Saturday, August 16, 2014

Among the Trees

Alone with myself, the trees bend to caress me.
The shade hugs my heart.
~Candy Polgar
I took a little time for a personal retreat on Friday at this newly discovered nature preserve
not too far from my home...beautifully quiet and peaceful.
I really liked the quote I found (above) but the only thing I would change is the part that says
alone with myself...I wasn't alone...not alone at all.
I'll let the photos speak for themselves.

 "And the LORD God made all kinds of tree grow out of the ground—
trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food." 
Genesis 2:9

~Justin Rizzo

Unmovable, unshakable; 
let my roots go down deep
Unmovable, unshakable 
In You
I want to be like a tree
Planted by the streams
Of living water
This will be my song God
This will be my prayer

Until the end, until the end.

A soothing tongue is a tree of life, But perversion in it crushes the spirit.
Proverbs 15:4

"He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. 
It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. 
It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."
Jeremiah 17:8

 As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. 
Psalm 42:1

"My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken."
Psalm 62:1-2 

May you have a restful Lord's Day and a wonderful week ahead!

I'm sharing with...

Charlotte at Spiritual Sundays
Inspire Me Monday
Cindy at Amaze Me Monday
Joan at Beauty in His Grip


  1. What a soothing series of photos and verses. The last one was perfect for the ending.

  2. Lovely pictures and verses. I wish you a blessed Sunday.

  3. You have the best pictures! This is a beautiful and soothing post. Hope you have a beautiful Sunday.

    (Oh, and your post about noise.......YES!)

    1. Debbie, thanks for your sweet comment. It's places like this that I seek out to get rid of that noise I was referring to in the other post :) Have a great week!

  4. Holy cow Debby are those some gorgeous pictures! You could make those into Note Cards! Stunning!

    1. Thank you for your kind compliment :) I hope you are having a peaceful Sunday afternoon!

  5. I love these pictures, along with your choice of Scripture and quotes. I have an ongoing love of trees, with many photos to prove it. :-) How they soar to the sky has always amazed me.

    1. Thank you...and you're right Gayle, trees are pretty amazing...the bark on some of these just mesmerized me. I hope you are having a lovely Sunday :)

  6. Your images and the quotes are beautiful! Enjoy your day!

  7. Beautiful photography and words! That first photo took my breath away! (P.S. "Trees" is a photo challenge subject coming up in a couple of months.)

  8. Beautiful photography and words to live by!

  9. Oh my, Debby! Can I get lost in this retreat, too??? Loved every amazing shot - just gorgeous! Visiting from Spiritual Sundays and hope to be back to enjoy more of those images from your point and shoot - just like me . . .

    1. Thank you for your visit and kind words. I do have a confession to make though and I guess I need to change my profile info. I did get a new camera...although I do still have my trusty P & S, these pics were not taken with it. I have had it for a couple of months and I am having fun with it! Have a great week!

  10. How beautiful, Debby! So restful, so peaceful... Trees lift our mountains...and that is perhaps why God created them. Thank you for this post.

  11. Thanks for sharing the calm,peaceful time in among the trees.I love the verses you shared as well.

  12. Oh these are gorgeous. I love Justin Rizzo's song too!

  13. Oh how lovely for Spiritual Sunday. I'll share this on Facebook. Thank you for the sweet encouragement and the delightful photos!

    1. Thank you for your visit and sweet words, Kaye! Have a blessed week!

  14. Hi Debby! You take the most spectacular photos, and live in such a great place to take them. This park looks like the perfect place for you to snap away to your heart's content.The second to last one is gorgeous!!
    Peace be in your heart tonight,

    1. Thanks, was very peaceful...only saw about 3 other people the whole time I was there. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  15. Splendid photos and great verses! I like how you wrote Proverbs 13:12 right on the photo! Good one.

  16. Such beautiful photos and wonderful scriptures. Soothing to the soul. Blessings to you. Pam

  17. Trees are so wonderful to capture and your words with your shots are just perfect. Have a peaceful week x

  18. Great post, lovely pictures and beautiful quotes. I loved it. I will be back for sure

  19. Beautiful, beautiful photos, Debby. I can almost hear the scurrying stream, and the trees whispering happily to one another, 'How lovely, we have company'. Such wonderful scriptures and I really like the first quote. Thanks for sharing, my friend!


  20. What a beautiful post and a beautiful quiet time of reflection that you had with the Lord. Your photography is beautiful, but your words are an inspiration and are very timely for me on this day. Such a wonderful place to visit. I need some of that time.

  21. Debby, I am picturing myself sitting on that bench with you. Maybe we'd talk for a bit, but then I think we'd just be silent as we drank in all the beauty of those woods into our spirits. Did you ever read Tolkien's books? I was reminded of the Ents - those towering trees who were so silent until they were needed - and then they thundered to the rescue.

    I just love trees, don't you?!


    1. Oh Sharon, how I would love to have shared that bench with you, my friend! I have not read any of Tolkien's books but I have seen quotes here and there. I was quite taken by these trees...the tallest ones I have ever experienced. Let me know when are heading east and I'll meet you there....wouldn't that be awesome?

  22. Thank you for the blessing of this beautiful post.

  23. Debby, those photo's were breathtaking! I felt as if I was right there with you, relaxing and taking in the beauty of God's glorious creation. Looking up into those trees was absolutely amazing!! Wonderful post, thank you.
    Blessings to you, Debbie

  24. such beautiful photos Debby, and wonderful Scripture verses to go along with them. Time alone in God's creation is so very restorative. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.