Thursday, August 21, 2014

Beach Fences

Hello, from Carolina Beach...I finally made it!
Do you remember back in January when I was only going to Carolina (Beach) in my mind?
Well, I am posting this as I'm listening to the lovely sound of the waves crashing against the shore!
I'm soooo excited to be here!

We arrived yesterday afternoon and drove a few miles down the coast to Fort Fisher
while we waited to get into our room.

I just love the rocks along the shoreline and this great fence.

I came back this morning to get a shot of the sunrise.

The sky was a brilliant pink, it was 81 degrees and about 90% humidity at 5 AM...
...muggy is not quite a strong enough word to describe it.
It was all I could do to get any decent photos due to the lens fogging up.

One of my favorite things about Fort Fisher are these wonderful trees...

...I love the way the wind and waves have shaped them through the years.

Back at the beach walkway from our condo.

An afternoon thunderstorm came through and cooled things off considerably...

...we were SO thankful for this!

And this evening, this friendly guy let me walk right up to him as we walked the pier.

It's back to the real world after tomorrow :(
Oh well....
I'm linking up with Tex at the Run*A*Round Ranch for Good Fences.
Have a great Friday!


  1. BEAUTIFUL! Enjoy the time you have there.

  2. SO many great fences at the beach. I especially like the photos of the wooden posts, with the rusty chains and the rocks. They make a beautiful combinations. I like the pelican, too.

    My "Good Fences" post can be found here:

    1. Thank you and thanks for your visit, You know, I didn't realize how many fences there actually were at the beach! Have a wonderful day!

  3. Lucky you! Your photos are so pretty. Enjoy every minute.

  4. Debby, Your photos are gorgeous! We haven't been to Carolina Beach in years. Now you're making me want to go :) Have a blessed weekend!

  5. Great shots! Looks like a beautiful morning--also love the last photo!

    1. Thank you, Bethany! I hope you have a wonderful evening and a blessed Sunday!

  6. what a great place to get to!!! loved this and felt your joy in being there. :)

  7. What a pretty place! Hope that the temps and humidity moderate so that you can really enjoy your time there!

  8. Gor-geous!!! And I actually DO remember when you were going to Carolina (beach) in your mind.

    1. Thank you Debbie...back to reality now though. I hope you have a great weekend!

  9. Oh my these just blew me away. They are lovely and so peaceful. I think I'm jealous.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Ida...have a blessed Sunday!

  10. You once again have captured beautiful images. I know right where you are. One of our last vacations with my parents while Dad was still living was right there. Lots of good memories. Seems the humidity is so much worse in the early morning … maybe it's the dew, what do i know.

    1. Thanks, Dotsie! That's so cool to know that you have been right there! We love going's close and not so commercialized like Myrtle Beach or other more popular. Enjoy your weekend!

  11. HI Debby! I'm so glad that you had some rain, and cooler temps. I am spending this week with a friend in the very south of the state, and there has been a heat advisory which will last until Tuesday! Very hot. Very humid.
    Your photos look so great though, I want to jump into the ocean! I can see why you like it so well, and the sunrise photos are spectacular. Love the pinks and the softness of the sky.
    Enjoy your last day, and say hi to the pelican for me!

    1. Ceil...the only relief WAS to jump in the ocean and if was heavenly! We had pink skies in the morning AND evenings...I guess that explains the storms....beautiful though, in between them and we really welcomed the one that left a refreshing breeze behind!

  12. Debby, how beautiful is this! Enjoy every minute of your time away before it ends.
    Excellent photos!
    Joy to you! Debbie

  13. Incredible, beautiful images this week!! Of course, I'm partial to beaches!!!! Love the brown pelican on the railing.

    1. Yes, that cute little guy was so friendly! I was only a few feet away from him. Thank you and have a blessed Sunday!

  14. I'm so glad to see that you were able to have your dreamy beach vacation! You'll have lots of lovely memories to reflect on when you return to reality.
    Thanks for sharing these beautiful images with us! I'm glad you weren't able to share that humidity with us too...although we have been having some of our own, so no worries. ;)

  15. Sounds like a great place to the beach! Lovely images.. The pelican is cool. Have a great week and enjoy! Happy weekend!

  16. It's a little easier facing the 'real world' after being at the beach though! Something about the ocean calms and renews us. Beautiful photos my friend! Lots of good fences! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs!

  17. Hahaha, these are great! The pelican one made me laugh. They are so comical looking. This series would be great for one of Miz Vee's note card parties later on.

  18. Yay! So glad you made it! And my, what beautiful pictures! They are simply breathtaking, Debby Ray! Have fun and enjoy, sweet friend.

  19. O,what great photos...the fences are awesome...the water...the it all and so happy you got to go.

  20. I'm so glad you got to go to this wonderful place! Your photos are beautiful!

  21. Oh my, what breathtaking photos of a beautiful place! I love each image for different reasons. The third from the top makes me smile; it has a very happy vibe to it, while the 6th is pure drama, mystery and movement. Enjoy your time there!


  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I'm sorry I missed this post. I had been waiting for a beach vacation through your lens. These are great! I know you had a good time and I'm sure that it restored your soul,

  24. Glorious! I'm so ready for a beach getaway, but the mountains may win out.

  25. I love the wonderful views, because I love the sea. I greet you.

  26. Gloriously beautiful photos, Debby! I've never been to the East Coast, but it looks like the sights are just as pretty as those on my side of the country! Hope you had a wonderful time. But, having just gotten back from a small vacation ourselves, I understand how difficult the *re-entry* process can be!! So, wishing you a good week!


    1. And I have never been to the west coast, Sharon...I will say that there is quite a difference between the east coast and the Gulf of Mexico on the Florida pan handle. Ever been there? The sand is white like sugar and the water is aqua...beautiful. I do love the ocean, no matter where I see it...the vast and powerful water just takes me to another place and I feel the presence and power of God more strongly than any other place. I am back to work now (we only stayed for a few days) and the time off was great! Blessings, friend!

  27. Beautiful!! The sunrise pictures are stunning, and I love those trees. Oh, how I love the ocean. Looks like a wonderful time!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.