Thursday, June 5, 2014

Down on the Farm

I was going through some old photo files the other day and came across these.
 I had all but forgotten I had taken them but as soon as I saw them,
 I knew I wanted to share them on Tex's Good Fences link-up!

Back in 2011, my older son spent some of his time working on this local farm.
It was a fun place to take the grand kids...who doesn't love to visit a farm?

Although he looks very different now,
this is my oldest grandson, Dacey...he was twelve when this was taken.

He is now fifteen, driving with his permit, AND quite a bit taller than his Mawmaw...
...and NEVER letting me forget it!

The farm receives donations of all kinds, including outdated bread and other food items.
 Carrie, my sweet and beautiful DIL and youngest grand boy, Parker are also getting in on the fun.
Is bread good for cows???

I just love cows and their sweet faces :)

And look at these silly billies...they want some too!
I guess there's more than one way to see what's going on!
They just cracked me up :)
Big smiles from Dylan and Parker...
...boys and tractors go together like peanut butter and jelly, don't they?

And here's the whole clan, minus yours truly and her other half.
Adam, my youngest, with his crew from Nashville,
 including that one and only precious grand-daughter, Olivia,
and finally, Aaron who is my oldest, looking quite handsome in his best shirt :)
I'm sure he had been hard at work doing something when we popped in to see him...
...and he would kill me if he knew I posted this pic...good thing he doesn't read my blog! was fun times, down on the farm!

Blessings, sweet friends!


  1. Hi Debby! What a wonderful Mawmaw you are! And you know, those cow faces are pretty cute! Loved the photo of the goats, just climbing all over the place to get a better look. Your family is so sweet. What wonderful memories you are making with them. Thank you for sharing your precious ones with us.
    (I know what you mean, sometimes I'm glad my family doesn't read my blog either!)
    Have a happy Thursday :)

  2. i wear some pretty (ahem) good-looking shirts here, too! :) loved the animals looking for hand-outs. sweet family! thanks for sharing, debby!

  3. I think it's wonderful that kids get to experience a farm at some time just to see the operation and where our food and milk come from. Great pictures and behind all your beautiful family are some nice fences too. :) Have a lovely weekend. Pam

  4. Cute photos!! And precious family! I really hope I get a chance at a But I really laughed when you said "they don't read my blog"'t that funny.....mine don't either....:)

  5. What a great looking family...and those goats on the roof made me laugh out loud...awesome picture..
    and a great one with the fence and the cow with her tongue sticking out...hahhaa...GREAT PHOTOS!!

  6. Wonderful fence photos especially with your family members in front of them! I know grandchildren grow up so quickly--probably faster than their parents did. :-) We have to savor these moments!

  7. Fun photos. Looks like everyone had a great time.

  8. What a fun time for the younger folks. However, times today on a farm are definitely changed from when I was raised on one.

  9. How fun! The goats standing on the roof cracked me up!

  10. What fun memories you shared here. It looks like a great time was had by all and especially those silly goats.

  11. I enjoyed visiting the farm with you today. Looks like the whole family got involved and that's a good thing.

  12. Oh my cows love bread I save it up for when children drop by and they feed them. Great shots and I can tell everyone enjoyed the day. Love the goat shot. B

  13. Oh this looks like so much fun! Love, love the photos of those kiddos on the tractor. Precious. You got some great shots! I have some photos of my husband with cut off sleeve shirts like that. It was the thang back in the day:) Both your guys are nice looking. Isn't it nice to have a sweet daughter in law. Just love both my SIL and DIL. I call her my daughter in love.

  14. Great photos and I enjoyed meeting the family. What adorable grands!

  15. I love cow faces, too! But the best are the dear faces of your loved ones! Looks like such fun there on the farm!

  16. You have a beautiful family and it looks like they had fun visiting the farm! A great way to spend a nice day! Love the fence with the cattle waiting for a snack on the other side.

  17. You have a lovely family, and I can tell how proud of them you are - and you should be!! Loved these farm pictures - but why does your oldest son remind me of Oliver Douglas from that old TV show, Green Acres??? :)

    And oh, those silly billies! Cracked me up!


    1. Sharon...are you trying to say that you think he looks a little out of place?? That's what we call the "redneck" farmer attire...that's the way we do it in the! All I can think of now is Ava Gabor calling out to him they way she did...."Oliviah-h-h-h!"

  18. It's so nice to see more of your family....what a nice looking bunch! And looks like everyone is having fun. LOVE the goats on the roof! How funny. We see goats on a roof in NC near our condo but it's just a building underneath! lol Have a great weekend my friend! Hugs!

  19. Sweet times with your family - it's what Summer is all about. Great photos!

  20. I always wanted a goat when I was growing up. I think I see now why I never got one...Great photos.

  21. Fun times and a good looking family!

  22. Those goats on the fence could be in a children's that shot! :)

    1. Deb, I can't see goats, especially these, without thinking of that story called "Three Billy Goats Gruff" you remember??


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