Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Still Standing

Happy Tuesday morning (actually it's almost noon here)
...I hope yours is going great so far!
Today I am sharing photos of this wonderful old chimney.
I thought Roan's Rubbish Tuesday would be just the perfect place.
I wish I knew a little more about it's history or even how old it is.
 It sits probably no more than 25 feet off the road...at least where the road is now.
I'm pretty sure when it still had a home attached, the road was farther away...
...I hope so, anyway :)

I'd say it is probably less than a quarter mile from my home...
...just a hop, skip and a jump from the entrance to the subdivision where I live.
Most of the photos were snapped right out of my car window.
This photo was taken at another time, just as the evening sun was beginning to set.
I love the way the sunlight made it seem to glow. 
So every day I pass it by...just wondering...
...a homeless chimney, still standing, braving the elements for years and years.
I wonder about the families who must have been kept warm by it's fires...
...or if there were ever children who roasted marshmallows in it's glowing embers...
...or how many Christmas stockings might have been hung with care.
I may never know the answers but it is fun to ponder such things.
Have blessed day!


  1. How interesting it would be if we knew the secrets this old chimney holds.

  2. What a unique thing. Lovely in its own way.

    1. It would be fun to know about the house that contained it...hoping to find out :)

  3. My first thought was, "I wonder what the history is?" Your pictures are perfect for "Rubbish Tuesday." Thanks for sharing and have a lovely day!

  4. I would love to know the story behind this! Very intriguing!

  5. It is especially charming with the sun shining on it. I always wonder the story behind just such a place.

  6. What a neat find! Ah, the stories that it could tell...

  7. Wonderful images...like you, I really like that last one!

  8. Well someone must know! Perhaps one day you'll learn the rest of the story.

  9. When I see an old chimney standing alone, I wonder what the house was like. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  10. Over the years when I have seen an old chimney, I have often wondered many of the things you express here in your post. There was a house once, and lives attached. It makes you wish you could see into the past and pull the scenes out like in a movie, and share the experiences that the old chimney holds in secret in its many old bricks. Great post!

  11. O, I love that. It reminds me of a Walton's Mountain episode where John Boy and his girlfriend were having a picnic beside an olden fireplace, much like this one.

  12. How cool! I really do like the last shot with the warm evening sun. Great find! Thank you for linking up!

    1. Thank you for the opportunity to share, Roan!

  13. You and I think the same. I just love to imagine what took place in the past at certain places, such as your chimney. I am guessing/hoping there are distant echoes of laughter and happiness that filled the home the chimney was in. And I so enjoyed your puppy photos for Donna's challenge. Excellent!

    1. Thanks, Dotsie... yep, I wish I could have been a fly on the wall of that house to witness what was going on. I hope it was happy times :)

  14. I love this old chimney. We have some in our rural area. I always wonder about their past lives!

  15. I've seen a few of these, too, and wonder what great stories they could tell.

  16. It is fascinating to see how long a chimney remains. long after the building is gone. Great photos of this testimony to longevity!

  17. Isn't that just beautiful sitting there after many years. You may want to ask around and find some history behind it. The stories you might hear...
    I enjoyed my visit, Debby

  18. It's a bit sad to think of the lonely chimney keeping vigil over the old home place. The last photo is my favorite, I love the sunlight. Take care!

  19. It reminds me of a lone cemetery stone that is sitting in the middle of an empty cemetery. There is something about it that I really like though. Stop in at the town historians and see if they can give you any information. Would be wonderful to know.


  20. Yes, you can't help but wonder about the people who lived in these old places, if only the bricks could talk.


  21. Hi Debby! I think I've told you before that I just love old churches, houses...I dream about who would have lived there and praised there. There were memories attached to this old chimney, and the house that surrounded it. We can only imagine.

    1. Oh I agree, Ceil...I am so curious about who lived there and what their lives were like. I am in the process of finding out how to find out...lol! Does that make sense??? :)

  22. That last photo is just beautiful, I think imagining the stories behind it can be just as fascinating as know the truth.

  23. It still has a great deal of personality standing there alone.


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