Monday, October 27, 2014

Just a little inspiration...

Hello friends!
Gee, it's been a week and a half since I have posted anything.
Have you missed me??? (lol)
I guess I have been waiting for the fall colors to inspire me and...well...
...this fall has been a little unusual as far as the fall foliage is concerned.
Here it is, nearly November and we still have many green trees...
...some which still have most of their leaves!

As you can see, we are getting a little color...finally.
So, bright and early Saturday morning I decided to go out and see what I could see.
I drove just a few miles to our local Lake Michael, and was so glad I did...
...because this is what I saw when I arrived.


At first glance, the lake was nearly invisible.
The fog over the lake combined with the glare of the sun nearly blinded me.

Other than the park caretaker, I, along with a lone fisherman were the only ones there.

The air was crisp and cool and it was glorious as I walked, leaves crunching underfoot...

...along the trail that ran parallel to the water's edge.
Beautiful color, at last!
How could I not be inspired by this?

As I strolled along, the fog gradually lifted, revealing crystal clear blue skies
and breathtaking reflections.


I could have stayed all morning but unfortunately, I had somewhere else I had to be...

...cutting my visit to Lake Michael a bit short.

But I found what I was seeking...

...some beautiful fall scenes full of color...

 ...and some inspiration :)
Have a blessed week, friends!

*I am sharing this post on Judith's Mosaic Monday.*
Come on over and see the other beautiful mosaics others are sharing!

*Also sharing with Cindy on Amaze Me Mondays *



  1. oh, you're getting some BEAUTIFUL color! wow!

  2. Hello Debby
    Your photos are incredibly beautiful.
    Thank you for sharing them with us!

  3. Hi Debby, Your pictures are outstanding, especially like the mist coming off the lake. We are driving across Canada and then down the West Coast and over to NC to spend Christmas with our daughter who lives near Durham, I don't know how close you are to there but we are going to be near. As we drove through Saskatchewan everything was grey and brown no colours at all, so lucky you still have plenty of colour left. Enjoy while you can

  4. Just wow! These places and these pictures are stunning! Wish I had been tagging along, camera in hand.

  5. Debby, these are stunningly beautiful photos. The colours and the fog on the calm lake are a photographers dream. Thanks for going out there and for sharing these pictures. Have a blessed week.

  6. YES! I missed you a lot! And oh boy, what a return you've made! These photos are just breathtaking, Debby. Such beauty you live in. Things here in the mountains are slowly approaching autumn, too. The colors are beginning to change in the trees, though most of our trees are evergreens. But, the temperatures are beginning to get a bit chilly at night.

    I feel pumpkin cappuccino coming on...!


  7. Wowzer!!!! Beautiful!!!! I don't know how you could make yourself leaf....heehee...sorry..... but truly you got some gorgeous shots!! Almost as pretty as you...:) Hugs my friend!!

  8. These are just gorgeous photos! I love the fog over the lake, especially the shots with the dock reaching out into the water. That is just super beautiful!

  9. Your timing seems to have been perfect. Wonderful atmospheric look to these. And yes, I've missed you.

  10. How could one not be inspired by the mist over the lake, reflections and the colour of the leaves. I'm so glad you went to the lake on the day you did as you've captured some awesome photos. Second from the bottom is my favourite.
    Thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  11. I can see how you were inspired...sheer heaven in your pictures.

  12. OMYGOSH, DEBBY...these photos are so awesome. That one, with the pier, I would enlarge and
    hang it over your mantel or wall. Just beautiful.

  13. These are some wonderful photos! Beautiful scenery!

  14. Oh wow! How beautiful! I know you are glad you took the ride. The leaves are still not turning much in Nashville either. Your photography skills get better and better.

  15. You should print these out in a set of notecards....perfect for Fall. You were at the right time for photographs. We are still very green here but some things look like they are end of summer with seeds and all. Enjoy your week my friend! Hugs, Diane

  16. These scenes are about as beautiful as it can get. That low lying fog or mist is so beautiful.Oh my,I do love this post.

  17. Thank you! I was truly inspired also! Fall is so full of color and a calm before a long winters rest!
    Yours, Roxy

  18. So beautiful, Debby...of course, you were inspired! Those are the scenes we wait all year long to see! What a marvelous gift from our Creator!

  19. Oh my, such beautiful color. While we do have some of the fire reds in our trees here in northern Colorado, I have never seen such beauty in the fall colors in the old eastern forest. I live on the grasslands where trees are limited to a few old varieties. Your photos are gorgeous.

  20. Wow! What beautiful pictures!!!!! All the trees are empty at our homestead in Minnesota.

  21. Simply amazing photos. . .what a beautiful post. Peaceful and yet so full of vibrancy!

  22. Hi Debby,

    Yes, we missed you....BUT it was worth the wait!! Stunning photos of your inspiring views at the lake! I cannot take my eyes off the pic second from the bottom; it's just breathtakingly, unbelievably beautiful!!!


  23. Glorious bounty of Autumn images. Very beautiful post shares Debby~

  24. Beautiful pictures!! Love Autumn and all her glory, and you captured it so well. Stopping by from Amaze me Monday

  25. Stunning scenery! The colors are all so beautiful. Isn't the sky such a pretty blue this time of year? I love autumn!!

  26. Wow, wow, wowzers, my friend! Those pictures....amazing, beautiful, stunning, breathtaking, the list could go on and on. The second and third picture literally took my breath away.

    Thank you so much for sharing with us. Hugs to you!

  27. I love the gorgeous colors of fall. You've shared some beautiful images!

  28. I'm echoing what everyone else has said . . . these are gorgeous photos Debby. Glad you went for that early walk, and shared with all of us. How peaceful it must have been there . . . Love the mist and all the beautiful colors.

  29. Simply stunning photos! I love the fog rising from the magical. Happy Wednesday!

  30. Hi Debbie! I like the reflection in the water from the trees. And that fog does get you dreamin' doesn't it? All of these photos were worth waiting for, I want to go here!!!
    Wednesday blessings,

  31. So beautiful! I sure enjoyed all. Thank you.

  32. What a delightful visit you had. I love the reflection of the trees in the water. Have a wonderful evening.

  33. Your photos are spectacular. I'd love to have one framed hanging on a wall. Thanks for your kind words about my surgery!

  34. Wow, you hit the jackpot with that morning light and beautiful autumn colors! The mist on the water was like icing on a delicious cake. Fantastic photos!

  35. These are all such spectacular photos! Amazing beauty!

  36. Awesome, Debby. Simply wonderful. I am so glad you got out on this morning. This is the quintessential autumn experience in my mind. Thanks for bringing it to us.

  37. Absolutely breathtaking between the fog, the water and the bright morning sunshine.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.