Wednesday, August 6, 2014


No fences this week...only sunflowers!
I just love them, don't you?

These are some from my son's garden that I snapped last week.
I just can't look at one without feeling happy!

“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. It’s what sunflowers do.”
~ Helen Keller

I found what I thought was a poem but soon found out it's actually a children's song.
Does anyone remember this from their childhood by any chance?
I can't say that I do, but it certainly is sweet!
~ Edith Nesbit, 1858-1924

Little brown brother, oh! little brown brother,
Are you awake in the dark?
Here we lie cosily, close to each other:
Hark to the song of the lark
"Waken!" the lark says, "waken and dress you;
Put on your green coats and gay,
Blue sky will shine on you, sunshine caress you
Waken! 'tis morning 'tis May!"
Little brown brother, oh! little brown brother,
What kind of a flower will you be?
I'll be a poppy all white, like my mother;
Do be a poppy like me.
What! You're a sunflower! How I shall miss you
When you're grown golden and high!
But I shall send all the bees up to kiss you;
Little brown brother, good-bye.

The field below is just down the road from the cabin.

"Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction."
~Antoine de Saint Exupery

I used this poem in a post last year but decided to share it again with these new photos.
~By Katherine R. Lane

I see you there in glory shining bright,
Following the sun and its path of light.
Standing tall above all others in the field,
You grow, conquer, and do not yield.

The little birds take great delight
In playing round you, from day to night.
With your petals of yellow and leaves of green
How very easily you are seen.

But there is more to you than first sight,
More than beauty and grander to delight.
Every beautiful aspect that appears,
Gives praise to the Father dear.

He made you a part of creation,
And you praise him in glorious celebration!
The beauty that within you is expressed,
Gives testimony to his greatness.

Sunflower, how I long to be like you!
Glorifying God in all I do.
Following the Son and His path of light,
To worship Him in His glory shining bright.

I can learn from you, my friend,
With every breath, praise to God, I might send.
With all of his creation telling the story,
Might I, with you, proclaim His glory.

I really do want to be like the sunflowers.
Happy Thursday!


  1. Good Evening. Your photos are extraordinary. I am not familiar with the song. The poem is lovely and I thank you for sharing. Have a blessed night.

  2. Oh Debby. I also love sunflowers - they are just such *happy* flowers! Your beautiful photos certainly do them justice! I could almost touch them. I wasn't familiar with either the song or the poem, but enjoyed reading them very much!

    With every breath, praise to God...


  3. Such happy, joyful flowers! Your photos did them proud!

  4. Love the sunflowers and your photos are just to die for, love the abundance of them, wow such a sight to see, thanks for showing them and the great shots.

  5. This brought such a smile to my face. Beautiful photos, beautiful poems.

  6. So much "happy" going on here. Thanks for the sunshine in word and image.

  7. Lovely poems, and beautiful sunflowers. They really are glorious, aren't they.


  8. No, I do not remember either poem. Very nice ones, too, though if one brother is a poppy and the other a sunflower, perhaps Edith needs a refresher course in botany. ☺

    Glorious, absolutely glorious photography!

  9. I would call this a sunny post. I love the words you chose to describe sunflowers, all look the same direction, etc. I don't see many fields of sunflowers around where we live, but when I do, its a sight to catch my breath.

    1. Like you, seeing a whole field of them is just breathtaking....can't get enough of them! Have a wonderful day, friend! :)

  10. Sunflowers are indeed happy flowers! And your photos here...gorgeous!! Every single one is beautiful, but I am especially amazed at the one with the bee...amazing!

  11. Sunflowers are such happy, strong flowers, following the sun with their faces. Such a good example for us. I love the poems and your beautiful photos.

  12. They remind me of you my friend!! Beautiful and sunny all the time...:) Your photos are so amazing all the time....visiting your blog always lifts me up!! You have a great talent my friend...:) :) :) Hugs!!!

    1. You always lift me up, sweet does your blog and facebook posts! Hugs right back atcha!!:)

  13. Happy, happy, joy, joy :) I can't help but smile when I see sunflowers! We have wild sunflowers along the interstate here in the mountains and right about now and into next month is when they are in full bloom. They look so pretty along the road and every time I'm in the car with my husband I say, "Aren't the flowers pretty?" He might roll his eyes a little since I say it EVERY TIME :) haha

    Thank you for the lovely pictures and beautiful words, dear Debby Ray! Hugs to you!

  14. What beautiful photos! Love that busy bee! I don't know why I rarely plant sunflowers. I need to get back into the habit. They're so pretty!

  15. Beautiful post. The sunflower is so pretty. Where I live we see fields of them and their beauty is still the same even in huge fields.

  16. Debby, your images are so perfect, so beautiful...just stunning, really. I love the happy sunflowers, too! Thanks for making me smile!

  17. I love poetry and haven't taken the time to read any lately....thanks for including these. And yes...I love sunflowers. We saw some fields on our trip but I didn't get any good photos of them. Love all of yours! Enjoy your week! Hugs!

  18. Outstanding photos Debby. Love that you captured the shaggy side of the beautiful sunflower.
    Beautiful, enjoyable post too.
    Thanks for sharing your talents.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  19. Beautiful photography--love your shots! The quotes were awesome and the poems put a smile on my face!

  20. I am going to have to come back and read the poems...but I love sunflower shots! I never tire of them.

  21. Beautiful photos, Debby, of your beloved sunflowers! I am especially taken with the field and the quote that accompanies it, by Antoine de Saint Exupery. Just gorgeous, both images and words! Happy weekend!


  22. One of my favorite flowers and you do a grand job showing its splendor through photography. The whole earth is full of His glory! Oh How I love to experience His glory.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.