Saturday, May 31, 2014


How did it get so late so soon? 
Its night before its afternoon. 
December is here before its June. 
My goodness how the time has flewn. 
How did it get so late so soon?”

~  Dr. Seuss


Can you believe it?
June is here and 2014 is nearly half way over!

When I think of June, I think of summer.
When I think of summer, I think of grilling out.
Burgers and corn on the cob, anyone?
(last night's dinner :)

~by Francis Duggan

It's beautiful, the summer month of June

When all of God's own wildflowers are in bloom

And sun shines brightly most part of the day
And butterflies o'er lush green meadows play.

Lighthearted skylark songster of the wing
High o'er the quiet and lonely moorland sing
Above her nest cloaked by the tangled heath
Her charming song so exquisitely sweet.

So mellow the gentle breath of June day breeze
The birds rejoicing on the leafy trees
And dappled trout in pool bed of the stream
Bask in the sun their spotted skins agleam.

God gave us June and all her lovely flowers
Bright sunny days and pleasant evening hours

Shady green glens and serene sunlit dells
And leafy bowers adorned with blue bluebells.

But God, June's maker has the final say
And what He gives, He also takes away

And God's own larks will trumpet in the sky
To celebrate the birthday of July. 


I hope you have a fabulous first day of June!


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  1. i can't believe it is june, either. your meal looked awesome! perfect summertime fare. :)

  2. That was beautiful, Debby. So many beautiful things this time of the year. What's not to love?

  3. Great series of photos. The corn on the cob looks delicious. We haven't had any here yet.

  4. I enjoyed your post, lovely reminders of summer for me. It's the beginning of winter here but a beautiful day so I've been out walking - snow is threatening though so I'm told. Still how boring it would be if we didn't have the seasonal changes to look forward to.


  5. Debby, thank you for sharing. Beautiful words and photos!

  6. It's very hard to believe it's June. . .shouldn't it be Mach?? You have my mouth watering with the picture of your burger - how did you know burgers are among my top 5 favorite foods? :) Do you have some kind of BBQ sauce on it? Yes, I was looking at it that closely that it looked like there was a special sauce on there. Okay, moving on from the food. . .

    Your post, as always, is lovely and your photos leave me speechless with their beauty :) Have a blessed Sunday! Hugs

  7. Thanks for the salute to June--beautiful words and photos. And your dinner last night--wow does that look good!

  8. That was a wonderful tribute to June and its joys! May it be so and thank you...

  9. Hi Debby! What perfect photos for each verse...the skies look so clear and sunny. Thank goodness summer is here! I am having quite a time with my allergies, but I wouldn't trade this for that darn winter we had for anything.
    My fav pic is the bird caught by you, just singing his heart out. Inspires me to do the same :)
    June Blessings to you,

  10. I love the poetry and your beautiful photos to go along with it! Just gorgeous. We've had 4 days of sun and heat and it feels like summer so we're hoping it lasts. You never know up here. Have a wonderful first week of June!

  11. Yes, Today was a lovely June day! I am believing for a wonderful God blessed and filled with joy summer! I loved the photos and really felt the peace flowing from the words and heart in it all!
    Thank You Love, Miss Roxy

  12. Beautiful photos. I love all the different seasons and look forward to fresh veggies and cookouts by the lake this summer.
    God bless your week.

  13. Sigh.

    You will never know how much your beautiful photos of God's beautiful creation cheered my spirit today. I needed to be reminded that there is color in life, even when I am discouraged.


  14. Your photos are gorgeous, Debby! And the hamburger with corn on the cob? One of my favorite summer meals! Yum!

  15. June, sounds, tastes, smells, and looks absolutely amazing in your parts, Debby!! What spectacular images of your surroundings, filled with such vitality, that is the month of June.


  16. It is hard to believe that June is here. Heck, I'm still trying to recover from all the ice, snow, and cold this past winter. Beautiful photos!

  17. These are some of my favorite things, too.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.