Thursday, May 22, 2014

Fancy Gap Fences

I really like a good fence, don't you?

This one is six feet tall and separates my yard from my neighbor's.
Actually, no one is living next door at the present time.
But it's still a nice fence...that is, if you don't want to see your neighbors...
...if they lived there.

This past weekend, we were at our cabin in Fancy Gap and let me tell you,
I was never more aware of all of the fences!

Today, I'd like to share a few of them at Theresa's Good Fences link-up.

This little waterfalls is part of the creek that runs along the gravel road.

This is the same part of the fence, as you come down the road.
The creek is on the right, through those trees.

Directly opposite the creek on the other side of the road,
 is a hill where some friendly cows always are usually grazing.

They must have thought I had something good to eat.

One by one, they all came down the hill to see me.

They gave me dirty looks when they found out that I had nothing to offer them. are a few more random shots from around the area.

I loved finding this old fence all covered with twisted vines.

...and finally, I loved the quiet sense of peace I felt when I came upon this place.

It was a beautiful weekend in Fancy Gap.

So, until next time...


  1. You really DID find a lot of fences to share today! I love those around the barns and the old cemetery. It's amazing how many different types there are and how many don't really keep anything out any more. Enjoy your evening my friend! Sweet hugs, Diane

  2. Wonderful entries. If only the vine covered fence could tell it's story..

  3. I'd really never stopped to think much about fences. These were beautifully nostalgic. Great photos!

  4. my goodness, what great finds! love 'em all! thanks for linking and sharing!

  5. Wonderful fences, such a variety. You don't think about fences much until they're pointed out, do you - they're just there. Thanks for sharing.


  6. Beautiful photos! I love old fences too. And old cemeteries are so interesting. I live in eastern N.C. So, howdy neighbor!
    I'm a new follower. I hope you will visit me when you can.

  7. What beautiful country! You found some unique fences indeed. I love fences, but now I must watch more carefully for them, and I may even try photographing them :-)
    Have a wonderful week end

  8. Beautiful photos. A perfectly lovely post.

  9. I enjoyed your wonderful fence photos today, Debby! I hope you have a great memorial Day weekend.
    thank you for stopping in at Cranberry Morning. I wonder why my caps key is not working right tonight. Maybe I'm just too tired and have lost strength in my pinky finger. LOL

  10. I love the beautiful, peaceful countryside and I enjoyed seeing all the different fences and the pretty sky, too!
    Enjoy your Friday and weekend!

  11. Goodness, Debby, what beautiful photos! (As always!) Such an interesting variety of fences. I liked the picture of the old cemetery, too. I really like visiting cemeteries (I know that sounds kinda weird), but I am fascinated by what the stories might be. And I like reading the markers that say something about God, or have a verse. I find peace there.

    It's funny about fences. Before my mom visited our home up here in the mountains, she asked me if we had a fence around our property. I chuckled, and told her no. Unless you count the National Forest and State Wilderness areas that surround us!!


  12. HI Debby All you shots are fantastic and what wonderful finds, all different fences. Love the one with vines covering it. great scenery as well

  13. You sure found some nice fences. Really like the moss!

  14. I loved seeing these beautiful rural scenes wrapped in fences. What a pretty drive to the cabin in Fancy Gap (love that name!).

  15. Hi Debby! I really enjoyed seeing these photos. I could just meditate on them, they are so peaceful. Well, maybe not the bulls! If I saw them all walking towards me, I'd walk in the opposite direction. But then again, I'm a city girl, not used to livestock...
    You have a lovely place to go and relax in Fancy Gap. Even the name is cute! And like Sharon, I like cemeteries too.
    Happy Long Weekend!

  16. BTW, there's just something about that 7th photo that makes me want to walk in that pasture. I can almost feel and smell the air.

  17. What a wonderful array of fences. I like the shot of the one at your home. Like Cranberry, I can just smell the country air in your other photos.

  18. How beautiful! Your photography is awesome. I hope that circumstances in your life are better today.

  19. Everything is so green and beautiful! Loved the fences....the older the better! I still think "Fancy Gap" would make a great setting in your novel and you can add your beautiful photos!!!! Have a great weekend my friend!!

  20. Hi Debby! They always say - fences make good neighbors! :) You've really captured some beautiful snaps! Love the Fancy Gap ones. Thanks so much for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  21. That's quite a lot of cool fences! That first one is a good solid one!


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