Monday, September 8, 2014

There's a change a comin'...

...said the little white spider.

See him...isn't he cute?
There are tell-tale signs all around.
 A single red leaf here...

...a golden toned one there.

...and some have already shriveled and turned a crispy brown.
The fields are full of goldenrod laden with fuzzy bees...

...dried up grasses...

...and left over remains of wildflowers.

Yes, there's a change a comin'...

...and I love it!

I'm joining Judith at Lavender Cottage for Mosaic Mondays.
Come see what beautiful collages everyone is sharing!


  1. it sure is beautiful. i love the smells of autumn, too.

  2. I love it too! You have captured it well!

  3. I'm ready for the change Debby, and I like all the changes in nature you've shared too.
    Thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  4. My hubby just commented that it was 62 outside right now. I've noticed in the last couple of days a new crisp coolness to the air at night. And boy, we've been hit with our traditional September thunderstorms!

    Seasons come, and seasons go - but the Lord stands forever!


    (It took me a little bit to find the spider - but I did. And you're right, he's cute!!)

  5. Change is inevitable so we may as well embrace it.I look forward to the cooler days of fall.

  6. Good shot of the spider! Love the beauty you captured in the leaves that are just starting to change color!

  7. Your photos Debby are something!
    Changes are beginning to take place here as well. I must say though,I am not ready yet. Summer has gone way to fast for me this year, so fall has come too early.
    It was nice to visit here tonight.
    Bless you, Debbie

  8. I am all about this change that it coming! I love fall...and your beautiful pictures of its signs!

  9. Gorgeous! I'm looking forward to Fall and the change that is on the horizon for me.

  10. This is a lovely post and we have left all that behind and are now looking forward to summer here. The colours of autumn are rather gorgeous though.


  11. Hello Debby
    Your photo story is beautiful and really tells me Autumn has arrived in your neck of the woods.
    The white spider is tiny - is it friend or foe I wonder?
    These are exquisite mosaics, I love the light effect and I'm wondering what time of day you captured these.
    You've inspired me to get out with my camera this weekend - so long as the weather is kind!

  12. So peaceful....
    Love your collage and back ground wallpaper, very nice.

  13. Very pretty images. I love Autumn. (except goldenrod makes me sneeze!!!)

  14. Oh, Debby, I love all of these, I love fall...I love being out and about during fall.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. A beautiful collection of the summer season winding down!

  17. Beautiful pictures, Debby. Fall is my favorite time of year. It's kind of a poignant time, as if the earth were doing one big great hurrah before the end of the year. Your pictures capture this beautifully.

  18. Hi Debby! That last photo with the color and black and white is really interesting! Gives it some depth. Yes, I guess fall is coming, even though it's still sunny and in the 70's here. Beautiful harvest moon last night too, did you see it?

    1. We have been having some cooler temps the last few days but I don't think is really over yet this early in the southeast! I didn't get a chance to see the last of the Super Moons last night....cloudy and rainy all day and night...I bet it was beautiful!

  19. Tell me your secret for getting the black and white background with color. What program do you use? Email me. You don't have to share your secrets if you don't want. Looking forward with anticipation to a new season.

  20. Beautiful images, Debby! I love the fall colours. We are having beautiful weather here still but there is definitely change in the air.

  21. Beautiful pictures of fall slipping in gently...especially the last image.

  22. Gorgeous images, Debby! You have captured that blurry line between late summer and early fall, a magical time of melding transformations!

    Have a lovely first week of fall!



Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.