Friday, November 7, 2014

Trees: A Personal Photo Challenge

I really like them a lot.
I am really glad that God included them when He created earth.
Trees are definitely one of my favorite things.
It's time again for Donna's Personal Photo Challenge and it's all about trees.
I have spent the last two evenings rooting (teehee) through my photos for this post.
That's a LOT of trees and it has been hard to decide which ones to use.
So, I've narrowed it down to about twenty...
How about four...or five?

So, this was taken last winter with my point & shoot, looking up into the trees in my back yard.
It was a very gray, gloomy kind of day .

I played around with a few different effects and settled on the HDR effect in Picasa.
I liked the "artsy" look of it.
And then sometimes, you just find that certain tree...'s a favorite of mine at a lovely nature preserve in Fancy Gap, VA.
The tree is not all that special on it's own, but this whole setting just delights my soul...
...the way it stands alone out in the field of tall grasses, a gentle breeze swaying it's branches.
It reminds me of a scene from "Little House on the Prairie".
The only thing missing here is a nice soft quilt and a picnic basket.
The one above was taken in late summer of last year with my point-n-shoot.
I added a dusk effect and some softening in Picmonkey.

Same tree, different time, different newish DSLR.
So there I was again, a year later, just snapping away.
Picnic, anyone?
Then there are the trees of Fort Fisher at Carolina Beach.

I love what the wind and waves has done to these trees through time.

Yes...I do love trees.
From my head down to my knees.
I love trees :)


  1. Hi Debby, Beautiful pictures of the trees. Yes, the one tree does remind me of Little House and for sure, you need to have a picnic there one of these days! I have always wanted to "make" a picnic basket with bits and pieces of vintage china!

  2. Nice...those trees always look as if there is a stiff breeze no matter what is going on. Pretty cool. My favorite is The Picnic Tree in the meadow.

  3. Just glorious, all of them. I'm a lover of trees, yes.

  4. I love trees too! God has quite the eye don't you think?...:) I love the different looks that you gave your photos.....but then again you can do no wrong in my eyes...:) Have a great weekend friend!!

  5. Very well done. There is a lot of interest in these photos.

  6. I feel the very same way. They just make you feel like everything is good in this world. I love these neat looking trees at Carolina Beach. You've taken amazing photos and tweaked them for the best photos. Very nice my friend! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs, Diane

  7. I have enjoyed the variety. While that second one is my favorite, and I can almost imagine that I cowboy on a horse is going to come galloping our way, the picture looks so alive, the last one with the trees affected by the wind is so interesting...I've never seen anything like them, so it was fun to do so here! :)

  8. Wonderful pictures and effects. The trees are beautiful and I'm so glad God made them too!

  9. I have always loved trees, including climbing in them. You have some beautiful photos!

  10. Lovely collection! I love trees, so all of these photos are wonderful. Happy weekend!

  11. Great pictures. Trees make such good subjects for special effects, don't they?

  12. i do like your lone tree. and those very cool fingery trees!

  13. Love these, and like you, I love trees also. :)

  14. I'm in the same boat about a love affair with trees. They are just plain magical. The HDR contrast between the sky and the trees does give a very artsy feel to the first photo. Cool! The lone tree on the landscape is a honey. I've been looking and looking for a lone tree near me that I could use for seasonal photographs, but no such luck yet. And those trees at the beach are quite a sight, bent and shaped from the coast winds. Beautiful job on the challenge!

  15. That tree surrounded by grass and what looks like Queen Anne's lace does beckon for a picnic beneath it in the cool shade.

  16. Wow! Your first photo is breathtaking! My mother has a thing about lone trees, so that one got my attention too. And those seaside trees, leaning as they've been pushed by the wind...fascinating.

    This challenge had your name on it, didn't it? Great job!

  17. I love trees as well. I've enjoyed all of your snaps today.


  18. Oh, how many times I've looked into the skies to find a thousand little leaves waving hello to me - acknowledging my presence as I pass by their homes.

    Your trees are beautiful, each with its own distinct character and appearance, having lived a life of experiences in its natural environment. A picnic in honour of its host, would be the perfect celebration amid those dreamy fields of gold.

    Happy weekend, my friend!


  19. Belas fotos! Eu gosto especialmente da última. O trabalho do vento e a resistencia das arvores é incrivel!
    Um abraço!

    Beautiful photos! I especially like the last one. The work of the wind and the resistance of trees is incredible!

  20. I love that you've included two photos of the same tree. It really highlights how changeable trees can be and how much difference a different perspective can make. I'd happily join you for a picnic there.

  21. Beautiful photos. This first image is stunning with the HDR effect!!

  22. Stopping by from the photo challenge..thanks for sharing your great pics!

  23. These are all pretty, Debby, but that second one is my favorite. I always feel a little sorry for a single tree out in a field, but it reminds me of the single shade trees that were often left standing when farmers cleared the land of trees so they could plant crops. I remember taking sandwiches and a cold drink out to my dad and brothers when they were doing field work. We'd spread out a blanket under the single shade tree and have our lunch.

  24. My favorite is the "same tree, different camera" shot! Looks inviting, and the little flowers add such a nice touch. :)

  25. I too love trees. All your shots are lovely but my favourite is the "lone" tree. It does indeed look like the perfect spot for picnicing. I have a fav lone tree as well but it is along a busy highway and not a place you can stop for photography. It's a 5 hour drive from me now, but maybe someday I'll manage to get a shot of it somehow. The windswept trees at the beach are very "moody" I think...

  26. Oh these were wonderful and just a delight to look at. I love trees too.

  27. Hello. Just visiting...happy I found a fellow tree lover :O)

  28. That tree in alone in the field is truly lovely, nice shots!

  29. Well you have picked out fabulous trees to showcase. I loved the first shot and then the second was wonderful with the lone tree, but my favorites are the trees bent from the wind...nature has created pure beauty!

  30. I looked at the latter trees you posted and thought they resembled some I took recently--at Fort Fisher! It's a small, small world. :)

  31. Hi Debby! I like the first photo the best. It looks like the trees are glowing with life! I like trees too. That solitary tree almost seems to exude strength. Ah..they are so calming!
    Happy Monday :)

  32. Lovely......My Dad only quoted one poem his whole life. "Trees" by Joyce Kilmer......."I think that I shall never see, a poem as lovely as a tree." :)

  33. Trees are beautiful - and the way that you see them is better yet!

    Love these photos, Debby. I really love the way you look at the world.


  34. Trees are so wonderful and a life-giving part of creation. Your edits are wonderful. Looks like you had fun!

  35. I enjoyed your tree photos. Not sure which I like best. That last two are really interesting. I like the special effects in photo one. Trees are such good friends except when they fall on your house. I am slowly seeing improvement, the key being getting off pain pills and bending my knee which is not too pleasant! Thanks for checking on me.

  36. These are incredible. You just get better and better. I love the Little House field and tree. When I looked at it I thought, what does this remind me of. Yes, Little House on the Prairie. Awesome!

  37. After seeing your amazing pictures I do believe I love trees too :) That first picture leaft me speechless! I would totally frame that photo and hang it in my home. First I would enlarge it - it's beautiful, Debby Ray. All of your photos are stunning.

    Hugs to yu!

  38. Trees have their own personalities and fascination. I like the way you have presented these.

  39. I too am glad God put trees on earth, where would we be without them for shade, protection, food, and the list goes on. I truly love the first one, very surreal feel to it...will have to check out that setting in Picassa. Thanks.

  40. Great photographs of some lovely trees! Living in the Pacific Northwest we have an abundance of trees wherever we look and I am grateful for them all.

  41. HI Debby! Oh, your snaps of trees are just beautiful! I think my favorite is the first one! Thanks for popping in to see me. I'm a little late getting back to you because we've just returned from Texas. The world has some beautiful places to see! I really enjoyed our cross country trip and loved Pa! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  42. You love trees from your head to your knees. Well, if that isn't the cutest!!
    You took some beautiful photos, Debby.
    I have to agree with you on the prairie tree, all it needs is a blanket and picnic basket.
    We have a tree in our area some what like that one that has been here as long as I can remember, oh 45 years anyway, and it grows right next to a large rock. The sheep on the property will nestle together under that tree, quite a picture.
    It was nice to visit you.
    This week has been slow with my parents so I have been in the "neighborhood" saying hello.

    Sweet blessings, Debbie

  43. They are all so pretty Debby! But the last two...AMAZING!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.