Sunday, November 16, 2014

Fancy Little Pumpkins

Hello friends!
Can you believe that Thanksgiving is right around the corner?
I can barely wrap my mind around the fact that 2014 is nearly!
We all have seen those delightful stuffed pumpkins all over blogland and Pinterest... may even have made some yourself.
The first time I laid eyes on them, I knew wanted to try my hand at making a few. 
So, here it is almost time for Christmas decor and I'm just now getting these little guys made!
I am not including a tutorial since there are so many out there.
It's basically a circle of fabric, any size you choose, stuffed with beans and batting...
...hand stitched around the edge, pulled tight, secured then the stem hot glued on. 
I started collecting pumpkin stems wherever I could.
You know those huge cardboard boxes at Walmart with pumpkins in them?
If you are lucky enough to find one empty, you will probably find a few.
So I made pumpkins for the stems that I found...four...and I have lots of fabric left.
Maybe I'll make more earlier in the season next year and have a giveaway!!

I wanted to make them all in different shades of velvet
 so I started searching the Goodwill Stores for whatever items I could find for the fabric.
This was not as easy as you might think.
Any other time I would have found many things velvet-ish...
...but we all know what happens when we begin to search specifically for something, right?
So, after several trips in about as many weeks,
I came across some things that I thought would make pretty little pumpkins.
The green and brown ones were created from velvet turtle neck shirts.
Even though I would have never worn them,
(I don't do turtlenecks plus they were in a size I haven't seen since junior high),
I still have this aversion to cutting up a perfectly good garment.
Well, I quickly got over it and started whacking away!

I really liked the colors and am pretty pleased how they turned out.

The paisley print had been a scarf in it's former life and the other from an orange lace shirt... that I actually could wear...if I wore orange.
I don't do orange nor do I know why...even though pumpkins wear it very well.
Maybe that's the reason why I don't...I might just resemble one if I did!
Anyway, I thought the lace would really make a pretty pumpkin...and well, it's orange... appropriate.
Then I fancied them up a bit.

I had seen others that had been "blinged out" so I played around with some vintage jewelry.

I thought the jewelry added some elegance to them...

...but decided I preferred them bling-less in the setting that I chose for them.

So...have you bought your turkey yet???

I'm sharing this with Judith at Mosaic Mondays.


  1. very cute! i like them blingless, too. :)

  2. Oh, my, Debby, these are adorable and the bling just make them all the more! ;) Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie

  3. Hello Debby
    Your pumpkins are gorgeous! (I especially love the velvet ones.)
    They do look nice bling-less, but perhaps could wear jewelry for really special occasions... :)
    Have a great new week!

  4. Debby I had not seen these so they were a delight and I love the fabric you chose...your displays are quite beautiful with them too!!

  5. Hi Debby! These are just so cute! I totally vote for a give-away. I am terrible at DIY projects, so I'd need to win one of your blinged-out pumpkins :)
    My brother and sister in law are cooking for Thanksgiving, so no turkeys this year for me. I'm okay with that, actually. I am in charge of twice baked potatoes!

  6. Debby, these are gorgeous! I like that you 'got over' cutting up good clothing to make them and added some bling. Your photographs are all beautiful too. I'm in Canada so most of us are into Christmas decorating already. :) Enjoy the day. Pamela

  7. Oh goodness, Debby, those pumpkins are just adorable! I was torn between whether I liked them with bling or bare! I agree, though, in the setting you chose, blingless is better. I had to chuckle, too, over your explanation of their making. I also do not wear turtlenecks (I can't stand anything tight around my neck) - nor do I look good in avocado green or orange. Paisley? Jury's out on that one.

    Thanksgiving??? Yikes, this year has gone by quickly. My hubby and I are going over to my son and daughter-in-law's house. They're making the turkey! We're bringing a fruit salad, and maybe some rolls or dessert. And of course, our scintillating conversation! HAH!


  8. These are all so cute Debby and easy to make by the sounds of it.
    Dare I say I just decorated for winter today and I'm thinking about ordering the Christmas turkey? I'll bring out the actual Christmas things in another couple of weeks but right now the snowflakes, snowmen and sleighs are bringing me joy.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  9. Really pretty and a very good repurposing of fabrics! I like them without the bling, too. Velvet, lace, and silk is more than enough bling on its own. Good tip about finding pumpkin stems!

  10. These are lovely. I love that you used old garments for the fabric and the bling is nice too. Your vignette is gorgeous. Just the two of us, so we usually eat out for the holiday.

  11. Debby, You are so very creative. These pumpkins are so cute - with or without the bling! But personally, I love the way you displayed them with your grapes and the picture and such. So darling! I hope you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving and blessings to all!

  12. Your pumpkins are so sweet! Like the bling, too!

  13. Your pumpkins are adorable, Debby Ray! I love the fabric choices and I must say I like the pearls and bling - what a unique idea. But even without the bling they are incredibly beautiful.

    I have seen these kind of pumpkins around and am like you and have always wanted to make some. Next year I HAVE to :)

  14. Absolutely love your adorable, fashion-forward pumpkins! Daughter is doing the turkey this year. :)

  15. These are so pretty! You did a great job and the display is wonderful.

    No turkey yet, though our local store has a promo..if you've spent XX amount there you get a 'free' turkey. Most people will have spent that, myself including. So I'll pick it up closer to Thanksgiving and just let it thaw.

  16. Well, look at you, making your own velvet pumpkins!! They look lovely in the setting you chose! Great job, Debby!

  17. These are gorgeous Debby, such rich and warm colors. the jewelry is fun, but I agree that they are better "bling-less." I had to laugh; I don't wear orange either, but I never thought it was because I'd look like a pumpkin! Don't need that!

  18. These are so cute, and I do love the addition of 'bling.' :-) I especially like that green one.

  19. Oh Debby, how elegant! I love the way you photographed them with the bling jewelry too! Wow! I do love!

  20. Debby, your petite pumpkins are so very pretty, whether blinged and bejwelled or surrounded by faux fruit, they are TOO cute!

    You have forever forbidden me to wear orange again, for fear of looking like a pumpkin, and not of the petite kind!

    Happy Tuesday!


  21. So cute Debbie! With and without the jewels, but I like the sparkly touch!

  22. I love the pumpkins and love that you used recycled materials to craft them from! I will be on the hunt for pumpkin stems myself now :)

  23. WOW! Look at you, Debby. Fantastic job. I love each and every one of them. Why ~ I believe I could even try my hand at these. I love the idea of the jewels.
    I am with you in that I would NEVER wear orange. Orange, purple and off white do not do well on me. :) I'm a pink girl, and the brighter the better on me. Maybe it's because I am getting older and I need the brightness?
    By the way ~ we took about four yards of beautiful velvet to the Thrifty store when we were getting ready for the estate sale for my parents. Nobody wanted it. Crazy!
    Sweet blessings my friend.

  24. Hi Debby, I love your little pumpkins and what a great tip to look in the empty pumpkin boxes, I'm going to remember that. I love your natural leave wreath, too. I saw that on Sherry's blog and was going to make one. My problem was finding any pretty leaves. We have poplar, apricot and evergreen in our yard. The poplar and the apricot stayed green forever and then all of a sudden the weather turned and the wind blew and the trees were bare. We live in the desert area of Washington state (yes, Washington does have a dessert) and finding maple and oak is all but impossible without traveling a hundred miles east, west, north or south, LOL. I am thinking about making a pine-cone wreath:) I am your newest follower and I would love to invite you over to visit and hope that you might follow me back. I love making new friends and find that blog-land is full of wonderful like minded women with common interests, like myself. All around the world there are women that put God, family and home as their priorities. It doesn't matter where we live, we are the caregivers and the peacemakers of the world. Happy Thanksgiving:)

  25. Very cute pumpkins. I loved the fabrics you used and the idea of gluing on a real stem is so cool.


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