Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Fourth of July!

I wasn't planning on posting today but I found these lovelies and had to share them with you!
As I write, the day is winding down and fireworks will be soon be popping all around.
It has been a glorious day here in NC and we had no effects of Arthur this far inland.
The humidity has left us with a cool breeze and bright blue skies!

I hope that you all are having a blessed Independence Day today!



  1. glad your area was spared any storm damage! happy weekend to you!

  2. Happy Fourth, Debbie! Thankful you did not have any storm damage. Your flowers are so cheerful. Have a wonderful night.

  3. I'm glad the storm missed you Debby. Have there been any reports of damage along the coast? We don't get much news here at least on our 3 channel TV, of US stuff. :) Sounds like a nice evening for you.

  4. Very patriotic bouquet. Glad that you didn't get any effects of Arthur. It's been raining hard most of the day...the outer bands of Arthur.

  5. Hi Debby,

    What a beautiful burst of red, white and blue; gorgeous pics! Hope the rest of your holiday was wonderful, too and glad that you are safe and out of Arthur's way! Happy 4th, my friend!


  6. Truly patriotic flowers! I am enjoying the sight of your banner.

  7. So beautiful, my friend! And the colors are very patriotic :) Enjoy your weekend, dear one!


  8. Perfect and beautiful patriotic flowers! I hope your 4th of July was a wonderful time. We spent it with one side of the family in the afternoon and another in the evening, both special gatherings but we are tired out today : )

    1. It sounds like you had a very full day! My hubby worked all day so it was just me hangin' out with the pups :) Hope you have a blessed Sunday!

  9. Wonderful for red, white and blue! Don't you just love getting a break from the humidity!

  10. Hi Debby! Thank you for sharing those lovely flowers, even the flowers are patriots in early July. We had a fun five days with my daughter and our grands. We watched the fireworks with my Dad. A fitting end to family days :)
    So glad your weather is ok!

  11. I hope you had a lovely holiday weekend!

  12. Beautiful flowers, I can see why you had to post. Yes it was a beautiful weather day on Friday. We were mainly working on jet lag but did notice the weather and enjoyed the porch!

  13. Pretty flowers. We had lots of rain on Thursday but it cleared up by Friday so the 4th was great around here in eastern N.C.
    Hope you have a good week! It looks to be hot around here. Summer....

  14. Beauty blooms in every photo you take - and these are especially colorful! I love the colors red, white, and blue - not only for what they represent, but the vivid contrast is a delight for the eye.

    Hope you had a great 4th! And may we never forget nor take for granted the freedom we enjoy - both in this country, and in the emancipation from slavery to sin.



Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.