Friday, September 12, 2014

Donna's Photo Challenge...Late Summer Hummers

Hey everyone!
It's time for Donna's Personal Photo Challenge and it's all about movement this month.
And speaking of movement...
...for some reason, our hummingbirds left us for a few weeks earlier this summer.
We still don't know why, but we surely were glad when they decided to come back.
For years I've been trying to get some good photos of those quick little guys and gals.
 Capturing a decent photo of those little hummers is not an easy task...
...especially with a little point-n-shoot.
This first shot was from last summer...not the best example of great photography,
but there was something I liked about the movement it displayed.

It was taken with my tried and true little old Sony P & S.
Even though it is a mass of blur, I liked how you are able to make out every part of the bird...
 ...yet still see all of the action going on.
I had the camera sitting right up to the window on a tripod, set on macro setting...
...with the zoom extended as far as it could go, clicking the shutter as fast as I could.
Edits were done in Picasa and Picmonkey. 
A couple of months ago, I was finally able to upgrade to a DSLR (yay!)
so, I've been doing some experimenting with my new camera and zoom lens.

These next two were taken using a 300 mm zoom lens, f/9.5, 1/500 sec., ISO-800, using a tripod,
 through the glass door since I couldn't get them to come around while I was outside.

I thought this one showed another interesting example of motion as it quickly flew away.
Buh-bye little hummer!

Our feeders were drained dry while were out of town last weekend 
and we haven't seen the hummers this week, although it is still quite warm here.
We put out new nectar today so we'll see if they return.
Just maybe, I'll get a few more shots taken before they leave us for the season!
Have a fantastic weekend!


  1. these are great! love the zoomer in the last one.

  2. Oh, these are really cool shots of my favorite tiny birds! The effect on the first photo is almost ghost-like, don't you think? And the fast motion of the wings is really emphasized in the second and third photo. My favorite of the bunch is the third one with its hasty retreat! My fingers are crossed that you can coax them back and have some more photo shoots before they head out for their winter homes. P.S. Don't forget to link up to the challenge blog!

  3. Loved your hummer shots. I would just die of excitment if I were able to capture one with my camera. That last shot is my favorite.

  4. Wonderful action photos of the hummingbird Debby. I like the last shot as it's flying away. We were away for 2 weeks and forgot about having someone fill the feeders for us so they left and didn't come back but I filled the feeders the day after we got home a week ago and still none. This afternoon one straggler came and drank and drank. I expect most of the hummers are gone south now but we will get the odd straggler. I know you will still get some there too. Have a great weekend.

  5. We've all tried to get them feeding in the feeders....but that last photo is brilliant! I love it! What wonderful photos for the challenge! WOW!

  6. Your photos turned our really well Debby, having a 300mm zoom lens makes a big difference doesn't it? Your second photo is similar to mine and shows what a sweet little bird hummers are.

  7. These are great hummingbird shots, Debby - the first one gives an ethereal look to the bird. They move so fast that capturing them via camera is a real feat. Beautiful!

  8. Ooooh I'm blown away with this spectacular "movement" photo's. I do love the sweet little hummers, I can just sit and watch them in and out to the feeders, you have really captured their graceful flight..I'm new following, thank you for visiting Return to Loblolly, and your sweet comments about our Buddy is so appreciated.

  9. Beautiful photos of those humming birds! The first is interesting -- sort of spirit-like -- but the last two are stunning. I like the blurred wings.

  10. Your photos turned out well, I like the wings moving--you can really see it. I hope you're having a nice weekend!

  11. The hummingbirds are beautiful! Thanks for sharing your shots!

  12. These are each one awesome in their own way. Love them. :)

    1. Thank you so much for the visit and kind words! Have a blessed weekend!

  13. Hi Debby, Oh how I love hummers and you captured some great pics. I hope you will enjoy the weekend.

  14. These are great! I kinda like the first photo too! You need to be in a contest! You are so good.

  15. I love all the shots Debby but what a difference when you upgraded your camera. Thanks for sharing these, we don't get humming birds here.


  16. Just wonderful perfect for today;s challenge.

  17. They are great! My favorites are the first (what a blur of motion yet all is there to see) and the last...very unique photo!

  18. Love the Hummer motion shots. Hummers will be gone soon. I've enjoyed watching them at our feeder all summer.

  19. Hi, Wow, I just loved them! I wonder if we will take photos in heaven? Just a thought :o)
    Blessings to you and so great that you have your new camera, as we all get to enjoy the benefits of it! Love the new look of your background and your header!
    Sometimes I miss changing mine out!
    Blessings, Roxy

  20. I can relate! I've taken lots of bird photos through the window glass, and a lot of them have come out beautifully. And I've taken lots of hummingbird photos, hoping that at least one will be a good one. Boy, did you get a good one, or two! I like both of the DSLR ones. Nicely done!

  21. Wow, Debby!! Your hummingbird photos are fabulous!! All are beautiful, but the two taken with your new camera are stunning. I especially love the last shot with the hummer's wings up as he flies away. Wonderful!

  22. Fabulous captures of the beautiful hummer - they always seem to be in perpetual movement don't they. I think you did so well for this quite difficult challenge Debby.

    Mary -

  23. So funny you are into capturing brother has been wanting to capture/ stop the action of the wings and has managed to do that pretty good. I would have bet money it was all in the shutterspeed used, but he found out he has to use flash. He even sent me some videos he found that he watched...but i have not watched them yet.

    sometimes I like the movement we capture, too;-)

  24. Wow, the first picture is amazing! Like you said, it's a complete blur, but like you, I love it! I have only one sweet hummingbird left here - I'm not sure why she hasn't left with the others. . .

    Also, the giveaway you won from Theresa is beautiful - enjoy :)

    Hugs to you!

  25. You did a fabulous job catching these little hummers on camera!!!!!!! Aren't they just the cutest? They are our favorite. We feed them all summer. Thanks for sharing these.

  26. Hi Debby,

    Firstly, LOVE the title of this post! So, you graduated to a DSLR, did you? Well, I must be the only blogger left in blogland who's still using her Sony P & S! All your photos are amazingly animated, but the last one, for me, really captures the expertise of these speedy singers!

    Have a lovely weekend!



Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.