Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The "Sunny Side" of Life

Welcome to the Sunny Side!

The Sunny Side General Store, that is!

We discovered this little diamond-in-the-rough back when our cabin was being built...
...as we were traveling back and forth to the Fancy Gap, VA area.

They don't make 'em like this anymore, folks.
From the front, it looks like a tiny little junky store...not much to look at, huh?

You know what they say...looks can sometimes be deceiving.
You see, it's built on a slope and there are actually three levels.
You can find just about anything here.

From hardware to underwear...literally!

I am not kidding...take a look for yourself.


Entering the front door, you will find hardware, old time penny candy,
lovely expensive glassware, silk flowers, miscellaneous knick-knacks and other items.

Need a some tools...or a little red wagon...or maybe a wind chime??
Notice that light bulbs and other household items are on the shelf above the candy bars :)

There are several stairways leading down to various other levels or "departments".

It would take you most of the day to go through just the housewares department alone!
See that rooster mug?
Jim bought one for me for my birthday a few years back :)
There were some really cute dresses and tops down in Ladies' too.

Good quality stuff!
Carhartt jackets and work clothes, jeans, boots and plenty of hats of all kinds.
(lots of farmers and hunters around these parts!)

Hang a left at men's underwear and take the steps down to...

...furniture and rugs, of course!

When we visited here about a month ago, I actually lost my hubby, Jim.
I am serious when I tell you it really took me quite a while to find him...lol!
So, if you ever make it to Fancy Gap, you really must try to stop at Sunny Side!

I leave you with this little reminder...

Blessings, friends!


  1. that looks like an AWESOME place! something for literally everyone. :)

  2. Oh, what a fun store! We had a very tiny version of this type of store at the bottom of our hill near the highway that I loved. It closed a few years ago. It has had a makeover and is all set to open again next month. But it will be far from a general store - it will be the first legal marijuana store in our county. I can't even believe it...seriously. On a more happy note, just have to say I appreciate you and your kind comments to me. Have a blessed week!

  3. Would love to shop there! Yup, it's my kind of place.

  4. I like that song and will be singing it now! And I think I see some old fashioned gowns or robes....I love those! What a neat store. You would never know by the outside how neat it really is! What a fun find! Hugs!

  5. Wow! This is great! It's like the Ben Franklin's of the past. We had a Hartley's 5 & 10 in my little town. It pretty much looked like this, but not nearly as big. Don't you just love the painted signs on the sides of buildings? We have several around our county. It's been a while since I've posted any. Think I'll go back and look.

  6. Now that's a true department store. It would be fun to wander up and down the aisles and find new treasures.

  7. Wow Debby that is just amazing. Like an old fashioned department store, or Sears catalog come to life! How very fun; I might have to stop there every time I came to the cabin!

    1. Dotsie...I'm sure you would love this place. We did stop there quite often for the first few years when we first had the cabin. Like anything else, after a while, you realize you have probably seen it all and you visit less often. Since I have been blogging I have wanted to do a post about it. Have a great week!

  8. That is really impressive for a small store!! Reminds me in some shots of Pastor Pile's (Walter Brennan's) store in the 1941 film Sergeant York starring Gary Cooper, but it has much more variety!

  9. Now that is amazing! A one stop shop, for sure! :)

  10. I'd love to browse around in that shop! I see a rooster that just might have to go home with me if I were there. Definitely my kind of place!

  11. What a fun store! I love little country stores with good surprises!

  12. The old general store is almost a thing of the past. Yours reminds me of one in Fredericksburg, TX (Hill Country) that we love to visit whenever we're in the area. It really takes you back a ways.

  13. I want to say first, that I am not back to blogging...but came to see if you had put up something like you were moving your blog...I will explain that in a minute. But seen this post and just had to comment about it. I would love to have a store like that again! They just don't make them any more.

    Anyway, I got an email from you that just had a link in it this morn...I did not feel it was from you so did not click on it. So, what I am asking is did you send me a link? It did not say a thing...only had a link, but the subject line was 'Direction."

    1. Rose, yes, I have been hacked! I am glad you thought to come to me and not open it. Usually these things look quite different from a regular email. I have changed my password and hopefully all is well! Thanks so much for making sure I was aware of it...which I just recently was by several others this morning! Have a blessed day!

  14. What a fantastic little store! It reminds me of a place in Canada that was located near the place where I lived. Now every time I go back for a visit I HAVE to visit the old market :) Thanks for the memories...and the giggles.

    Hugs to you!

  15. Off topic here: has your email been hacked? Am receiving odd emails from your acct.

    1. Yes, Vee...'tis true...I've been hacked! I have taken care of it I hope...thanks for letting me know!

  16. I love stores like this one. So many great things to look at. We have such a store here Not as many floors called (The Country Store. By the way there is a (Sunnyside) town in Washington State.

  17. What a great store! I love to go to places like this that aren't part of a chain. It reminds me of a little hardware store up north that carries everything!

  18. Wow, what a delightful place! They are a true "variety store." Too funny about losing your hubby. I would probably lose mine, too!

  19. wow, all of that in one cute little store! we drove through fancy gap on our way to nc when we bought our puppy. i remember thinking that i need to get back there and have a look around!

    1. now thinking about it, i think we also went that way when we went to mayberry! (mt. airy)

    2. Tanya, you probably did go right by it! It is right there on Rt. 52... that goes through Fancy Gap and also into Mt. Airy which is about 15-18 miles down the road. I hope you will be able to return one day and see it person!

  20. Wow- I could get lost in a place like this. not to mention probably go broke with all the goodies I would want to buy!

    1. Terri...you literally would get lost....it's huge! It is a fun place and very unique!


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