Monday, November 24, 2014

Sweet Sixteen

I was forty-five years old.
 I wasn't ready to be a grandma when I heard this unexpected news.
 The thought of it made me seem old...something that I thought I'd never be.
 I was the eternal child, remember...the "baby" of that big family.
I was also the Queen of DeNial :)
That was then...back in 1998...before he came along.
He changed everything.

The moment I laid eyes on him—that moment in the hospital—that's when it happened.
All of those selfish feelings..."it's all about me"... left immediately.
I had a precious, healthy grandson...a wonderful blessing from God!
Here he is with his Mawmaw, at just a couple of weeks old.
Oh, how I miss those days.
(although I don't miss that double chin I was sporting back then :)
What a blessing it was to be able take care of him a couple of days a week.
And what joy...that first time he spent the night at Mawmaw's house!
This grandma's heart was overflowing!

He was a little more than two years old before he got that first "little boy" haircut...
...I think his blonde curls were nearly down to his shoulders...
...well after this was taken.
Today he turned sixteen...SIXTEEN!
I can hardly believe how fast the years have flown by!
He'll be getting his driver's license soon...and he's a good driver.
This grandma has let him drive her several times and she didn't even have a heart attack :)
I wish I could have found a more recent photo of him.
But when you get to be sixteen, you don't want just any photo out there circulating on the internet!
Your hair needs to be just right and you must have on the right clothes.

So, this is one the most recent photos of him with his brother and cousins (from last year).
 I think this one would meet his approval.
We will be celebrating his big day later this week along with Thanksgiving.
He has already put in his order for a red velvet cake :)

Happy 16th Birthday, Dacey Ray!
You will always be my little Thanksgiving Blessing...
...even though you are now W-A-Y taller than me.

And you will never let me forget it!

Thanks for bearing with me while I reminisce.



  1. oh, happy birthday, young man! and what a handsome lad you are and were. :)

  2. Oh Debby, what a wonderful grandson!! 16?! Time flies, huh?! Happiest Birthday, Dacey. May you always know how very much you are loved - by your very special Mawmaw, and by our precious Lord. May He richly bless you in this coming year!

    Happy Thanksgiving, too, to all of your family! May we be especially mindful of all the many blessings we have!


  3. Such a sweet and heartwarming post!
    Happy Birthday & Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. What a great story! I knew that it would all work out just as it should. Mawmaws' hearts are just made that way. He's a handsome kid and I wish him a great year. Sixteen is the beginning of so many good things.

  5. Happy Birthday to your grandson. 16 is such a major celebration! I have a great niece who just turned 16; I'm with you, time goes so quickly!

  6. You must be such a proud grandmother, Debby, with such sweet stories and beautiful grands. I know the feeling - never thinking we could get old - but, when I think that my daughter is twenty-five, exactly the age I had her, I can't believe how truly fast time flies!

    Happy Birthday to Dacey and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Enjoy your special day!


  7. Happy birthday to your handsome grandson! It's wonderful that you have been there for him since day one!

  8. Happy Birthday to this special young man. They do grow up too fast.

  9. Aww Happy Birthday to your sweet grandson! What an obvious blessing he has been in your life. He is equally blessed to have a Mawmaw like you : )

  10. Grandchildren certainly are precious. I have 3 grandsons 4 and under and can't imagine them turning 16 at this point! Have a wonderful 16th birthday celebration along with Thanksgiving. Blessings. Pam

  11. Happiest of birthdays to your grandson. I have a 16 year old grandson, too, and I enjoy him so much.

  12. Awwww...the happiest of birthdays to your grandson! And for you...a happy anniversary of being a grandmother! It is one of the best of jobs, isn't it?

  13. Happy birthday wishes to your Thanksgiving blessing!
    I love the photo of you holding your precious joy. :-)
    Going down memory lane is such a joy, isn't it?
    Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
    Love to you, Debbie

  14. Awww....such sweet memories about your grandson! I was 46 when I became a grandma for the first time to a delightful little red haired boy :) There truly is nothing like it the moment you hold that first grandchild in your arms. Happy Birthday to your boy. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

  15. Hi Debby! It's going to be a special Thanksgiving this year, huh? Wow. What a cutie he is! (I'm sure he'd hate that description.) I can see why you are so proud, and so happy that he has become the fine person he is today.
    And how is it that you look younger now???
    Happy Thanksgiving my friend,

    1. Aww...thanks Ceil. Seriously?? It could be the extra weight back then...but thanks for the compliment..I'll take it!! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, sweet friend!

  16. Nothing better than being a grandma! Life does change...for the better. And you have gotten younger looking!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  17. Happy 16th birthday to your grandson. Grandchildren so change one's life forever. A real blessing.

  18. What a sweet post! Happy 16th birthday! Happy Thanksgiving, too! I have a granddaughter who is trying to outgrow everyone, at 14.

  19. debby, such a sweet tribute to your grandson and your role as grandma. There's nothing quite like it is there. I was thinking today we may be leaving the baby stage soon, just like we did as our own kids grew. Just have to savor the moments we have with them. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family.

  20. I agree, I think you look younger now! Happy birthday to your sweet grandson -- all your grands look sweet.
    Happy Thanksgiving Debby.


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