Thursday, October 16, 2014

A bridge, a fence and an outhouse

Golly, it seems like forever ago since I posted on Tex's Good Fences linky!
Actually, I have been keeping up with all of your lovely offerings...
...I just haven't had any of my own for a while.
The leaves here haven't turned all that much as you can see,
but since I shot these photos last Friday, more color is popping out this week.
I found a new natural area close to home and hiked it...I don't know how many miles.
It sets on 190 acres and has 5 miles of walkable trails.
If I didn't know better, I'd say I hiked every single acre of it by the way I felt afterwards...
...and believe me, I felt the effects of it for DAYS.
I must be trying to convince myself that I really am still only 40 instead of 60!
This is at the Shallow Ford Natural Area in Elon, NC
and it is a part of the North Carolina Mountains to the Sea Trail.

Yes, I know this is technically a bridge but I think it could qualify as fence...don't you?
Maybe a little??

This structure was recently built to replace the old bridge and I found it quite unique.
Kind of looks like a railroad trestle, doesn't it?

The Basin Creek, which it stretches across, was nearly dried up due to lack of rainfall.

I was in search of the old stone chimney and root cellar leftover from this 1800's homestead.
Below is a not-so-great photo from another site, just to show you what I'm looking for.


Somehow, I missed it but according the map, I should have passed it on this trail.
Oh well, I guess that just gives me more incentive to go back and find it!
I do plan to go back after the leaves have turned and hopefully I can find the old home place.
But here is one thing I was able to find...

...the old outhouse!
This could actually come in quite handy...out there in the woods...if the urge hits you :)
And so, the further I walked, I actually found one...

...a real fence, although rather short... is indeed, a fence!
Happy Friday, everyone!


  1. thanks for the 'fake' fence as well as real one. :) what a nice area!

  2. What a beautiful place to hike. And I think it's the best, with leaves rustling underfoot! It's nice that it's close enough to go back and hike again..and again! Enjoy your evening! It's even cool here tonight! Hugs, Diane

  3. Love the bridge and you captured it beautifully. And, yes, it counts. :)

  4. Enjoyed the stroll trough the country side of your lovely state.

  5. What a pretty place to hike and walk. I'd be searching for that old stone chimney and foundation too. It would be interesting to see. The bridge is nice and the outhouse is fun to see out in the woods. Not much privacy though! Pam

  6. Looks like an awesome place to hike! Good for you keeping in shape! Your shots of the bridge are great!

  7. O....there's NO DOUBT that little adorable bridge is an awesome stand-in for a fence. I love it.
    And, why anyone in their right mind would think that outhouse is cute, I'll never know but...I think its as cute as a bug in a rug...:)

  8. Thanks for taking us on a hike through the woods. Very enjoyable and love your photos ... and I too, love the picture of the old out-house. We had one when we were growing up.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  9. Oh that bridge is awesome and what a great place to take a walk. The outhouse was a fun find and you did find a nice little fence there nestled in those woods.

  10. Love all the different shot of the bridge and aal. The fall colours

  11. Pretty bridge. I guess the fence serves a purpose of some kind--maybe keeping visitors on the path?

  12. What a lovely place to hike! Peaceful, and so beautiful. I really like that bridge/fence. And yes, I also think it looks just like a train trestle. Sometimes I think it's such a shame that railroads aren't as popular as they once were. On our travels, my hubby and I like to discover old abandoned tracks. It's kinda sad, but the stories that those tracks could tell just fascinate me.

    Hope you find the old homestead. (Much, much better than finding the "old home" instead!!)


  13. A beautiful place, Debby, and it must be so uplifting to walk through this leafy landscape, but tell me, did you walk this trail alone? I don't know if I could, it being so secluded.

    The bridge and the fence are both lovely subjects, and they look perfectly at home amid the tall, skinny trees.

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  14. Nice photos. We have just started to see a hint of color here over the past two days or so. I wish we had more walking trails like seem to be where you live. Have a nice weekend--it should be a "pretty one" as they say down here!

  15. Looks like a beautiful place to walk. Yes,that outhouse might be good to have at certain times.

  16. What a beautiful setting for the bridge - makes me want to walk into your photo and cross it : )

  17. What a neat trail and bridge! Love your bridge photos, especially! The low angles are very effective because it gives a view from your walking feet, LOL.

  18. What a lovely walk you must have had. The bridge is beautiful. I think autumn walks are the best, everything is so still and colorful.

  19. Peaceful walk, my friend. And that outhouse ... oh my.

  20. lovely blog, i saw you thrue other blogger...will visit more to read your posts..blessings

  21. Hi Debby! Isn't it amazing that it wasn't that long ago that outhouses were all there was? Oy. I can't imagine running out there in the winter, and the smell in the summer. Thank you Thomas Crapper!
    I agree that the bridge looks like a train trestle, it's well-made!
    The leaves are turning now, it's a gorgeous sight. I love fall :)

    1. I had a very special aunt that had one still when my sisters and I used to stay with our cousins. Also, the church I grew up in had nothing but outside potties until I was probably a teenager...can you believe that???

  22. There's something special about a walk in the woods. Your photos share that well.

  23. Looks pretty. Thanks for sharing.

  24. Beautiful photos! Love the bridge/fence. :-) So pretty.

  25. Oh Debby, what a nice little get-away if for only an hour or so. I think it's a bridge and the fences too. After all, a fence is a boundary right? Keeps you out of the water anyway. Great place! The path would have to be clear though. There have been too many snakes around here!

  26. Hello Debby Ray! Your pictures are so beautiful and the bridge is definitely quite unique :) As I looked at the pathway through the woods I imagined I could smell the sweet scent of Autumn - don't you think Fall has a certain scent especially in the woods?

    Thanks for sharing and enjoy your week! Love to you!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.