Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Give Me Jesus

This is an edited and re-titled version of an early post, shortly after I started my blog.
I actually had to go back and re-read it because I needed the message for myself. 
The past few days have been pretty emotionally draining for me...
...a little family drama.

But God is good and He's already working on it!


In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.
Psalm 5:3

Morning. Even before the sun makes it's way above the horizon and shows it's face... is my favorite time of the day. 
It's the only time of the day when everything is new.
A fresh start.
A new beginning.

How many times have you gone to bed with a heavy burden on your heart?
Maybe even cried yourself to sleep?

Your world seems to be crashing in around you and the answers you need just don't come.
You pray for peace.

You awaken when it's still dark...
...just the way it was when you finally were able to restlessly drift off...
...with the tears on your pillow.

But there's just something about the morning.
Somehow, something seems different.
Somehow, even though you know that the burden is still there,
it doesn't seem quite as heavy.

Something has changed.

Your spirit seems brighter...your countenance, more peaceful.
There seems to be hope now.

What happened while you were sleeping?
How did things change during the night?

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23

Jesus came to you while you were sleeping.
That is what happened.


  1. Thank you Debby. I have been in grief all week since I got news last week that my brother has cancer. My heart is broken for him and his family. I am so thankful that I, and he and his family, have Jesus to cling to. Your words, scripture and photos have encouraged me this morning. Blessings to you. Hugs. Pam

  2. I loved this post this morning my friend. "Jesus came to you while you were sleeping".........I love that's so true....he is with us always and we sometimes forget that. Thank you for the reminder. I borrowed the Bible verse and put it on my facebook page this morning....I hope you don't mind. Love and hugs to you!!!

  3. A lovely post and absolutely stunning morning photos : )

  4. Wow. . .wow, wow, WOW! Sweet Debby Ray, your post went straight to my heart!

    "Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail." This is a favorite passage of mine and it was just what I needed this morning. Thank you, my friend! Hugs and blessings!

  5. A wonderful post, Debby. Maybe that's what I like so much about the early morning-- a new hope is born each day. Thanks for sharing and I hope you're doing ok.

  6. The steadfast love of The Lord never ceases...

    Loved this and what a blessed thought to close by.

  7. Beautiful post, Debby! I love your wonderful photos, too.

  8. such beautiful light. i hope all will be well!

  9. Hi Debby and this is a wonderful post! So encouraging and I love the scripture that says God's mercies are new every morning! I love that song too. Thanks for popping in to see me and I'm so glad all worked out with your church. I know we'll find the place we're supposed to be.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. I'm sending good thoughts. Beautiful, inspirational post.

  11. Love these pictures and that is one of my favorite songs...I will add you to my prayers.

  12. Debbie,
    Your blog is lovely and your pictures are beautiful; very inspiring. I could see by reading your "about me" that we share similarities in many ways. I loved your thoughts and your words about the morning, and it is so true about Jesus making all things new. Love the Lamentations verse. Also Fernando Ortega's song; is one of our favorites; I have a CD with this one on it. Lovely post; thanks for sharing and also, thanks for stopping by on my blog earlier, I appreciated your comment.
    Blessings Pam

    1. Pam, thanks so much for visiting and for kind words! Yes, it does sound like we have many things in common. I could listen to Fernando Ortega all day. The first time I ever saw him was several years ago on a Billy Graham special. He was sitting at a piano in an empty room where he played and sang this song. I had never heard it before but instantly became enthralled by beautiful.


  13. Beautiful,meaningful post. I am so thankful that God gives us mornings to start over again.May you find comfort and strength to face whatever situation you are in right now.

  14. I hope will be well for you and your family soon. Your words and photos speak volumes.

  15. Such a beautiful post dear Debby! I am so grateful that His mercies are new every morning and there is never a night without a dawn! Stopping by from Beauty in His Grip! I truly am blessed to have stopped by! Blessings to you xxx

  16. How beautiful! The light through the trees makes me think of the light of Jesus. Praying that He will dispel the darkness that you feel night. That song by that particular artist has brought me comfort more times that I can count. Awesome. I especially like the video that he did for Dr. Billy Graham's wife's funeral. It made me think of my mom and dad. So moving. Thank you for this post. Will pray for you today and ask God to bring you to my mind in the days ahead. The photos are beautiful and I believe God gave them to you! How awesome.

  17. Debby, You inspire and encourage us, as we all feel the weight of the cares of this world. And the drama does come for each family, know matter where we are or live!
    And the mornings are my most very favorite time of my days! And I also love the deep quiet of when the Lord awakes me in the night to pray. Love, Roxy

  18. I'm so blessed that you reposted this, Debby. Love this song -- and it's my deep cry, too. Just give me Jesus!

  19. LOVE this, Debby!! As always, your photographs illustrate your message so well.

    And oh, that song. I love that song--although I can never sing through it without choking up. As Jack was facing his second open-heart surgery, we sang that song at church. He had to leave the room when we got to the line, "And when I come to die. . . ." Now every time I hear it I am reminded of just how blessed I am that my husband did not die--and it's more than my heart can hold!

  20. My world is pretty burdened right now with challenges, frustrations, and sadness. But you are right, things seem a little brighter during the morning hours.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.