Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Sky Shots: A Note Card Collection

Hello friends! I hope you all are having a great week so far!

Each month, I look forward to linking up with Vee's Note Card Party!
It's always great fun to see what others are going to be sharing, don't you think?

 It seems I got a little ahead of myself as I was rushing around getting my post ready.
That was last Tuesday.
I was ready to hit the publish button when I realized...


So...the other day when I was going through my files, I realized something...
...I have taken A LOT of photos of the sky.
When I was little, I remember getting a blanket and a pillow and lying on the grass...
...just gazing up into the clouds through my sunglasses...not a care in the world.
Reflecting on some of the days that I have been having lately,
I can help but think, wouldn't it be wonderful if life was that carefree again?

 (sneaking in this pic of me doin' my thing :)

And speaking of sunglasses, that brings me to my first shot.
I took this through the front windshield...and through the lens of my sunglasses.
Not to worry, my hubby was at the wheel :)
This one is also from that same road trip...without the sunglasses filter.
Then there are those times when you're at just the right place at just the right time.
Here's how it works...while sitting at a stop light, roll passenger side window down...
...extend arm, camera in hand...click.

Finally, this was an unexpected gift on my way home from work one evening.
It almost appears that the woods were on fire, doesn't it?
It was all I could do to keep my eyes on the road.
Do I scare you? (lol)


So remember...take some time to look at the sky.
And always keep your camera handy...OR...you just might miss something!


  1. Oh Debby, I love your notecards! What beautiful sky images and love the Scripture on each! So much drives us to worship the Lord our God!

    Also sweet little photo of you!! So glad you included that.

  2. Oh my Debby, these are breathtaking! No wonder you take a lot of photos of the sky. You do it so well! Loved each and everyone! And how cute is that picture of you? I did the same thing as a child. Don't remember wearing sunglasses though. Maybe that's why my eyes are so sensitive. lol! We use to love looking for shapes in the clouds.

  3. i love sky-gazing, too. :) that last one is just fabulous.

    i'm grateful to have the painted buntings as regulars, here. i do believe their territory is rather limited.

  4. Such ever-changing views in the sky. These are terrific.

  5. I'm a sky watcher too Debby and take photos when I'm driving or being driven. A lot! lol That's cute photo of you being carefree. Your notecards are fabulous and the scriptures are perfect for each one. They'd make a really nice set.

  6. Debby, these are beautiful! (And that pic of you is adorable!) I have a love affair with the sky, too. It's always changing, and always so pretty in its many manifestations. I think the Creator does some of His best work when He paints in the sky! It's good to have our feet on the ground, but to always keep our eyes to the sky - and someday, we'll see a very familiar Face making His reappearance in the clouds!

    No photos needed for that Kodak moment, right?!


    1. You are so right, Sharon...the sky is His ever-changing canvas. And if we think this world is so beautiful...well, not the half has been told! Blessing to you, sweet friend :)

  7. Hi Debby! I don't know how many times I've taken a nature walk,and then just blame myself for not bringing a camera! What's wrong with me?? These photos and Scriptures are just beautiful. You really have a talent to put those together. So peaceful and meaningful. Don't ever stop!

    1. Ceil...you are so sweet and always say the kindest things! You know, I do feel like I am going to miss something if I don't have my camera...and it never fails...I do when I don't have it! I hope the rest of your week is blessed, friend!

  8. The beautiful scriptures add so much to your cards. I'm always looking up as well and I was a little girl that layed on a quilt to look at the clouds floating by. Remember figuring our what cloud looked like an animal? I still do that....but don't lay on the ground! heehee! Lovely photos for cards! Sweet hugs, Diane

  9. Dear Debby, really nice pictures! You are really capturing some amazing shots! I so bad wanted to join this party, but this whole picture thing is still in the beginning stages for me, but I am learning! Happy Day to you sweet Lady!

  10. Debby what wonderful pictures of the sky … and fitting scripture to go along with them. Love your "box cover" that is fantastic. Sometimes I think we had the same childhood as I loved to lie on the grass and look up at the sky. When was the last time I did that? wow, what a sweet memory this moment. Also I am most impressed at your photography skill through sunglasses! Way to go! But they do give a different view so "good on you" to capture it!

  11. Beautiful photos and beautiful scriptures. I really like your box cover, too. Watching clouds is a favorite with me, too.

  12. Our pastor's sermon on Sunday was titled "Keep your eye on the sky", referring to the second coming and your photos and scripture reminded of it. Very nice cards.

  13. Those are just amazing Debby!! WOW WOW WOW!
    Your verses are quite beautiful placed with the photo.
    Beautifully done.
    The Lord bless you.

  14. Oh my simply amazing! Sooo breath taking and beautiful! And I love the scriptures you have chosen as well. Blessings to you!

  15. Debby, these are all gorgeous. I seem to always see something to take a photo of when I'm driving. You've combined the image with the scripture perfectly.

  16. Beautiful sky images and such fitting scripture passages as well. A wonderful set of notecards Debby!!

  17. Love...love...love....said the lady who just came in from hunting for dragonflies to photograph! Seems they were all around me yesterday when I didn't have the camera in hand!

  18. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! Debbie you have a real gift. The photos with the verses are perfect! I'd buy these!


  19. Oh my goodness! These cards are the best! There is your amazing photography, God's amazing creation, and the Words of Life. Beautiful!

  20. Hi Debby, Beautiful photos and your scripture pairings were all great. Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

  21. I absolutely love the photos especially with the scriptures, you have done a beautiful job creating your notecards, thanks for sharing.

  22. Hi Debby,
    Thank you for your visit and letting me know about the error. I never received an email from you, but found your comment on my blog post.
    I'm in awe of your note cards... Oh, how you capture the beauty of God's lovely sky. The inspirational quotes were so meaningful. Thank you for sharing your gifts. xo

  23. Debbie, your photos are wonderful and I needed to read you cards today! One of those life throws you a curve ball days. Thanks for this!

  24. Oh these are Divine Note Cards Debby and quite literally 'Heaven sent'!
    I followed your link to 'unexpected gift' - WOW what a sky - I am sure God meant it for you on your way home from work that night!

  25. These are beautiful, and the way you collaged the four of them was pure creative genius. I liked that image best of all!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.