Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A Very Special Delivery

A few weeks ago, Theresa...you know, the TexWisGirl, had a giveaway.
Like many of you, I entered just knowing I wouldn't win it...
...I never win anything....but hey, why not give it shot, right?
Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather when she announced the winner!
It came yesterday.
The mailman delivered it to my door and left it on my front stoop...
...while I was working.


I found it this morning...the package, soaking wet.
I held my breath as I opened it, praying all the while that the rain hadn't penetrated.
Thank the Lord, it was dry inside!

I almost cried...it was so beautiful!
And the card she made that accompanied it was just breathtaking...

...suitable for framing, all by itself (which I plan to do).
Look at the intricate detail of the hummingbird...so beautiful!

But that wasn't all.
Included inside the card was a sweet note and these...

...two four-leaf-clovers from her own yard!

I feel so blessed to have been chosen as the winner of this beautiful gift...

...from this lovely, talented lady.

Thank you Theresa, I will cherish this!



  1. Congratulations on the win. These items are beautiful,indeed.

  2. Funny how so many of us say we never win anything (me included), but what a treasure survived the rainy day by your front door. Theresa has lots of talent … much to enjoy.

  3. Congrats. TexWis is a treasured blog friend and she's very talented. What a wonderful gift!

  4. Congratulations Debby, what a wonderful prize.


  5. Tex is just the very best.
    So glad you have such treasures.

  6. awww. your post went straight to my heart this morning. :) thank you! and you're very welcome. :)

    whew on the rain! :)

  7. What a very beautiful gift! Congratulations to you Debby. Theresa's artwork is so exquisite. Enjoy.

  8. Congratulations! I am so happy for you. Theresa is quite a talented and generous lady! Oh, I adore that hummingbird sketch.

  9. Oh, so very beautiful...I was blessed to win one of the Painted Buntings.

  10. Congratulations! Theresa does beautiful work--though I've not seen it close-up. You'd better keep it locked up somewhere safe, NC isn't all that far from VA. ;) I'm glad the rain didn't harm it.

    1. Hehe...you're funny, Patti :) And yes, I was so glad it didn't get wet...she packaged it well!

  11. I love it! And yes, she is amazing for sure! So happy you won. Congratulations. :-))

  12. How sweet!!! She really did extra and made this a special giveaway! So pretty!

  13. How wonderful. I'm so happy you found the package and it wasn't damaged. That is a beautiful drawing and card and the 4-Leaf clovers are fun. I find them in our yard too and preserve them.

  14. Congratulations!!!!! Such sweetness all wrapped up in a package for you! Beautiful drawings!

  15. I'm so happy for you! It's wonderful to get special packages from our blog friends. She is SO talented and always very sweet to visit everyone's blog. I know you will treasure this art and enjoy it. Sweet hugs, Diane

  16. Congratulations on winning two wonderful pieces of Theresa's artwork. A talented lady indeed.

  17. Hi Debby! What a wonderful surprise! It's nice to get mail that doesn't have a bill in it, that's for sure. And then to have such thoughtful and personal gifts. Wow! You had a great day, didn't you?
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  18. How special! Sometimes I fear we have lost the art of real mailbox gifts!

    What a treasure!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.