Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Unconditional Love

How fun...a pet meme!
Thank you, Lorraine from With a Grateful Prayer and a Thankful Heart
for what will surely be a fun linky!
Let me introduce you to my furry "babies".
Actually, they aren't babies at all but they are my babies.

 This is Hunter, our almost twelve year old Jack Russell mix.
 This will make him almost eighty-four in dog years...if you believe that equation.
I have never known an almost eighty-four year old who was quite as spunky as he still is,
 although he has his days where he has either pulled a muscle or his tummy is upset
 and just lays around.  

Baby No. 2 is Oscar the Wonderful Weenie Dog.
He is five...going on 6 months and let me tell you, he is a hot mess!
 But I wouldn't have it any other way.

He became a delightful addition to our home when he was given to us... a total surprise, by our older son.
Believe me, he was a surprise alright...we were not even anticipating getting another dog.
It was love at first sight...I mean, how could one not fall in love with this??

 There's no doubt about it—our pets certainly do become our children, don't they?
We can be assured that they very quickly learn to trust us as their sole provider—
they count on us to meet all of their needs.
And no matter how exasperating they can be,
or however many times we may scold them for bad behavior,
they are our constant companions, loving us without conditions.
They are quick to forgive, easy to make up and never fail to show their devotion for us.
Isn't that just like our Master?
Our Lord shows us that kind of devotion...that kind of love.
Oh, he is SO much more than that!
 How can I even begin to compare the devotion our pets have towards us
 to the love God has for us?
These precious pets of ours trust us without fail.
They love much as they are able to, considering they are not human.
They don't know about God...but God created them.
 And the devotion that comes from within them.
Do we love God the way our pets love us?
I mean, do we I trust Him for all of our my needs?
Am I quick to forgive?
Do I love with or without conditions?
 I have to be honest and say that I have been guilty of this before.
These two little guys, are as different as night and day.
Hunter, in his old age has gotten to where he likes his space.
Oscar, on the other hand, loves to snuggle in and get as close as he can.
That's the way I want to be with God...snuggled in as close I can be to Him.
So what is that they say about teaching an old dog new tricks?
How about these dogs teaching us a few new ones, including loving without conditions.
 I know I could certainly learn a lot from my two.


  1. both just adorable! i love my pups like they are kids, too. they make me laugh, frustrate me, keep me company. love 'em. :)

  2. Thrilled to have Hunter and Oscar joining Perfectly Precious Pet because they sure do fit the bill! Sweet babies! And love your thoughts on learning from our pets love and devotion and applying it to our walk with the Lord. Wonderful post!

  3. You know how much I adore dogs, Debby! And your two babies are precious! We don't have our own dog, but my son's beagle might as well be my grandson. And yes, dogs have much to teach us about love and devotion. I learn so many spiritual lessons from Marty.

    May you have many more years with your furry friends. And may we continue to learn lessons about the wonder of unconditional love from the way we are loved by them, and the way that our special love for them bursts out of our hearts.


    1. God bless you too! I think your sweet Marty is precious too...what would we do with out them! Have a great weekend!

  4. Hi Debbie! I really enjoyed reading about your dogs. I also enjoyed your thoughts about loving without conditions. Such a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing!!

  5. Oh such cuties! I think God allows us to have furbabies exactly for the things they teach us. Thanks for sharing Hunter and Oscar with us and for the lessons you have learned.

  6. Oh Debby! I am still laughing as I type...reading about your 'hot mess' dog! Lol! What six month old isn't? My granddaughter just visited, she's six months old and ready to give your Oscar a run for the title!

    I do love your comparing the love and devotion you see in your pets to your spiritual life. I think everything that lives and moves and has being in this world should remind us of God, and you have done that here. I really like that! Those pets are lucky to have you for a loving Mommy.
    Thanks for sharing photos of the whole crew :)

    1. Yes, I don't know if Oscar will ever grow up...he has tripled his size in 5 years but still act like a puppy :) I so agree with you...we can learn so many things about God through all of His creation! Have a blessed weekend, friend!

  7. Hi Debby, What precious dogs. We have a wire hair dachshund! Both your dogs are precious with such big beautiful eyes.

  8. Adorable babies!! If everyone loved like dogs do this world would be incredible!! I am so grateful that our Lord and Savior loves us like that and so much more. Great post my sweet friend...:)

  9. You can tell a lot about a person by their pets. Yours are adorable. :)

  10. They sure look sweet in their photos. Give them an extra hug...or rub...for me! Hugs, Diane

  11. Your babies are beautiful Debby, loved reading your thoughts on our relationship with them, I agree whole heartedly. Thanks for sharing

  12. Your puppies are so sweet looking up with full devotion in that last photo! What lessons we can learn and you have said it all so well.

  13. Debby, God always gives you special analogies and words that inspire me and cause me to think. I love Psalm 23 and I pray it often when I am discouraged or afraid, I am the sheep of his pasture. He leads me beside fresh water and restores me, refreshes me. When I wander, he pulls me in with his staff and corrects me with the rod. To know that God loves me in this way is more than I can contain. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Oh my goodness...that last picture melts me! Such sweetness!
    Yes, the Lord uses these little guys to teach us so many lessons, doesn't He?

  15. I agree with every word you wrote. and if only we could be as loving and kind and forgiving as our pups are, what a wonderful world we would have. God is Dog spelled backwards is something I have heard many times, but your post gave it new meaning... our pups are 13 and 9 and both are rescues. and NO i could not say no to that sweep puppy

  16. I have had dachshunds before and love them...and this was such a nice post. Dogs sure could teach us a thing or two about love, that's for sure.

  17. Good life lessons, and not one word spoken.

  18. Debby Ray, you have a way with words! Great post. Cute dogs, such sweet faces!

  19. Your furry babies are, indeed, precious and both have the kindest, warmest and lovable eyes! They must love you to bits!!


  20. They are both very precious members of your family Debby - oh those eyes!
    They trust in you as you trust in God - a perfect relationship!

  21. very encouraging and warm blog i found yours thrue other bloggers...blessings...

    1. Thanks so much for your visit! I came over to see you and tried to leave a comment but it wouldn't let me :( Have a lovely day!

  22. What precious babies! I enjoyed "meeting" them! Hunter looks a lot like my two Jack Russell brothers, Jack and Sam. Sam is the "wild one". Jack we've nicknamed "Lover Boy" because he like to snuggle. Lucy, the elderly Boxer, play MaMa to them both. They are a lot of fun. Thanks for visiting my blog. Drop by anytime. ~:)

  23. Oh, I love them to pieces! I can see their personalities in their eyes. Please take more photos of them and share in next month's photo challenge!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.