Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy Labor Day and Roasted Okra

Happy Labor Day, everyone!
Can you believe it is September already??
My, how the summer has flown by!
I know the day is almost over but I wanted to try to get in a post.
I haven't even set my eyes on a blog for the past several days...
...things going on that I will blog about later.
I will also do my best to get caught up on my reading throughout the week!
So...I'm doing a food post today...imagine that!
Yesterday a dear, sweet gentleman at church brought bounty from his garden.
I took home some okra, thinking I might fry me up a little.
I thought I only like it fried...well, I was wrong!
A friend at church was also taking some and she told me about the way she cooked hers.
Well, I have a husband who doesn't like his veggies plus he's also working (what, on Labor Day??), 
so I made it tonight...just for ME :)
I used my toaster oven for such a small amount...
...and put them on skewers...two to keep them from rolling around when you turn them over.

Drizzle with olive oil, salt, pepper (I used garlic pepper) and since I didn't have any cayenne,
I used paprika for a substitute...I do think the cayenne pepper would have been delicious.

I cooked these in  my toaster oven and it worked great!

 I had the setting on "toast" so both burners were on and I flipped them once.
I went out and took my doggies to potty and when I came back in, they were done...
...I'd say probably no more than 10-15 minutes!

They were brown and sizzlin' hot...but they cool down fast, so eat 'em quickly!

I wasn't sure if  I would like them so I only cooked four.
I could have eaten four more...they were so very yummy!

All that was left behind were the handles!
So...there you have it...a new way (for me anyway) to eat okra!
I hope you have had a relaxing Labor Day...
...tomorrow, it's back to the ol' grind!


  1. These look delicious. Happy Labor Day!

  2. so i'm guessing they weren't too slimy, then? that's my only objection to okra. :)

  3. I can't say that okra is a favorite of mine, but these do look good. A totally different way to fix them. I could even see myself trying them, that's how well you described it all!

    1. Like you, okra is not my favorite...eating them fried was the only was I would eat them, if at all....certainly not on the top of my veggie list. My friend who told me how to fix them said wherever she saw this recipe, the children in the family ate them right off the skewers and loved them so I figured I should give it a! I think you could slather olive oil, salt & pepper on almost anything and it would taste good! I hope you have had a good Labor Day!

  4. I have only eaten okra fried (or in soups) and this recipe sounds easy and delicious. Thx!

  5. I can't recall ever seeing okra before. It sounds like you enjoyed them.

  6. I'm actually trying to think if I've ever eaten okra before! A California girl forever, huh?! This looks delicious, though. Would love to try a bite. You know, on a total sidenote, I hate brussels sprouts. My youngest son bet me the other week that he could prepare them in a way that I would like them. Well, he did. And I was shocked.

    Just goes to show you that there's a lot to be said for preparation!!

    September already? Where is this year going??


    1. You are so's all about the prep!! I had never seen okra when I grew up in's a southern thing I think. Hope you have enjoyed your Labor Day! Have a fantastic week :)

  7. I'm so glad to see others besides me had never seen okra, I've never heard of it. I'm up for trying anything once so if I see it I'll give it a go. Does it go by another name perhaps?


  8. Debby, They look delicious! My husband and I love okra but in 34 years, I never have mastered the technique of frying it without it absorbing too much grease. But I will definitely try this recipe. Thanks for sharing.
    Central NC, huh? I'm in the Foothills.

  9. I'm so glad you tried them this way. We love okra!

  10. Hi Debby! I have never had okra in my life, can you believe that? It looks good, but I'd have to remove the cayenne pepper. I am very sensitive to spices. Which makes my husband sad, because he LOVES hot stuff.
    I'm sorry your husband had to work...but it did give you the chance to have a yummy dinner!

    1. Ceil, I actually did not use cayenne but friend suggested the cayeene but I don't usually have any one hand...she said on a hint of it anyway but the paprika (which isn't hot) added some flavor. Anything doused in olive oil, salt & pepper can't be too bad, right?? :)

  11. The first time I had fried Okra was when I was in college and I loved! Yours looks so good :)

    Hugs to you, sweet friend!

  12. Yum! I love Okra but have never had it roasted! It looks great. Will try that! I am your newest follower.


  13. I've grown, cooked and eaten a lot of okra over the years but never made it like this. I think I would like it, too! Looks like it would be flavorful and yummy. I usually fry it....don't really like it boiled. But I do add some to soup or gumbo...oh my! You're making me hungry! Hugs!

  14. The only time I have had okra was in high school when we cooked it as part of Home Economics class. I have to say it wasn't good. I usually love most all vegetables and your recipe looks so good that I am thinking maybe the okra deserves a second chance : ) Happy week!

  15. I've only had okra boiled. A friend of mine made it for us when we went to visit them after they had adopted some children from Liberia. Apparently they love it made that way, with rice. I thought it was very slimy. But like you say, roasting anything in olive oil and salt is delicious!

    1. Yes, I can only imagine they would very slimy if you boiled them...I don't think I could eat them like that..I had only eaten them fried before until I tried this and they were actually very tasty!

  16. omygoodness...these look amazing and i'll get fresh okra and do this really soon.

  17. They look good, but I think I will stick to my all time fav- fried okra! Don't get to eat it much anymore since hubs is a diabetic and I'm the only one who would eat such a thing...LOL. Oh well. Have a great day!

    1. I do like it fried...until this I never knew any other way :)

  18. I have not had it like looks good. I have had pickled okra and believe it or not, it was pretty good. It was sort of crispy...tasty really.


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