Thursday, October 30, 2014

Love Thy Neighbor... and Their Fence

We are taught to love our neighbor, right?

Well, what about thy neighbor's fence?

Sometimes the grass is greener on the other side,
 and other times the leaves are prettier.

I actually really am quite fond of this fence.
I think it makes a lovely dividing line between our properties.
However, for a few weeks now, I have been experiencing leaf envy...
...their leaves were brighter and prettier than those on our side of the fence.

I snapped these today when I was home for lunch and added some effects just for fun.

The color is popping out all over...on both sides of the fence.
No more leaf envy for me :)
Joining the fun over at Good Fences.

Happy Friday, friends!


  1. laughing! so glad you like your neighbor's fence (and hopefully your neighbor, too). no need for envy in your neck of the woods!

  2. Oh, you make me laugh, Debby Ray :) Beautiful fence and beautiful leaves....on both sides.

    Hugs and blessings!

  3. Yes, that's a good dividing fence and I too love your autumn leaves.


  4. Oh my your edits are magical and so pretty. That is a very nice fence and the leaves are just so colorful.

  5. I love when you add special effects. Your photos are so pretty, and only prettier when you enhance them. We are finally seeing some color change up here in the mountains. Though most of the trees are evergreens, we do see splotches of color here and there!


  6. The leaves are certainly bright and it is a lovely fence.

  7. Incredible pictures! Your header collage is gorgeous, too. I hope you'll enjoy the weekend.

  8. Beautiful! I love the editing you've done. The colors are very pretty on both sides of the fence!

  9. Beautiful pictures, Debby! Our leaves are now past their prime, with the muted, rusty shades of pre-winter now dominating the landscape. Thanks for sharing!

  10. The leaves are lovely! Nice fence also; we had a very similar fence between us and our neighbor when we lived in Portland.

  11. That is a nice fence. Pretty leaves, too.

  12. Debby, these are just beautiful photos! I love the effects. That first one would look great framed. Hope you have a nice weekend. Be careful, for the goblins will getcha if you don't watch out! :-)

  13. Beautiful pictures, and I love the watercolor effects on them. Such a gorgeous time of year, and so many beautiful colors. You have some lovely big trees!

  14. Fences and fall foliage. What more do we need?

  15. Beautiful photos of the glorious colours of fall along your fence. That fence is really quite nice with an interesting edge to it. Have a lovely weekend. S**w coming here for us - a bit early!

  16. Yes, we have to consider what the other's side may bring. Your photos are great!

  17. Beautiful, painterly, heavenly!

  18. Gorgeous photos...and I like the fence too! :-)

  19. Hi Debby! Congrats on being featured on Inspired Sunday!
    I love what you did to the colors of the leaves. So yellow! It looks like the sun is streaming through the branches. You have a beautiful vista, no need to envy your neighbors trees, yours are gorgeous!

  20. What amazing Fall colors and I like the effects. Enjoy your week my friend! Sweet hugs!


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