Thursday, August 14, 2014

More Fences from the "Gap"

...Fancy Gap, that is.
You know, it's funny...
...last week I was away from internet access for a few days (because we were in Fancy Gap)
and it seemed like something was missing from my week since I wasn't able to link up
with Theresa for the Good Fences party!!
So, I'm going back through my old pics today looking for a few fences.
I think might just need to go out this weekend and do a fence photo shoot... I seem to be running low!

These wild sweet peas grow wild all along the gravel road to the cabin.
They were just about to burst open, as you can see.

This is Buffalo Mountain, looking toward the Blue Ridge Parkway from the main road.  
You have to look closely, but there really is a fence in this pic.
See it??
I love the way the rising sun came filtering through the trees on this misty morning.
And nothing completes a picture of a fence better than a few cows grazing.
So until next week (I hope), happy fence finding, y'all!



  1. happy cows make me smile! that 2nd to last... wow!

    i need to do a fence drive soon, too! thanks, debby!

  2. I love these photos Debby, the sunlight is so pretty on the wild sweet peas, and the road shot and those pretty cows in the pasture. Great post for Good Fences :)

  3. Oh that filtering sun...what a magical (Narnia magical that is) photo! Actually, they all remind me of a set of wonderful note cards. ☺

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you...I never get tired of the views :)

  5. I sure love looking out to the BR Parkway! We may drive up there this weekend! It's been nice and clear this week with spectacular views of the mountains. Enjoy your afternoon my friend! Hugs!

  6. Ohhhh! I love those sunbeams.The pictures are amazing.

  7. I adore visiting the mountains and your photos are gorgeous. Yesterday, the humidity was low and it was just a great day to be outdoors. again!
    Wishing you a very nice evening.

  8. Beautiful fences, one and all!

  9. Lovely series of images and scenery! The mountains are my favorite! Have a great evening!

  10. Love these photos! The second to last one is so beautiful. Happy weekend!

  11. Isn't it funny how fences get in the picture even when you're not looking for them. Lovely snaps.


  12. Love the photo of dawn! Beautiful how the light filters through!

  13. Lovely!! I am particularly taken with the third photo, with the sun filtering through the trees.

  14. Your images bring a smile to my face :) I just love the first photo of the sweet peas and the fence in the background - what a lovely capture, my friend.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  15. Beautiful, just beautiful!
    You have me looking at fences more than I ever have before. I am amazed at how many there are around my neck of the woods, and some are barely holding on.

  16. Oh, Deb, I love these...they all have something different that really appeals to me.

  17. I especially liked the one with the road. It reminded me of this verse:

    "Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, "This is the way you should go," whether to the right or to the left." (Isaiah 30:21, NLT)

    Yes, wisdom along the way is promised by the loving heart of a God who will never steer us wrong.


    1. Oh, what a beautiful scripture, Sharon...such a wonderful truth! Thank you for sharing that. Enjoy your weekend, my friend!

  18. Beautiful pictures Debby. Hard to pick a favorite, but those cows just seem so peaceful and pastoral. Lovely.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.