Thursday, July 24, 2014

Fence Stones and Grave Stones

Hello friends!
I wanted to share a lovely old stone fence that I discovered a couple of years ago
and thought that Tex's Good Fences was the perfect place.
This great old stone fence surrounds a family cemetery,
some stones dating back to the early 1800's, even earlier possibly.

It's a few miles from where our son and his family live near Spring Hill, Tennessee
and I made a special effort to stop there when we visited a couple of weeks ago.

As I was taking photos, my DIL was going around reading what she could on the stones.
Many of them were so weathered and worn, it was hard to read them.
As she began to read the names, we soon realized that a great number of them 
were young women and children's graves.
How terribly sad that these folks died so young.

The sun was beginning to set, casting a bright orange reflection on the fence and the markers.

It almost looked unnatural, the way it outlined the tombstones in an orange hue.
It was really quite beautiful.

I would love to know more of the history surrounding this family cemetery...
...and especially what caused such untimely death of so many during that time.

I have a feeling I will be doing some research to satisfy my curiosity. 

Have a blessed weekend.
One of my sweet blogging friends found a cemetery online that she thought might be this one.
I checked out the link and it was the same one!
The links below will take you to more information,
including a complete list of those who were buried there so long ago.
Thank you, Donna!


  1. Really nice images! I do like your background on this blog, very pretty!

  2. Your pictures are striking, Debby! The orange glow from the setting sun is beautiful!

  3. You captured some great images. Let us know if you find out more info.
    Have a great weekend.

  4. HI Debbie I love the stone fences and some of the light that catches the stonework is amazing. Have a great weekend.

  5. i love that stone wall! it is a serene, beautiful spot, although full of grief, too.

  6. What a beautiful series of photos! The old stone fences in the TN and KY regions are incredible works of art. They are known as slave fences, but I have learned that many were created by Irish immigrants with considerable stone working skills. And you can easily see the similarities to the stones fences of Ireland! I hope you will do some more research about the cemetery. I can put you in touch with a blogging friend of mine who specializes in cemeteries/graveyards for research leads.

  7. Oh Debby, these photos are so beautiful. I love old graveyards (there's one in my blog post today too) and the history of them and the old stones worn and faded with time tell untold stories. The stone fence wall is a beauty. Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings, Pam

  8. Do let us know what you discover! That is a lovely setting, a beautiful sunset, and a remarkable stone wall.

  9. I so love this fence...wish I had one near that I could at least see every now and then. Beautiful shots.

  10. ohhhh the photos are gorgeous...i love old cemeteries like will have to share some of your research with us. i love doing that too...have a great weekend!

  11. These are great photos, Debby! I especially love the one with the light on the tree trunks. Just gorgeous! I have a real love for stone walls and old grave stones too. :-)

  12. Beautiful photos Debby. I love old cemeteries. We saw some similar old stone fences to these in England.

  13. You took amazing photos of this beautiful old cemetery. I would love to see it in person some day. I'll keep it in mind for the times we travel through TN. Enjoy your weekend my friend! Hugs, Diane

  14. Beautiful, beautiful. You have captured the tranquility of the cemetery. I love that time of day too. I wonder if they didn't die in child birth, at least some of them. It would be interesting to detect how many men have a second wife buried near him. Hope you have a nice weekend.

    1. Thank you...the sun really helped me out. It sure does make you wonder why so many died so early in life doesn't it? Did you know Donna found this cemetery online is Alexander Cemetery and there were pics and a list of everyone buried there, birth and death dates and what was written on there stones! Amazing!

  15. The stone wall around the old cemetery is amazing. It's a beautiful cemetery bathed in the golden sun. So sad about the family losing it's members at such a young age!

  16. Your photos are awesome...such an interesting place.

  17. Beautiful pictures! So amazing that a reader recognized the place.

  18. The lighting is just lovely. I love the stone walls. Awesome photos of the cemetery..Enjoy your weekend!

  19. A beautiful stone fence, serene photos and a facinationg story. perfect post.

  20. the fence is wonderful, i love old things and i like rocks and stones. i call this sunpainting by God when I see it like this. the sun changes everything it touches and only for a moment, you were lucky to see this and to capture it...the photos are all beautiful and my favorite is the fence with the painted trees behind it

  21. Hi Debbie, what a beautiful old cemetery. I would also like to know its history. That old wall is one of beauty also, the lighting is perfect. You took great photos!

  22. These image shares on your fence post [oh, did I just say fence post....I mean post of fences...a play on words I guess] Anyway, I love 'em. I like walking through old cemeteries. And your stone wall fence is extraordinary.

    1. Thank you...old cemeteries certainly are fascinating. I have found myself referring to my "fence posts"'s hard not to! Have a great weekend!

  23. Oh Debby, your photography gets better and better. The stone fence is beautiful. One of the prettiest fences I have seen. There's something beautifully peaceful about an old cemetery.

  24. What a lovely old cemetery. It looks like it is well kept and cared for, which is becoming rare these days. Love that rock fence.

    1. It really is a lovely does set right off a pretty well traveled rural route so it is very visible and I would bet that some of the living family keep it maintained. Thanks for stopping by and have a blessed Sunday!

  25. Wow.... the one with the sun through the trees...and, then again outlined on the top of the stones... I'm off to read more about it all...

  26. I really liked these photos! Some people think I'm weird (well, most people think I'm weird, but I am talking about one particular thing here) - some people think I'm weird because I really like cemeteries. I find them peaceful. Somehow, walking around the beautiful and serene surroundings makes me understand that death is only an end to this existence, but it is the beginning of our *real* reality.

    I like old cemeteries the best. I wonder about the people's lives represented on those headstones. Sometimes, whole families are wiped out. What was their tragedy? How did they get through their grief? So often, I find so many headstones with Bible verses on them, or sentiments about faith and God. These offer me such hope. To know that through the ages, God's people have believed His promises about a glorious future, offers me much comfort.

    My mother chose to have this placed on my dad's headstone (who just passed away in January): "Great Is God's Faithfulness" - Indeed.


    1. Sharon, if you are weird then you are in good company! Many of the commentors here have said the same thing...and then there's me....I must be weird too! I think many of us are intrigued by the history AND the mystery (I made a rhyme!) beneath those graves. You are right...they are very peaceful, and rightly least I hope so....there may be a few haunted ones around if you have a mind to believe that they are.....another whole subject all together, right? Did you click on the link at the very end of the post? There is a list of everyone buried there, the birth and death dates, and the inscriptions on their gravestones....and it is a l-o-n-g list! I love what your mom put on your dad's stone...God IS faithful...always :) Blessings!

  27. Replies
    1. Thank you so much for your visit! Come back and see me anytime :)

  28. Wow, those photos are gorgeous!

  29. It's sad to see the tombstones deteriorating. They have so many stories to tell.


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