Tuesday, April 15, 2014

An Easter Note Card Collection

Is it really possible that we will be celebrating Easter in just a few days?
Something seems to be a little "off" this year...weather wise.
Here in NC, we had 80 temps over the weekend and I planted flowers.
Tonight, it is supposed to get down to 29 degrees. Really??

Well, it IS what it IS, so the saying goes...
...it's all GOOD!

Jesus has risen from the dead and we are CELEBRATING this week!

Now...on to see what's going on at Vee's Note Card Party...shall we?

This opulent little egg belonged to my hubby's grandmother.
It was given to me by my mother-in-law, years ago, shortly after we married.
Isn't it beautiful? I call it the "mystery egg" because I know absolutely nothing about it.
Is it china? Ceramic?  How old is it? Is there a name for it? I have so many questions!
There are no identifying marks on it anywhere and there is no one left to ask.
I know I should have done so years ago...oh well...
...instead I put it in my china cabinet and thought no more about it.
Now that I have a bunch of blogging buds, many who are collectors,
I am hoping someone out there sees it and can offer a little information about it.

And who doesn't just adore dogwoods?
Along with the redbud, these are among my favorite sights of spring.
Many times the dogwood tree is related to the crucifiction...
...being that there is a legend that the cross was made from the dogwood.
It really doesn't matter if it's true or not in the grand scheme of things, does it?

And speaking of dogwoods, how about a pink one?
This lovely tree grows in the parking area of the medical office where I work.
It is currently in all of it's glory.
This photo doesn't quite do it justice but I thought it made a pretty backdrop for my card.
Pink dogwoods just make me smile...real big :)

And this last card...well it pretty much speaks for itself.

A few months back I posted about how I came upon this cross...
...and about how something so terrible became something so beautiful.
Three simple words—one simple sentence.
Wow...sometimes it's still difficult to take it all in...
...there is no greater love.

So...these are my cards.
And they all fit nicely into their box.

I hope everyone has a beautiful Holy Week with a marvelous Easter Sunday!
After chilly temps for a day or two, we are to be back in the 70's for the weekend!

Blessings to all!



  1. What beautiful cards for this month. You always choose the perfect captions, too. Very inspiring my friend! Have a blessed week! Hugs, Diane

  2. Debby your cards are just gorgeous with wonderful sentiment. I think the pink dogwood is my favorite--or the last one. I hope you are having a good holy week. And yes, its getting to 26 here tonight my husband just told me. He is out covering his newly planted vegetable garden! I thought we were usually safe after April 15th. Well I guess it isn't after until tomorrow...

  3. Love your note cards a lot! What wonderful reminders of what Easter is all about!

  4. Your note cards speak deeply to my heart and I love Easter, and so thankful for the sacrifice that was made for me. How lovey it would be to use these cards. Have a blessed Easter.

  5. Debbie, your note cards are just gorgeous and have such wonderful meaning for this Easter season. I love the mystery egg. It is so pretty! Have a blessed Easter. Hugs. Pam

  6. These cards make me pause...just lovely. Hope that you have printed these up. Finer ones I have not seen at Hallmark.

  7. What a lovely collection! The cross with the sun behind it is especially touching. It is finished indeed.

  8. I am almost speechless, your cards are absolutely beautiful, I agree with Vee, it would be so nice print them. Thanks for sharing,
    Wishing you a most Blessed and Happy Easter.

  9. Beautiful, and meaningful notecards. The mystery egg could be porcelain, it looks similar to a floral piece of china I have.
    Happy Easter

  10. I can always count on you to make me see what is really important. (don't go to my blog because I'm crying over the possible freeze) You are so right, right, right.....none of that matters......He is our risen Lord and Savior!!! It is finished! Love and hugs to you my friend and Happy Easter!

  11. Beautiful egg, wonderful dogwoods, and wow...the cross. It is finished, indeed!
    Your profile is delightful to read. Seeing your heart for the Lord really blessed me.

  12. Oh Debby! These are beautiful, seriously beautiful! I love them.

    I love the sentiments on the cards! He is Risen!


  13. Absolutely beautiful! These are lovely Easter cards...I'd love to have a box to send to family and friends!

  14. Your cards are just beautiful Debby! That cross... Absolutely stunning, and yes,"it is finished".
    I especially love Easter, resurrection Sunday. My heart is greatly touched in Gods love for us. Praise His holy name!
    Have a beautiful blessed Easter.
    Joy! Debbie

  15. Hi Debby,

    Your cards are beautiful. It is evident that the sun was shining brightly when you captured the flowers, so vibrant and fresh. Your mystery egg is certainly intriguing and I wish I could help you, but I have never seen anything quite like it! The cross, covered in the radiance of light, glows in peace, as He is risen.

    Happy Easter, my friend!


  16. Oh, Debby your cards are awesome!

    Have a truly blessed Easter/Holy Week.

  17. This is an inspired collection of images for note cards. Just beautiful. I love your egg and can remember several Aunts who had at least one. I have no idea where they are now or their history. You are lucky to have yours. The dogwoods are gorgeous. Happy Spring! Happy Easter!

  18. Debby, these are perfect for this Easter week! Beautiful note cards. And 'It is Finished' is such a comforting thought, isn't it!

  19. Beautiful!! This is a perfect set for Easter. I hope you find some info about the egg, it is really exquisite!

  20. Beautiful Easter cards with the perfect captions. Well done Debby!

  21. Perfect cards for Easter week. The last one is striking with a message that is at the heart of faith - He is Risen!

  22. Hi Debby! Those dogwoods are spectacular! I know what you mean about the weather. It snowed two inches a few days ago. It's all gone now, but still chilly. Oh well. He is risen! And he has finished the race well!

    I pray that you and your family have a blessed Holy Week and Easter.

  23. These are very beautiful. Especially the last one.

  24. Your large egg looks porcelain to me. I did ceramics for awhile. The style reminds me of Italian porcelain....but don't quote me.

  25. Just for the record (as if there is a record), I have dubbed these my favorites so far. I love them all, and I was about to say that the one with the pink dogwoods was my favorite because I LOVE pink dogwoods. Then, I saw the cross.

    Nothing compares to that shot of the cross. Just beautiful. I am going to click the link so I can read the related post now.

  26. Blessed cards, for the most glorious time of year!

  27. Oh, I would love to buy cards like this for sending to family & friends. So inspiring!


  28. Those are beautiful photos...as always. I just love how you see the world.

    And, I'm with you - those three simple words hold all the world's hope in them. "It is finished." What a relief to know that Jesus bought our salvation, and it is sealed for eternity.

    Happy Easter to you and yours.

  29. These are truly beautiful! I especially love the joyful one that features the pink dogwoods.

  30. Very beautiful cards and box top.


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