Tuesday, July 22, 2014


We're B-A-C-K!!
...and linking up again with PERFECTLY PRECIOUS PETS...
...because we are perfectly precious, of course!
Hi...Hunter here!
Let me just tell you how much my brother, Oscar and I love carrots...
Carrots are our favorite treat of all time!
Milk Bones or the other doggy treats just don't compare.
Our mom buys them for us all the time 'cause she really loves us...a lot...
and they are good for us dogs...just like they are for you humans!

Sometimes, when she takes us outside (so we can go potty) we like to sniff around and stuff...
...and sometimes we take a little longer than we should.
Oscar has to be on a leash (that boy will run away...I hear weenie dogs are like that).
Since I obey better than he does, I don't have to use one...(na-na-na-boo-boo)...oh...sorry...
...okay, I admit it...sometimes I do get a whiff of a deer or a cat and run out into the woods.
My mom, Debby, can get real mad at me when I don't come back right away too!
So, do you know what she does?
She yells real loud,"WHOOOOOOOO WANTS A CARROT????!!"
(don't tell her, but the neighbors think she's a little cray-cray when she does this)

Oh my goodness....we just LOVE those things...
and we come a runnin'!!
Well, just let me tell ya, I'll come out of the woods for a carrot any old time!
So it's back inside for our treat...

Mom kept telling us to stop jumpin' so she could take a picture of us.

I think they taste like chicken but Oscar told me he thought they tasted like steak!
Yep, our mom can pretty much get us to follow her anywhere when she gives us a carrot!

See you next time!
Hunter & Oscar


  1. so cute! my pups all like carrots, too. bb & baron go all the way out to the barn with me, munching on carrot pieces. the horses are lucky to get any...

  2. How cute...you are all a blur though! Hope you got a little rest time after all this excitement! Have a FUN afternoon....all of you! teehee!

  3. My bad doggies won't eat them...:( They take after their mom/owner.....:( I love the photo where they are all a blur...lol...captured the moment perfectly....:) Have a great day!!!!

    1. What??? Your pups won't eat them??? They like all of their veggies....they love Little Debbie Snack Cakes too...teehee :)

  4. You both are cute as can be! So happy that you joined in the fun on Perfectly Precious Pets!

  5. Really? This is a new one to me. I did try to give my grandpuggy a chunk of watermelon. Perhaps he'd prefer a carrot.

  6. Cute post! Callie has been pouting since we got back. I think she's holding a grudge.

  7. Hahahaha!!!!! I can just hear the crazy sing-song for carrots!

    With those two cuties, I think you've got the perfect subject matter for the next two photo challenges: animals and motion. I never knew that dogs loved carrots. I would have gotten them for my pooch (who passed away in 2006).

  8. Oh my goodness! That is too cute!! lol

    1. They are definitely a couple of crazy guys!!

  9. What a fun post Debby. I never tried carrots with our old Ben either, but he did like all sorts of stuff he shouldn't be eating if he could snaffle it.


  10. This is so cute, Debby! Love your little fuzzy faces and I'm just amazed that they love carrots! :)
    Thanks for popping in to see my Barbie outfit and hope you'll come see another on next Monday.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  11. You just put the biggest smile on my face, Debby Ray! This is one of the cutest, sweetest posts I have read in a while. Thanks for sharing your cuties with us.

    Hugs to you!

  12. This truly was a class acting episode with live talking dogs; remember Mr Ed? Very cute and funny also...
    Happy Summer days...

  13. They definitely have good taste!

  14. Oh such cuties! Love that they blog too :)

    1. Yes, Hunter asked me if he could write this post...lol! :)

  15. Thanks for the good laugh this morning! I had a friend who gave her dog frozen green beans as a treat. We give ours Cheerios :)

  16. Love that first pic, Debby; they look like they're really trying to control themselves, being good, little, patient doggies! Carrots, huh? Who knew!


  17. oh that is funny! i'm going to have to see if ozzy likes carrots! such cute pups you have!

    1. Thank you Tanya...let me know if your Ozzy likes them :)

  18. One of our dogs, or rather, Sarah's old dog LOVED carrots, too! And ice.

  19. Hi Debby! I had no idea that dogs could eat carrots? And it's definitely something they really love! I can only imagine your surprise the first time you gave them a taste. Like crack for dogs! LOL! Who cares what the neighbors think, you are all having a great time :)

    1. You are right...like crack to them! And I really don't think the neighbors think I'm crazy....but it wouldn't bother me if they did...lol!

    2. You are right...like crack to them! And I really don't think the neighbors think I'm crazy....but it wouldn't bother me if they did...lol!

  20. Oh you guys! You are A) adorable, B) hilarious, and C) Smart to eat healthy!

    Loved hearing about your escapades! And Oscar, don't feel bad. Marty (my son's beagle) is the same way - just a big nose with a dog attached. All hounds are that way.

    As for Debby being cray-cray. Well, aren't we all?? But, I'll keep the secret and not tell her. Sshhh...

    GOD BLESS you two furry little friends!

    (Marty has never had a carrot - but he's insane for string cheese!)

    1. We do have a lot of fun with our mom and Oscar and I love string cheese too! :)

  21. i never realized a doggie would enjoy a carrot? interesting. they are 2 cute. have a lovely day! ( :

  22. Fergus LOVES carrots, too. Love those last pics. Certainly shows movement. lol

  23. Cute cute! Our neighbor had a weenie dog once that loved to pull weeds. Seriously. He would almost go crazy fanatical finding and pulling out weeds. Quite handy, actually. Maybe he had a similar passion for carrots as well!

  24. Lol! Cute post!! I didn't know dogs loved carrots. My old dog would eat just about anything, though, come to think of it. The kitties are pretty finicky. One of mine doesn't even like the treats I give the others
    Have a wonderful day!

    1. I am so surprised because they really don't have a lot of flavor...a flavor that you would think a dog would be attracted to anyway! Happy Friday!

  25. So excited and so cute! I love seeing Hunter and Oscar being their precious selves :) Raider likes carrots too. And, blueberries, strawberries, apples and especially bananas. I try to get the vegetable peeler from the drawer very quietly, but he hears it and comes running.

    Just love seeing these guys at the party!

  26. I tried raw carrots and my dogs wanted nothing to do with them though they'll eat them cooked : )

    1. My pups love them both ways but I was shocked when I learned how much they loved them right out of the bag! Happy Friday!


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