Monday, November 3, 2014

My Real Leaf Wreath

Happy Monday, friends...I hope everyone had a great weekend!
It has been COLD here in North Carolina...
...but staying true to form, it will be back up to 70 degrees later on this week.
So, they say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, right? 
 Well, right now, I'm going to flatter Sherry who blogs over at Thrift My House.
She made a beautiful real leaf wreath and also provided a great tutorial!

Here's my version.
My body is still feeling the effects of repeatedly bending down to pick up all of those leaves.
Eventually, I got smart and started pulling them off the trees...DUH!!
Sometimes it takes me a while :)

I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was and I really liked the finished product.
I played around a bit with where to hang it.
Here it is hanging on the pantry door in my kitchen.
I have another wreath that normally hangs there but was just experimenting.
Being rather fragile, I thought it best not to hang it on a door. 

So I moved it into the great room and hung it on my "wrought iron" wall art ...
(which is really not wrought iron at all).

I decided I really liked it there.

So, that's where I left it.
If you decide to keep it inside, the leaves may dry and curl up mine did.
I discovered this is what happens when you hang it above a lamp...
...another big DUH!
I would imagine that hanging it on an outside door would keep them hydrated longer.
Here is what it looks like now.
I think it's still pretty and the dried look and curled edges give it a whole new character.
 Before all was said and done, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to have a little fun with it.
Below is my facebook post from over the weekend:
It was SO windy today! And blew the leaves into a perfectly shaped wreath! I love it when that happens 

Well, you could happen!
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  1. it is VERY pretty! and i don't mind the naturally curled up version, either. :)

  2. The fb post is cute! I love the wreath. You did a great job. Wishing you a very nice evening!

  3. Debby Ray!!! I love it! It's so beautiful! I also like them as they dry and curl up. Very fall like! I'm so happy you made one!

  4. Ohhhh...that's very pretty. I had no idea that one could do that so I'll have to check out the tutorial for another year.

  5. You had so many pretty leaves to use for your wreath. It looks beautiful. Enjoy your week. Hugs, Diane

  6. Looks striking against the wrought iron.

  7. That's a great idea and very pretty,even when the leaves begin to dry.

  8. I like your wreath both ways - all laid out pretty, and curled up, too. And yes, it's amazing how the wind just blew it together this way! Maybe later this year it will blow a whole Christmas tree your way! :-)


  9. Love the wreath...I would have to buy artificial leaves since in Southern California the leaves turn brown from the heart and dryness. Miss the color of Kentucky where we are from. Great idea though.

  10. Wow! I'm impressed! Awesome! I love it and I really like the space where you put it. Such a great vignette there too! Hope you had a great weekend. The weather was perfect here. Although windy and cool, the sun was shining. It was a perfect day!

  11. That is very pretty! I agree that the dried, curling look is also lovely. Fun Facebook post! :)

  12. Beautiful job on the wreath! It is quite lovely and impressive!

  13. That is so attractive Debbie, all those gorgeous Autumn tones.
    It looks wonderful sitting on the wrought iron piece.
    Then I spied your beautiful plate on the stand with the Fleur de Lis beneath it - a lovely vignette.
    I've made a note in my 2015 diary to try it in March/April which will be our Autumn - thank you!

  14. Oh, your wreath "that the wind blew in" is so pretty, Debby Ray! Okay, lets be honest, YOU made a gorgeous display of Autumn beauty :)

    I'm off to visit your friend - thanks for introducing her to us. Happy Tuesday to you!

  15. What a great wreath! I saw it on Diane's sidebar and had to come by to check it out and then had the pleasure of scrolling through your beautiful blog and pictures!
    Thank you for sharing!

  16. That is Very pretty!! and such a fun fb post. :-)

  17. It's the prettiest leafy wreath I've ever seen! It's good you could take pictures to capture the fleeting beauty - it seems that putting it together was a pleasantly tactile way to prolong your enjoyment of those leaves. Happy Fall!

  18. Your wreath is beautiful! I love decorating with bits and bobs of God's creation - His handiwork cannot be duplicated. I like it fresh and curled : ) Happy Fall!

  19. It's really pretty fresh or curling. And you chose a good place for it. Of course you could buy some fake leaves. Can you believe they make such things! I bet you got a lot of comments on your fb page. I sure hope it stays cool here. Thanks for your so kind comment on my post.

  20. I. LOVE. IT...even curled up. Now, of course, I want one, too. :)

  21. Hi Debby! What a great idea. Of course, I don't have a DIY bone in my body, so I never would have come up with this myself. It's really beautiful. Good to know about the curling up thing. I wonder if you had pressed the leaves overnight if that would have helped?
    It's really cute!

  22. Hi Debby,

    Your real leaf wreath (quite the tongue twister!), is very pretty and looks lovely posing in all those locations. How creative that autumn wind is, to have whipped up such circular charm!


  23. Beautiful, both fresh and dried. I love using natural materials for decorating.

  24. Hello Debby!
    Your leaf wreath is really beautiful. Lovely, lovely colours!

  25. So pretty! And to think the wind just blew it together ;)

  26. The wreath is so beautiful -- makes me long for Fall color around here, but it all has to be "faux." Maybe there is some kind of preservative you could spray on that would keep it fresh-looking.

  27. Debby, your wreath is just beautiful! Thanks for linking to the wreath tutorial. I saw that post on Facebook. . . so funny! It really has been beautiful this Fall, hasn't it?

    Thank you for joining Grace at Home--I'm featuring you this week!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.