Thursday, June 19, 2014

Good Fences

My husband thinks I've lost my mind.
"Oooh, pull over here for a minute!", said I.
"Why???", said he.
"I need to get a picture of this fence!", I reply.
He just looks at me like...whaaat????

I don't even begin to explain why I'm taking pictures of fences.
He just wouldn't understand the reason to have a party for Good Fences...
...or bad fences for that matter.

He just wouldn't.

I can always find plenty of good fences in Fancy Gap.

I just want to run through this meadow...but it probably wouldn't be a good idea.
Why not?
 Let's see...ticks, cow patties...the fact that I'm almost 60...
...and more cow patties.

Early morning is my favorite time for finding good fences...

I love how the rising sun illuminates the posts and wires...

...and sometimes creates a silhouette.
Who knew that good fences could bring such joy??

Have a great fence-finding weekend!



  1. love 'em all!!! keep 'em coming, cooperative hubby or not! :)

    thanks for partying! :)

  2. Lovely series of images.. My hubby thinks I am crazy over the fence fetish now too. Pretty rural scenes. Have a happy day!

  3. Debby those are wonderful photos. I love the sunshine, all the angles and the countryside you show! You too have a good weekend!

  4. You do live in a beautiful area for amazing fences! I love the early morning photo! I need to take a drive and do some photographing, too. (or put a fence around some of my animals! lol) Enjoy your day! Hugs, Diane

  5. HI Debby Wonderful fences. You hubby may come round and then you will have twice as many fences!!

  6. Each one of these is remarkable. They are almost like paintings.

  7. Ah, how beautiful. My mouth dropped open at that first one, Debby! And #4 is my next favorite. Stunning photos!

  8. It takes them a while to come over to the bloggy side. Once they do, it can be quite amusing. In the meantime, he becomes, like good husbands of bloggers the world over, excellent blog fodder! I always say this because I like words better than pictures, though yours are always wonderful.

  9. You have some truly wonderful fence pictures there Debby. (sorry hubby, but it's true).
    I particularly like the B&W, the soft focus and the easrly morning but they all show a good eye for a picture.

  10. These are just beautiful, Debby! I was going to say the first one was my favorite, but after looking at them all a second and third time, I've decided that I can't choose!

    Your hubby sounds like mine. As long as I have been blogging, he still doesn't get it. When I tell him I need to stop for a photo, he'll usually agree, but I see that eye roll! lol!

  11. I'm so glad he was willing to pull over. These are fabulous fences and scenery!

  12. Oh, these are wonderful! Another reason not to go wandering through a field this time of year are snakes hiding in tall grass. Yikes!

  13. I love the first one. The honeysuckle is so clear I can taste it and smell it. My other favorite is one that reflects the light in such an incredible way. Oh my goodness, you need to enter a photography contest. I don't know if I've seen better photos.

  14. You've got a keeper there....Heck, if Bud were the one driving, he'd say as he zipped right on by..."Too late".


    Not really, just kidding

    Love the perspective you capture in the fences.

  15. Some of the prettiest pictures I've seen today. You did an awesome job!
    Have a good night.

  16. Your fence photos are just them all...and I feel the same way about fences bringing so much joy. Who knew?

  17. Wonderful simply wonderful. These were such great fence shots. I loved the lighting in them. Tell your hubby thanks for pulling over so you could get these shots.

  18. Remember that Robert Frost poem? And the line, "Good fences make good neighbors." Well, evidently good fences also make for some really nice photos! Especially if they're taken by Mrs. Debby!!


    1. Yes, Sharon...I do remember that poem....and thank you for your kind words! :)

  19. my favorite is the #1 shot ... i guess the lighting ... i enjoy the black n white. but it probably has a technical name. ( :
    have a great weekend.

  20. Hi Debby! I like the black and white shot with the sun splashing in from the corner. That's really cool! I'm sure your husband is secretly proud of you, and your love of fences just makes you that much more interesting! I had to giggle to myself reading about the reasons for not running through a meadow. Oh my gosh, those days are gone for me too. But I could walk? Maybe not the same thing...
    Keep doing whatever strikes your fancy Debby. We all love the results :)

  21. Absolutely beautiful fence and field scenes! I love them all but # 3 is my favourite. I'm glad your hubby obliged you. :) Have a great weekend!

  22. My husband and your husband could be friends! :) Your fence photos are stunning, Debby Ray, and could easily be used on cards or in calendars. . .or even hanging in frames in my living room :) They are truly beautiful!

    Happy weekend, my friend!

  23. Beautiful photos of fences and beyond - thanks so much for sharing with us.

    1. Hi Mindy...and thank you stopping by! Have a wonderful weekend!

  24. You inspire me to drive to a photo of a fence but better yet to have my hubby drive. I think you did a wonderful job of your fence taking.

    1. Thank you, Cindy! Go for's fun searching the countryside for good fences! Have a blessed weekend!

  25. Oh, look at those gorgeous photos! All so lovely! :)

  26. GLORIOUS good fences, my fence finding friend!!

    Happy summer!


  27. How did I miss this post? I guess because I've been super busy the past several days. Anyway, glad I found it. Fantastic fences and I like it in B&W, too!

  28. Your photos are beautiful. And so is the scenery.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.