Saturday, June 14, 2014

Donna's Photo Challenge: Stormy Skies

There's a storm a-brewin'.
The clouds take on awesome shapes and colors that can be a little frightening.
But it's my favorite time to gaze upward.

That's what Donna's Personal Photo Challenge is all about this month...
...stormy skies.

I love a good thunderstorm as long as I am watching...from inside.
Even from inside of my car :)
Now, just so you know, I don't usually just go out for a drive when it's storming...
...but we all get caught in one every now and then, right?

I always try to have my camera handy, just in case.

And there's nothing to compare to the way the air smells afterwards.
Someone even tried to bottle it when they came up with After the Rain scented air freshener.
It doesn't even come close.

And speaking of after the rain...

All photos were taken with my Sony point & shoot camera
and using a combination of Picasa and Picmonkey for editing them.
So my friends, no matter when or where the storms may arise...and they will arise,
just keep on looking upward! 


  1. just beautiful! the power of a storm is both exhilarating and frightening. you've captured the beauty well. :)

  2. I love these pictures. Perfect Bible verse, too.

  3. Wonderful series of images to accompany your verse.

  4. I love a good thunderstorm as well Debby. Loved your pictures.


  5. Nice post, and lovely photos. I like the first one best. It has "feeling." Thanks for sharing!

  6. These are beautiful Debby! I love the lighting in the first two. Storms can be beautiful too. :)

  7. Your photos and sentiments are all perfectly lovely! That greenish cast in the first one is ever so eerie when it happens. Great job on the challenge!

  8. I, too, love a good rain, and I so enjoy photographing anything sky-related. Your photos have such character. I can feel the anticipation in the air.

    The verse of Scripture is one of my favorites and has been on my mind in recent weeks.

    Thanks for your kindness and friendship in blogland.

  9. The scripture on the last one is perfect! You took some amazing storm photos! Great for the challenge! Happy weekend...hope it's sunny! Hugs, Diane

  10. Debby, you sure coax some fabulous pictures from your point-and-shoot!! These are all beautiful! And the Words of Life are soul strengthening!

  11. I really like your first photo Debby with the contrast of an eerie green sky and the various greens of the trees. Nice raindrop macro too.

  12. I love taking pictures of stormy skies.I will even go out of town to watch the skies and get shots.

  13. True confessions: I almost never have my camera with me. I am very impressed with those true photographers among us who do grab their cameras. It makes all the difference. Your photos are a cross between stormy and dreamy and I love your ending on an up beat.

  14. So beautiful my friend!! I love a stormy you...from seems so cozy. We all have storms that come into our lives but we also have His promise to never leave us or forsake us........thank you God!

  15. I adore adverse clouds, rain, lightening and thunder...cloudy days are my tornadoes, tho. :)
    Your photos are great.

  16. Thanks for your photos. And for your visit to my one photo this month!
    Yes, we all manage to get caught out in a storm now and then.
    It is god to have an umbrella as well as a camera handy!

    Love your quote at the end.
    Good to keep looking up, I agree!

  17. Beautiful. I love the leaf with the rain drops.

  18. Good work there with the threatening skies--the color is amazing and just how such a storm looks.

  19. Sim, as tempestades são bonitas principalmente quando estamos bem abrigados delas.
    Suas fotos são muito bonitas! Parabéns!
    Um abraço!
    Yes, the storms are beautiful especially when we are well sheltered them.
    Your photos are very beautiful! Congratulations!

  20. So thankful that HE stills the storm to a whisper. The photos are magnificent.

  21. Beautiful light in these stormy weather photos. Good idea to have your camera with you all the time.

  22. Hi Debby! It's so nice to see you again! I really like storm photos, for some reason the plants and trees have such a glow about them, like the colors are so much more intense. I guess it's because of the dark sky?
    I like to watch thunderstorms too, but not even from a car. My house will be just fine!

    1. Hi Ceil! I have to pretty much go out looking for sky shots...too many trees in my yard to see much! I took the first two earlier this spring when the foliage was new and bright. Against the dark sky, and the sun was still out, they looked like they were glowing! We could use a good thunderstorm here this week too...temps in the 90's all poor flowers! Have a good one!

  23. Your photos are so beautiful and inspiring!

  24. So soft, Debby Ray! They are very atmospheric and I agree with the "after the rain" smell. The only smell better is fresh cut grass! Lovely shots!

  25. I lovet hat vibrant green against the stormy sky- really beautiful


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