Thursday, September 4, 2014

Late Summer Fences

Did I actually say late summer??
Is it just me or does it seem like this year is just flying by?
Even though Labor Day has come and gone, it really is still officially summer...
...until September 21, I think.
Here are a few of what might be the last of the of the fences of the summer. I looking forward to those scenes dappled with warm hues of golds, oranges and reds?
You bet I am!
Head on over to see what everyone's sharing at Tex's Good Fences link-up!
If you look closely, you will see the tree above is loaded with apples...
...I know they are hard to see but they really are there...I promise!

Have you ever noticed that cows usually stand heading in the same direction in the pasture??
There must be a reason...does anyone know why?

Looks like brand new fence, doesn't it?

Two views of the same fence...I love playing around with black and white.
There just something about barbed wire that I love.

I can't put my finger on the reason why...but I better be careful if I do! :)
Seriously though....

I know I am looking forward to finding some fall-ish looking fences.
Are you ready for the change??



  1. SO pretty! love the looking-down-the-fence-line perspectives!

  2. That's true, summer is not over! Great pictures, love the one with the scripture.

  3. Love your fences! There is something cool about barbed wire... and I cannot believe how fast time is flying by! Your pictures are really pretty! Makes me want to get outside...wait, it's hot and swampy here. Nevermind ;-)

  4. All of your pictures are beautiful, but that second one is just gorgeous! I agree with Sherry, there is something neat and lovely about barbed wire.

    Hugs to you, dear Debby Ray!

  5. Wow! Your photography just gets better and better. You should may some post cards with them. I was riding on the back of my cousins motorcycle. He tried to play Evel Kenival, jumped a ditch and tried to jump the barbered wire fence. He kept going, I fell off the back and cut my leg on the bobwire. Yes, love from a distance.

  6. Awesome photos, Debby. I am looking forward to fall color in nature. We just visited the local apple orchard and photographed apples on the trees.

  7. A gorgeous series of fence photos Debby. I can't pick a favorite, I love them all. I'm looking forward to the fall colors but goodness, where did this year go?

  8. Hello!:) Barbed wire fencing really means Keep Out.Those spikes mean business! I like the way you photographed the fence, and the black and white shot. Everything looks so green, and lush, such beatiful trees. Every creature seems to have a predominate leader, I think the cows follow wherever their leader goes,... maybe!
    Many thanks for your visit!:)

    1. Thank you for kind words...and maybe you are right about those cows! :)

  9. Super post. The angles of your shots were wonderful. I know what you mean about Barbed Wire, I have a nice scar on my chest from trying to jump over such a fence as a child. The lighting in your 2nd shot was so pretty.

  10. I looked close and I saw the apples! Your images are just beautiful, and sharp captures!

    1. See, I told you they were you found them! Have a great weekend!

  11. Autumn is my favorite season with its rich and varied colors. Enjoying your photos of the countryside.

  12. I do love the lightness of these wired fences… they are beautiful and airy, almost as if lace. Or spider webs. Beautifully photographed. I'm sure you will find some autumn fences. I love the lighting in your photos.

    1. Thank you, Dotsie...yes, I am looking forward to fall! I hope you are having a good weekend!

  13. Nice to see you tying a inspirational quote with your fence presentation. When I enlarged the picture, you can really see the apples.

  14. beautiful shots and i do see the apples! i like fall but summer is my favorite so it is hard to say goodbye!

    1. Thank you, Tanya....I think there are things about every season that I enjoy but fall is my fave! Have a great weekend!

  15. I am still hungry for your okra...
    I LOVE these photos...especially the first. Awesome and wonder what the little structure is...a chicken house, maybe? And, I do so love love love apple trees.

  16. Oh, Debby, these are beautiful. And I love the Bible verses! Well done!

  17. I love autumn and the golden hues. All the images are lovely but the second one is exceptional!

  18. Beautiful pictures Debby! Love the big old apple tree and the cows. And you're too funny, with the "I can't put my finger on it . . . "!

    1. Thanks, Deborah....hope you are having a great weekend!

  19. Beautiful scenes no matter what the time of year.

  20. Hi Debby! I know I've told you before, but I really want to see your part of the country. It is just so gorgeous...that first photo with the apple couldn't get composition like that if you set it up yourself!
    The use of black and white with the barbed wire really changed the feeling of the photo. I can see why you like to 'play' with it. Am I ready for fall? Not really. But it's coming, so I better get ready!
    Happy Weekend :)

    1. Thanks Ceil...we usually run our AC well into October around was in the 90's today :(

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Nice fences.. Black & white makes barbed wire appear more ominous. It does make for great photos. The year has gone by fast, and I'm not quite ready for fall. I've noticed that about cattle, too. Hopefully, someone has some insight for us.

  23. Love your fences Debby ... especially the barbed wire photo with the Bible verse.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  24. The cows? You know, I never noticed that; perhaps it's the direction of where the feed is dropped. :)

    I like barbed wire fences as well, and can't explain it either. LOL

    1. Hmmm...we may never know... :) Have a great Sunday!

  25. So pretty! I love the colors of Fall. That verse is beautiful - we used to sing it as a chorus in church but I hadn't thought of it in a while. Happy weekend!

  26. Well done! I especially like the second one with the light.

  27. Oh Debbie Ray, your photos always warm my heart! They are all beautiful and I love the verse in the last one.
    Many blessings,

  28. Beautiful post, Debbie, ending with that beautiful scripture verse. We had a little friend who once told me hat cows stand up when its sunny and lay down when it rains. When we passed a pasture and some cows were up and some were down, I asked him his thoughts. His answer? partly cloudy (o:

  29. These are all wonderful photos, Debby, but I'll have to say that the first one with the heavily-laden apple tree leaning against the old shed is my absolute favorite!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.