Monday, July 14, 2014

A Weekend in Nashville (or thereabouts)

Hello friends!
Gee, it seems like forever ago since since I have read your blogs!
It's only takes a few days out of town for me to feel totally out of touch with my normal routine!
I know I missed a lot of good stuff and will do my best to catch up.
Yesterday, my baby boy turned thirty-two! you know how old that makes me feel??
We just returned from having a great visit with his family in Nashville to celebrate.
The older grand boys went with us and it was a blessing to have them all together!
Despite the age differences, they still love spending time with their cousins!
I always have these grand ideas of taking lots and lots of photos of them all together.
As usual, we get busy having fun and before I know it, our time together draws to an end.
Unfortunately, I was unable to get very few pics where they were all together.

This is my oldest grand boy, Dacey as we rummaged through a great antique barn.

They had some lovely things, including many vintage linens...I wanted them all!

Olivia pretended she needed to make an important phone call while she was there.
The phone was not quite vintage unless you consider those reproductions from the 70's vintage :)

Although, these are not the sweet cheeks I wanted to photograph,
I couldn't resist getting a shot of "Uncle Adam" practicing his old wrestling moves on Dylan.

 Later on, we enjoyed a bit of fireworks and sparkler action.
As you can see, I need some tutoring on fireworks photography :)

The next day, I was finally able to wrangle them all together while we played in the Duck River,
 at Chickasaw Trace near Spring Hill, an area they had just discovered.
Parker wins the prize for the best tan :)

 It may be called the Duck River but I didn't see any ducks...
...although...I did see some other very interesting things.

Along the river bank, there were swarms upon swarms of baby butterflies!
I have never seen this before and was excited to be able get a few shots of them.
There were thousands of them, several different species.
Shortly afterwards, a blue heron swooped down and landed pretty much right in front of us,
after I had put my camera up...of course!

By the time I got out of the water and made my way back,
it had flown to the other side of the river so I didn't get a very good photo.
However, the dragonflies were out in abundance!
It was a perfect opportunity to play with my new (old) camera.
Yes, folks, I actually am the proud owner of a DSLR!

And then this little beauty landed right in front of me on the riverbank!
I have never seen one quite like this before!

Later on, after fun in the sun at the river, it was off to the big city for dinner!
If you've never been, downtown Nashville on a Friday night it's quite interesting.
Even if you have been there, it still is!

It was a first for the older grandsons and although they were a bit out of their comfort zones,
they really did enjoy it!
Now...why in the world would I be posting a photo of my feet??

I just wanted to share with you that I experienced my very first professional pedi!
What a sweet DIL I have to treat me to this wonderful bit of pleasure!
All I can say is, why on earth did I wait so long???
So our time soon came to an end and as always, we stopped at our cabin on the way home.
I decided I'd check out the blackberries growing all along our driveway.

Just look at these beauties!

Even found a few black raspberries along the way...hubby's favorite!
I see a cobbler or a pie in the very near future!

We did have a very enjoyable time!
Monday came way too soon...but doesn't it always?
It is HOT, HOT, HOT I will be trying to stay cool!
I hope you all have a great week!




  1. Debby, what fun!! First of all, I can relate. My oldest son turned 31 this year - how did that happen?! I mean that literally, as I am only 29...ahem.

    Second, I have visited Nashville and it's a wonderful town. My youngest son plays banjo, and so we made a road trip several years ago to visit the *heart of country music* - and we loved it! I enjoyed all your pictures, and the memories that you shared. Sounds like a special time.

    Finally, it's not fair - you have adorable toes! If I put a *toe selfie* up on my blog, I'd lose all my readers! Seriously. My hubby calls them "cocktail wienies" so that gives you a clue about what they look like. He thinks they're cute, but he loves me, so he might be a little biased! LOL! But yeah, pedis - I used to have them all the time. I miss them. Not the smirking at my toes, mind you, but the leg and foot rubbing was heaven!!


    1. Believe me Sharon, I thought long and hard before I decided to share that pic of my toes! I just thought it was the sweetest thing that my darling DIL just insisted that she treat me to this. If you think you have cocktail wienies, you should have seen mine after the drive feet swell on long car rides! :( I need to go and catch up on my blog reading...have a blessed week, friend!

  2. looks like a nice bunch of family fun. :) the berries - yum!

  3. Nashville is one of my all-time favorite spots. Lots of memories made there. And those blackberries look divine. Cobbler time.

  4. What a great time you all had! I've had a pedi too--it was a good experience. I know some people have them regularly; I think it's a fun thing to do together with others. My boys are the same age--my they get older so quickly, as do their kids! I've never been to Nashville but hear so much good stuff about it . . .

  5. What a great trip! I love the quilts and pillows that were for sale...oh my! They are gorgeous! And your toes look very cute....and your family, too! heehee! How I would love to have some a bowl with a little Truvia and milk! Great photos! I'm glad you had fun! Hugs, Diane

  6. He got tied in a knot! (That's what I say that I'll do to a misbehaving grand, but I am not too sure now that I see what it entails.) Phew! So glad that you got some nice photos of your family. They are a great looking group. Your toes look real pretty! = D

  7. Your pictures are simply incredible, loved them all the berries are too good and the bugs, wow I loved the shots so much, had a fun visit looking around your post...come on over for a visit...

  8. Oh Debby, I am so glad you had a good time. I'm sure it was great to have all the grandkids together. I have never heard of this place. Maybe when I can spend a week in Nashville, we could go to Duck River. Don't you just love the see the "big kids" play too. I love it when my children are down in the floor or playing games and laughing together. Not cheeks that BonBon can pinch:) Your first pedi????You have got to be kidding. I guess I am lucky. The lady who owned the antique shop that I managed has a salon and sometimes she'd just let me come and get one after work. She even treated me to a massage once. Your photos of nature are always incredible. I hope you are making some cards or post cards out of them. I think it's fairly reasonable to do that. I think you could see on Etsy. I would buy. Is that the Batman building? I never tire of seeing Nashville at night. So glad you had a great trip. Just too short wasn't it? Beautiful children. The little man with the tan, is tooo cute! I'd take them all. I know that little girl steals your heart. She's the only one, right? Take care. Glad it was fun!

  9. Love the family fun! And the dragonflies are gorgeous. Such a fun post. I'd love to have been at that antique barn!

  10. Hello, Your toes are lovely and you will now want a pedicure a couple of times a year I bet... We are all very busy with summer and family and we all love to see the pictures and the blackberries were lovely and plump. yes , yes I do see a pie or cobbler in the future!

  11. Oh, you have a new camera! Congratulations! I can't wait to see what you coax out of this one!
    Looks like a delightful vacation spent with your loved ones. (I, too, have a son who will be 32 in a few weeks...yep, it makes one feel old.) :)
    What pretty pink toes! That was a thoughtful gift from your daughter-in-law.

  12. It looks like you had a wonderful got one of the best pictures of a damselfly I have ever seen...and that dragonfly is great, too. That kind is usually a bit more flighty than the kind I had posted for today.

  13. Oh yum, lookit those blackberries, I'll be over for some.
    This is a fun filled post, it looks like you've all had a great time and the dragonflies are gorgeous.


  14. Hi Debbie! Welcome back from your wonderful trip! Those butterflies look so cute! And it's nice to know that there are so many of them still around. I feel like I saw so many more of them when I was a child.
    My husband would have loved rummaging through that old barn. What fun looking for treasures...even ones from the 1970's. Thank you for sharing your fun 4th!

    1. Thank you, was too short but a good time. Have a great rest of the week!

  15. OOO, what beautiful photos. You really know your way around a camera, girlfriend.
    A beautiful family...looks as if you really had a blast. So glad.
    O, and your toes......AWESOME

  16. I love your photos. Happy times with family! Of course, I really love the Blackberries! The dragonflies are gorgeous - you took some marvelous photos. Have a wonderful day.

  17. My son is moving to Nashville soon. I am looking forward to exploring the area. Maybe I will find the Duck River and some interesting butterflies too.

    1. That is awesome! Our son has been there since he started college back in 2004...he never came home! There is lots to do in the area. The place on the Duck River is closer to Columbia...hope you find it :)

  18. The linens, your pretty toes, and the blackberries. . .I love it all :) I can see why you wanted all of the linens, I would too! Your pedicure turned out beautifully and I just love the color you chose. It's been way too long since I have had one - maybe it's time :)

    And those blackberries! My mouth is literally watering! You lucky girl, you.

    Thanks for sharing and Happy belated Birthday to your son! Hugs to you!

  19. What a great number of butterflies! I've never had a pedi, yours looks quite nice.

    1. Wow...someone else who has never had a pedi! Yes, the butterflies were pretty awesome! Have a good rest of the week!

  20. Nice shot of the Batman Building. My son lives in Franklin, just to the south of Nashville. Love visiting him. He always takes us for nature hikes, but we've never been to Duck River. Is that near Natchez Trace? Looks like a nice place. Love seeing the herons and that old crossing light. I would have been loading up on those vintage linens! Cute kiddos! Enjoyable post.

    1. Thanks! Oh I found so many cool rubbishy things that I will share later. Both of those antique places were in Spring Hill area where they live... and my son works in Franklin! We went downtown Nashville on Friday night and ate at Demo's...been there? We were at a place on the Duck River called Chickasaw Trace...near Columbia. It was too short but a great time!

  21. Happy belated birthday to your son, Debby! All the very best in health and happiness!

    So lovely that you got to spend such great quality time with your family and also to get away from the usual routine. Your pictures are lovely, both the family snaps and the nature shots! And kudos on your first ever pedi - I have yet to get one myself; looks very pretty!


  22. What a neat little adventure! We were just in Nashville last week for the day. Went to an eye specialist. Wished we could have hung around for a while. Ah, but we ate at Cracker Barrel twice that day! hahaha...

    Hope you get more pedicures! Looks pretty! It is so nice to let someone else do the work.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.