Saturday, May 10, 2014

Apron Strings: A Mother's Day Tribute

I have been posting a lot about my mom lately, I know.
I really miss her, especially today.

When I think of her, I think of aprons...among other things.
I wrote about my memories of her and her aprons last year on my other blog,
Memories from my Childhood {and other blessings}.

I have re-published an updated version of it.
 There, you can read Apron strings...the ties that bind if you like.

Happy Mother's Day, everyone!


  1. Beautiful quote. I miss my mother, too. Happy Mother's Day to you.

  2. Wishing you a wonderful Mother's Day.

  3. I don't think the link is going where it should...lovely poem. Once our own mothers are gone, it's a challenge to think about Mother's Day in the usual way. I do love the way it causes us to think about the deeper things...we'll see them again and then there'll be no more goodbyes.

  4. May sweet memories of your Mom,give you joy and hope.I miss my Mom as well,she's been in Heaven for 30 years.

  5. Happy Mother's day my friend! Blessings to you. Sweet hugs, Diane

  6. I've just been over and read your post - apron strings, the ties that bind - and really enjoyed this lovely tribute to your mother. Wishing you a happy mother's day.


  7. So beautiful! Bless you dear Debby.

  8. I love the poem and hope your day is very special. Blessings, Pam

  9. Wow! What a beautiful tribute to your mom. Mama always wore an apron and sometimes when we to town or Sunday morning after getting dinner (Lunch) ready, she'd forget that she had it on only to discover before getting out of the car at church. I always had to get tissue out before washing or little pieces of paper would still to everything. My job wAs ironing the linen and aprons and daddy's hankiesand undershirts. Thanks for the walk down memory lane.

  10. I loved your apron story. I think it's so nice that you have that family story blog. It's beautiful. I am an apron wearer, as was my mom. I've often been known to forget to take it off when the company arrives and wear it the entire time, but it is so useful in many ways. I guess we never stop missing our moms, or especially thinking of them on days like today. Happy Mother's Day to you!

  11. Hello, I needed this! Some memories need to be shared and kept alive! I miss my Mother so much today, ten years now!
    I love aprons and wear them daily, you can bet my grandchildren will remember some of my funny stories of wearing mine.
    Big Hug, Roxy

  12. Hi Debby! I hope you had a wonderful Mothers Day celebration! I also lost my Mom four years ago. In some ways it seems like yesterday, others like ten years. Your tribute to her was so touching, and I loved seeing the photos. One of your aunts is over 100 years old? Wow! Your Mom looks like such a peaceful person. And her aprons just make her a 'one of a kind' Mom. You certainly were blessed by her!

    1. Ceil, I think I did read on your blog that you lost your mom the same year I did. We never stop missing them, do we? My aunt (Mom's sis) lived to be 103! I posted about her too. She passed away last fall, a couple of months after her birthday in Sept. Longevity runs in the family...Mom was nearly 98. No body will ever take the place of our moms. I hope your Mother's Day was special too!

  13. Loved taking some time and catching up with you. I loved your recent posts. Debby, you do *colors* so beautifully. Each of your photos is like a painting - and I wish I had a thousand words to tell you how much they speak to me.

    I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day - and that God brought you comfort in your wistfulness for your own mom. I am so grateful that my mom is still alive, and I never take that for granted. There is nothing like the love from a mother's heart - it so closely reflects the love of God, doesn't it?!


    1. Sharon, I never know if you get any of my return comments since they don't go to your email. If you come back to read this, I just want to tell you how much I appreciate your encouraging words to me. If any of my words or photos have spoken to you or comforted or encouraged you in any way, then my blog is doing what I prayed it would. You are right, there is nothing like the love of a mother's heart...whether it be from our own mothers or us mothering our own children. Bless you, my sweet friend!

    2. I do come back, and yes, your blog does much for me. Thank you for sharing the beauty of your heart, and the beauty of God's world.

      XO you.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. It is very difficult to lose one's mom. Even though mine was in her 80s and suffering from Alzheimers when she died, I try to remember her as the mom she was earlier and so many evenings I tell my husband that I wish we could just spend another evening with our moms and dads, all of whom are now with the Lord.

  16. Hello my dear Debby Ray! I am so behind on blogging and I apologize for just now getting to your lovely post. I hope your Mother's Day was extra special and I pray it was full of God's comfort and peace.

    My love to you!

  17. bwaaaaa....I miss my little mama every day but especially at holidays. She died way to young...but she'd be 97 yrs old if she was still here...I know she is walking and talking with Jesus and that makes me happy......your mama is up there, too, joining in the walking. :)

  18. Such a beautiful tribute, Debbie Ray. Our first friend is one we can never replace.
    I miss my Mom, too.

  19. I remember that post! :) I am going over to read the update. It was beautiful then...:)

  20. sweet of you to go back and read it again! I appreciate your interest! Blessings for a great week!

  21. It's beautiful this time around too, Deb. I love that you are writing about your dear mom, her memories I'm sure are precious and sharing them is wonderful. Have a beautiful day, sweet friend.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.