Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Happy Bloggiversary to ME!

Yep, it's been one year ago today...
...one year ago since I hit that publish button for the first time!

(OK, so I lied...after I published this, I realize I was off by one day...
it's tomorrow...lol...who really cares??
If anyone would have ever told me that by blogging,
 it would be possible to make new friends from all over the world,
 I wouldn't have believed them.
It has been stressful challenging (to say the least) fun, stressful...there, I said it...
...interesting, enlightening...and I could think of so many other words.
But the two words that really sums it all up for me are...
encouraged and blessed.

I was originally going to post this to Vee's monthly note card party,
but realized this morning that it will not resume until September...and that is quite OK!
It's summer, after all and Vee deserves a break, don't you think?!

So, I am going to go ahead and post this using images from my very first post...
...Beautiful Weeds.

They have been artified (yes, I just made that up) and turned into postage stamps.
 I used BeFunky and/or Photoscape to edit them.

Queen Anne's Lace is one of my favorite weeds.
I even gave her her own post :)

The thistle is truly a thing of beauty.

And then there's the ever glorious fuzzy dandelion.

This is delicate fleabane, which grows along the highways and byways everywhere.

And since there is no party for note cards today,
I think I will just stash this book of stamps in my pocket!
Here's a big THANK YOU to everyone of you who reads and follows my blog!
have learned am learning so much from all of you!


  1. Those are gorgeous! I wish the USPS would take notice and pay you a ton of money to use your photo stamps. :-) I hated purchasing the Justice, Freedom, etc. stamps that came in a roll. Really, how could I put a 'Justice' (or 'Freedom' for that matter) stamp on a sympathy card before sending it out in the mail?????

  2. Congratulations on your year anniversary. I enjoy reading your blog and love your photos! Thanks.

  3. I posted my Note Cards too Debby - I didn't know about the break!!!
    I feel better now I'm not the only one at the party - he he!

    I'm surprised you've only been here a year and there I was thinking of you as the seasoned blogger!
    Like a duck to water!

    All lovely stamps - I'm so thrilled as Queen Anne's Lace came back to my garden this past Summer. I love the frothy flowers and the height in my long mixed border.
    What program did you use to tweak your photos?

    Here's to the next year Debby, it's great having you as one of my bloggy pals.


  4. Blogging does open up the world to us. It's been amazing to make so many friends from all over the world! I'm so glad I've gotten to know you this past year. You always inspire me with your beautiful photos! I think I'll play around with some pics and make stamps, too. I love yours! Happy blogging my friend! Hugs, Diane

  5. well, i, for one, am SO glad to have connected with you recently. although i've not known you for the year, what i've seen of your photos and your sweet personality, i very much like. happy one year and many more!

  6. Yes I too thought you had been blogging for a long time! You are now "seasoned" for sure. Your cards/now stamps are wonderful. Just lovely. It took me a minute to get the "forever"--thinking you meant may the USA live forever, etc. Shame on me, I just bought forever stamps today. Wish I had had yours to choose from.

  7. Well like others I thought you were a seasoned blogger and had been doing this for years. Congratulations on your one year blogiversary. I love what you have done today with your pictures, they look great.


  8. Happy Blogaversary. I am with you.I thought I would/could never do a blog.Now I've been at it for many years and have made so many wonderful friends.Keep on posting.

  9. Congrats on your 1 year blogiversary! I would never have guessed you've only been blogging a year because you are so good at it! I'm glad you are one of my new blogging friends and I look forward to seeing many more of your posts and photos. I love your note cards and I think you will have many of us playing with the stamp edit after seeing these beautiful photos!

  10. Happy Bloggiversary to you! I agree with Cheryl @ TFD...one would never know that you've been blogging only a year!
    Your "stamps" are lovely! Glad you decided to share them. :)

  11. So glad you decided to give it a try. Always enjoy my visits here. Fun stamps you have made.

  12. Happy Blogiversary. I enjoy your posts/photos very much. The stamps today are great.

  13. Happy Blogiversary! I wish we had stamps that price and that beautiful!

  14. Hey Girl HAPPY DAY... So glad you blog and that we are friends.. Now what is a Blogging friend??
    Only a blogger can answer that one!
    XO Roxy

  15. Yay for one year of blogging! I am so very happy that you started a blog, dear Debby Ray :) And your blog is always full of loveliness. And speaking of lovely, your photos are delightful! I love how you have made them into stamps - you should sell them to the Postal Service :)

    Hugs and blessings to you!

  16. I really wish I could buy those stamps!!

    Debby, Happiest Anniversary to you! I am so glad that I found you in Blog Land, and I am just overjoyed to pass on a sincere congrats for your blogging adventure. Yes, it is something how we can make such wonderful friendships this way, isn't it?!

    Keep up the great work - Love you so...


    1. Oh, thank you, Sharon...you are a precious jewel in the land of Blog! I am so blessed to have found you! Your posts bless me beyond measure, sweet friend! After the USPS discovers my designs, I will make sure you get a book of those...lol!! Love you too! :)

  17. Happy 1st Bloggiversary, Debbie!

    I so enjoy visiting your beautiful blog for your wonderful photos and stories. Here's to another creative and inspiring year!


  18. Oh wow! Your photos are definitely card worthy. Truly magnificent. I thank God for the friends that I have recently made on blogging and you are one of them. I have been blogging for three years. It's take me a long time to make connections and figure this out. Thanks for including me in your friend's list. It has been a pleasure.

  19. I knew when I saw your header the very first time you posted that you would be a fabulous blogger.....and I was right!! And then I saw your photos and they just blew me away....and still do! But most of all I love your view on life. I have been very blessed to have found you my friend....:) Happy Bloggiversary!!

    1. Lisa, hello sweet friend. Your kind words have encouraged me from the get-go and I can't thank you enough for your friendship and support. We have to find a way to meet face-to-face someday...seriously....love you!

  20. Enjoy your blog, congrats on one yr. Beautiful stamps

  21. Happy birthday to your blog!

  22. Congratulations! Love teh stamps!

  23. Happy blogaversary! I tell you, it starts to get in your blood and you just can't stop, LOL. Best wishes for many years to come.

  24. Congratulations on making your first year of blogging, Debby! These 'stamps' are so beautifully done and I'm glad you shared them without the notecard party. They'd certainly make beautiful notecards though....and stamps too. Keep up with your beautiful blog. I always enjoy visiting here. Blessings, Pam

  25. Happy blogoversary! Your stamps are beautiful!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.