Monday, September 15, 2014

The way I see it is...

Yep, that's my new motto.
I sit here trying to wrap my brain around the fact that I have been on this earth for six decades.
When I turned forty, I don't remember thinking that it was that big of a deal,
although there seems to be some sort of stigma know...of being "over the hill".
When I turned fifty, some of my so-called friends, one being my own husband,
(who was also in cahoots) secretly planned a "black" party for me.
 As I entered my church for what I thought was our regular mid-week gathering,
I was greeted at the door by a friend...and a wheelchair.
I was immediately whisked off to the party room where I was greeted by many others.
I was presented with some sort of silly crown to wear, given black roses and numerous lovely gifts,
including such things as Depends, Geritol and Preparation H...all in good fun, of course :)
I remember thinking when I was little girl, how old my mom seemed to me.
And by most standards she was, especially compared to me, her baby.

She was forty-two when I was born...
...three years younger than I was when I became a grandma!
I guess you could say that I never have felt my age...whatever that means.
In fact, most days I don't act it either...whatever that means!
Being the baby out of eight children has a way of making you feel like an "eternal baby".
I mean, I like to think that I am a mature, adult woman, which I am...sort of... the ways that matter most anyway.
But I also kind of like the part of me that is still a kid in some ways...
...does that make any sense??
As far as my health goes, my quarterly lab work tells me that I am doing great.
With the exception of a few cricking bones and only a few aches and pains occasionally,
I feel great!
 And if I could only find the secret to getting those numbers on the scales to come down,
something I have struggled with since I was an adolescent, I would be doing a LOT better!
I've heard that it has something to do with eating too much food :)
Growing old is something everyone of us will have to face one day...
...that's just the way it is.
I gave up on growing in height long ago...5'3" is it for me, probably soon to be 5'2".
I hope not to grow outward any more than I already have through the years.
But I never want to stop growing in my relationship with my God.
 I need and I want Him to help me keep growing in all of those ways that matter.
It's a daily matter how young or how old I feel...
...and it's only by His grace.
So, what it all comes down to is attitude, I guess.
Just like the old saying goes...
"You're only as old as you feel" or "You're only as young as you feel".
Which one is it, anyway??

So...the way I see it is sixty IS the new forty!
Just humor me, okay?


  1. i think you are right on. When I look at pictures of my grandparents at my age, wow, they look old and feeble, but I don't feel that way. We are a youth oriented society for sure so I think it's important to model aging with great grace. Sounds like you're doing that. We can't avoid it anyway. I enjoyed this post and you look great. Happy Birthday!

    1. Thank you, Dotsie...I was thinking the same thing...even looking back at my older sibling yearbooks from the 50's and 60's...some of those teenage girls look like middle-aged women!! I just think we can be realistic but still stay young at heart!

  2. You are looking great! Happy birthday!

  3. Oh Debby Ray, your post was beautiful, just like you! You DO NOT look 60! You look so much younger than that, sweet friend. You are a lovely person all the way around, inside and out.

    I appreciated your words today and will remember them for many years to come. Happy Birthday to a wonderful woman!

  4. Birthday blessings to you, Debby!! I enjoyed reading your thoughts on age and birthdays and I was nodding my head along with you. Accepting where you are in life and making the most of each with grace and gratitude...that's what I see are keys to adding years gracefully!

    (Hey, we're not "old" long as we're still getting on our bellies to take pictures, right?) ;)

  5. Happy Birthday! I think it is wonderful that you still feel young at heart.

  6. Happy birthday! I have the same problem with height. I used to be 5'2" and now I am 4'11". The shrinkage happened in the last couple of years (now 62). So the pounds keep going in a horizontal direction, LOL. Stay as active as you can, keep smiling, and make sure you always have pain relievers close at hand! Each day is a gift...

  7. a very happy 60th to you! i'm 51 and trying to stay 'young' in mind and body for as long as i can. :)

  8. Right on. I have passed that mark as well,but still feel and think younger than I am. I told my son the other day that I felt like a 20 year old person trapped in a 65 year old body.

  9. Girl...I think someone messed up your birth certificate.....there is NO WAY that you are sixty!!! Your skin is wrinkles at all!!! Even if you are sixty (which I still doubt) you are making sixty look fantastic!! Sixty should hire you as their spokes model....everyone would want to be sixty!!! My goal is Slim at Sixty since I was fat at fifty..:( So you hear that food is the problem?.....I'm so glad you told me....heehee. I wish we lived closer and we would go celebrate with a feast and some cake and maybe some more cake!! Love and hugs to you my friend on your special day!!!

  10. Happy look gorgeous, Debby. What a sweet photo of you with your Mom.

  11. You are so cute and do not look like you are 60. Someone told me that "it is only numbers"! "Nothing but numbers"!!!!!!!!! Okay so when I reach 69 next year I had better remember that!!!!

  12. I will humor you because I just turned 60 this year, too!! And, I'm certainly hoping it's the new 40 - and I am NOT talking about extra pounds...(yeah, that eating does have something to do with it, phooey!)

    Happiest Birthday, dear friend! You look stunning, really. May this be a year that brings you much fun, fellowship, and fullness in the Lord.

    And I'm adding this adage: "Age is just mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!"


    1. Thank you my sweet friend! I guess I don't mind then :) Love you!

  13. Happy Birthday, beautiful friend! May this be the best year ever and filled with special moments. And for the record, I'm not far behind you.

  14. Happy Birthday sweet friend! I'm older than you so I can give you all kinds of advice. Let's see....just keep having fun and smiling and you'll LOVE being in your 60s! You look MARVELOUS so I can tell you are happy! Have a wonderful week....and keep celebrating! Sweet birthday hugs coming your way! Your blog buddy, Diane

  15. You do NOT look 60. I would never have guessed. How nice of your friends to rub it in. It's a good thing you have a wonderful sense of humor. Happy birthday!

    1. Well thank you so much for your kind compliment! I guess my thought is why not laugh...crying is the other! It has been a good day and I do so appreciate your birthday greeting!

  16. Happy Birthday, Debby. You look pretty wonderful (and young) to me! There is just something about turning sixty that is way different than turning forty or fifty. Don't know what it is, but I agree. Have a wonderful birthday!

  17. I do hope you had a wonderful birthday. 60 still seems mighty young to me.

  18. Happy birthday Debbie. I agree with you. We are as young as we feel. Very cute picture too!

  19. happy birthday!! and i think you are a very young 60!

  20. Happiest are adorable and always have such a cute attitude.
    I will be 77 in December...New Years Eve....yep, EVERYbody celebrates MY birthday. :)

  21. Happy Birthday!! i have always found age is something i see totally different than others - my grandparents made it to well over 90... so that is old to me ... 60 it chump change. you are a spring chicken. you look fabulous dear!! enjoy all moments. & keep celebrating!! ( :

  22. Happy birthday Debby! You look great! I think having a playful spirit helps a lot, and you do seem to enjoy life. What a gift, isn't it?

  23. Well I'm not far behind you in reacing the New Forty as I turn 59 next year...I'm not sure I like the aches & pains part of growing old but like you said you deal with it and go on.

  24. Happy, happy birthday, Debby!! I couldn't agree with you more - having a childlike essence about certain things, whimsical things, seems to be a kind of youthful elixir, both for the mind and the body! You look great; enjoy your 60th year on this amazing planet of ours!


  25. I hear ya girl! I am 61 and the youngest of 8 children also. So much of this sounds just like something that I could write. I remember thinking my mom was old when I was in the 2nd grade and she visited my school class. So many of the other mothers were young. My fellow classmates were probably the oldest child. I actually felt bad about that when I was older because she was the sweetest woman I have ever known!

  26. Happy, Happy Birthday! I always say age is just a number. I try not to worry about it (though occasionally the mirror trips me up!). I have a while to go before I reach 60 but I am all for 60 being the new 40 because, Lord willing, I will be there before you know it - time goes so fast. Praying you have a wonderful year ahead. Your picture at the end proves that you are doing very well - so cute : )

  27. Debbie, love this post and your attitude on aging, which by the way is not for sissies. It seems with every 10 years there at least one milestone that comes with that age. The last 20 have certainly passed faster or so it seems. It seems at times to creep up, one day I can get up and down easily then the next day I have to hold onto something...when did that happen I ask. Now about the weight issue, I am figuring that a little weight helps fill in the wrinkles, sort of a natural botox. I a few friends who went for the weight loss and the look older then me...maybe I am on to something here. for sure it not healthy to be over weight but it's not healthy to build ones life around losing weight either. So I think at 67 I will just keep on enjoying the ones God puts in my life to the fullest and fry them some chicken. Good post.

    1. Well, thank you so much, Betty! After the weekend I had I feel about 80!! I will keep in mind that comment of yours about the extra pounds being a natural botox...I like that idea...although I would prefer to have a smaller dosage! :) Your sweet words have encouraged me today! Blessings!

  28. I'm so sorry I've been so lax in reading blogs. Just haven't felt into it lately. You are beautiful and I don't see one line. I wish I could say that my labs are great. I take a handful of meds and it's hard to deal with. The lines on my face show it. I know you enjoy having a large family. My mama had a big family and it was always so loud and FUN when we all got together. Glad you are doing so well, a beautiful 60!

  29. Happy Belated Birthday to you! Ya look great! I'll be seeing '60' with my next birthday. Love your attitude!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  30. What a post, girlfriend! Oh, I wish you a late Happy Birthday! I agree with you totally on everything you've said. Being an only child, I've always felt childlike myself and probably will as long as God gives me breath on this earth. Now, you are one gorgeous lady and honey, you sure don't look 60! I'm your elder at almost 63 and I used to be 4'11 1/2" tall, but I've shrunk my 1/2"! Stools, stools all over the house! You're a blessing to me and so glad I've found you in blogland!
    You're always a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. Awww....Sheila, thank you so much for this sweet comment! Finally...someone shorter than! You are a little firecracker and I love reading your posts and keeping up with what you're up to. I hope you have a blessed Sunday!

  31. Belated happy birthday! Congratulations on reaching six decades!

  32. A belated Happy Birthday to you! You are such a cutie and certainly don't look 60! Btw, if 60 is the new 40, does that mean 70 is the new 50? tee hee. I hope so because I'll be that old in a couple of years. It's hard to believe that I'm that old, but I'm so grateful the Lord has given me this many years. I really don't feel or act that old...except maybe the last few days because I've been working harder than I normally do! My old bones and muscles are complaining. haha! And don't worry about the additional weight. I always wanted a lean, lithe look like my old classmate always has had, but I have always tended to be on the 'fluffy' side. I must say that she has way more wrinkles than I have now. Maybe the extra weight has a side benefit after all? :)
    Take care and have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Aww....thanks for your kind words, Cheryl! And yes, 70 IS the new 50...why not??!! And you cannot be turning 70...I would have never guessed! I'd say we are both blessed, wouldn't you? Thanks again for the Birthday greetings...have a blessed Sunday!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.