gathered up his crew and everything they could carry and made their way up two steep inclines, otherwise known as the "driveway from h---".

It snowed all that night and all day on Friday...about six inches of soft, fluffy snow gently fell out of the sky. Although it was unexpected, the kiddos (including the big ones) were thrilled! It was the perfect snow for the perfect white Christmas that we didn't have on December 25th! Bring on the hot cocoa and cider! I even made another batch of snow cream, something that none of them had ever tasted. They loved it! I know that everyone is sick of snow but please just humor more time :)

So, while enjoying our winter wonderland, we became aware through phone TV or internet available except for my son's iphone (I still have a dumb phone)— that our neighborhood looked like a war zone. It seemed Ulysses dumped a ton of freezing rain, snapping trees and power lines leaving thousands upon thousands without power. We had five trees fall across our cul-de-sac and a few more across the driveway. We were very happy to be where we were but I have to admit a part of my heart was suffering along with our friends and neighbors.

So...celebrate we did! The kiddos were thrilled with their gifts. Parker thought he had died and gone to heaven with the Erector Set we gave him...

...and you should have seen Olivia's eyes light up when she saw the baby doll. Right away, she named her "Joey". Well...Joey can be a girl's name too, right?

Both she and her mommy fell in love with her...I think I should have gotten one for her too! I think Olivia's mommy is going to be pretty protective over Baby Joey! Everyone got in on the bonding...even her daddy :)

Saturday we handed out Valentine's goodies and most of snow had melted by the late afternoon. Sunday was another spring-like day melting any leftover snow and we had an Easter egg hunt! You might as well get in all you can, when you can, right? Crazy, crazy weather! I was so busy with the egg hunt, I failed to have my camera handy...I could just kick myself!

Knowing that we would be returning to a dark, cold house was not how we had intended on ending our weekend....but you know what? We only had to suffer through one night since our power was restored on Monday afternoon. Many people are still without and I feel blessed but am praying that everyone's will soon be restored. All in all, God is good and it was a super fun weekend!

Have a great rest of the week!


  1. What a tremendous shot. Car inside the fallen tree. Feels chill on seeing your photos.
    WOW!! What a wonderful gifts for your grand kids. Cute kiddos. See the happiness in their face once they received the gift.

    1. It was pretty bad although that photo was not taken by me....I got it off our local news channel. We did have a very enjoyable time with our family. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. It sounds like you had such a wonderful weekend with your family at the cabin. What a gorgeous place to get away from it all. I'm glad the snow wasn't too bad and soon melted so you all could enjoy celebrating several holidays. I had to go back and see your 'baby' doll that you got your sweet granddaughter. It is really beautiful! And quite realistic looking. It reminds me of one we got our daughter when she was about 6, soft body and all. They feel so real. I'm happy your home was unscathed in the ice storm and your power came back. Blessings. Pam

    1. Yes, were blessed not have it as bad as so many in our area...a few trees down and a very messy yard. So glad the kids got some snow to play in...they don't get much at all in Nashville so they loved it! I am so tempted to get a baby doll like that for myself! :) Have a blessed weekend!

  3. Well now it is allowing me to comment. Oh well! It's either my computer, blogger or google chrome. =D

  4. All those celebrations sound like so much fun.I'm glad you had snow for 'Christmas' and none for 'Easter'.

    1. The snow was a great added blessing for the kids...they hardly get any in Nashville :)

  5. You had my attention at "Fancy Gap". Love that name!

  6. Hi Debby, What wonderful photos of your time together. So happy you had this special time.

    1. It was a great time! :) Have a blessed weekend!

  7. It hasn't snowed yet here in England.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  8. What fun ... looked like the perfect place to be during the terrible storm.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

    1. Yes Audrey...we were glad we were not there during that awful storm! Have a blessed weekend!

  9. Dear Debby, I just loved seeing the children"s response to their gifts.And the snow was a gift so it really did feel like Christmas for all of you! God is so good...
    May you have a warmer week coming, Spring is at least on the calendar :o)
    Blessings, Roxy

    1. It was great to have the snow, especially for the kids...they rarely get any in Nashville. It is warming up here just long enough to tempt us....more winter coming the first of next week :(

  10. Wow, Debbie! It seems like the picture perfect weekend (except for the "getting there" part!) to accommodate all of the holidays, family fun and togetherness, happy grandchildren...delightful!

    I am sorry for the storm that hit your neighborhood. Hope everyone is restored to power by now.

    1. Thanks Cheryl...we did have a great time. I will miss them until we get to Nashville sometime this summer. Have a great weekend!

  11. Hi Debby, I've just come over for a visit from Shelia at Note songs. I have to say I have enjoyed your posts so will follow. Hoping you'll come over for a visit sometime too.


    1. Hello Diana! Thank you for coming over to see me and for your sweet comment....and following too! I'm coming to see you there in a jiffy!

  12. Awww....I want to be in your family!! It sounds like so much fun!! So glad it snowed a pretty snow for your "Christmas"...:) and Valentines....and Easter....:))))) Glad your home was not damaged and y'all didn't have to live off-grid too long...(now I feel guilty about my 2 hour off-grid meltdown)..heehee....Hugs to you!!!

    1. I can adopt you if you want...let's see...I could possibly be old enough to be your mama OR you could be my little sister. I have been the baby of the family all of my life so that might be interesting! Hehe :)

  13. Debby, do you live in eastern or southern Ohio? For some reason, for years I've thought of Ohio as being an extension of Indiana - flat - but your photos look beautiful and hilly. Beautiful! Also, such sweet family photos.

    1. Thank you! I actually live in central NC where it is somewhat flat to rolling hills...with LOTS of tall trees...not good in an ice storm like we just experienced. But we had our family weekend at our cabin in Fancy Gap, VA which is right off the Blue Ridge Parkway in the mountains. I actually am from Ohio...near Dayton....yes, very flat and wide open. I miss it sometimes...the sky and the corn fields and open farm land.

  14. It sounds wonderful in spite of the troubles.
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  15. I hope you are having a good weekend. Your cabin looks so much like my Dad's cabin in NC....except his was OLD! The driveway going to it was winding in the same way. Sure brought back memories! Glad you are safe at home an had a good time! Sweet hugs!

  16. A cabin with the family. Ahhhh, how precious. What great quality time that we just don't get enough of now days. Even when we are with our kids here or in Nashville, it's from one thing to another. Last August we went to a cabin in North Georgia with all the kiddos. It was fun and we played corn hole, grilled, ate, went pumpkin-hunting, ate, took Connor man to a petting zoo, ate...It was even better than our annual beach trip. Probably because we spent more just there just doing nothing since it was so high up and away from things. Those mountains can be challenging to get up. Glad your kids were safe. We are still cleaning up from the ice storm here and still are waiting on a new roof.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.