Monday, December 22, 2014

Got Stress???


It went something like this:
"Good morning! How many of you are ready for Christmas?"
(a few raised hands)
"How many of you are NOT ready for Christmas?"
(raised hands, mine included)
"How many of you are stressed out and just wish Christmas was over with already?"
(a few raised hands...mine, almost)
Those were the opening words coming from my pastor yesterday morning.
And then getting rather serious, he went on to say these words...
"You know, it was never...NEVER...God's intentions for us to become all stressed out 
over a time when we are supposed to be celebrating the birth of His Son... how did this time of the year get to be like this?
This does NOT make God happy!"
I am pretty sure he was addressing this to himself as well as the congregation.
 His words immediately convicted me and I was suddenly overwhelmed with sadness.
 A sadness deep in my spirit.
I was letting the worries of getting everything ready for Christmas wear me down...
...more than I had ever remembered any other year before.
I almost felt as if I had just slapped the face of God.
How dare I???
After repenting, I sat and tried to figure out why...why this year in particular?
But what good would that do, right?
The enemy wants to rob us of our joy anyway and anytime he can...
...and I actually think he gets a bigger kick out of it at Christmas.
So, you know how sometimes we might hear a certain message about a certain matter,
and then we hear almost the exact same message two or more other places??
It's like, "OK, I hear ya, Lord...I'm think I'm getting the message!"
Well, thanks to a facebook post, my pastor's words were reinforced to me this morning.

I shared it from a friend's page with this caption that I promptly added...
...NOTE TO SELF: Follow directions carefully

This is a pretty good list of reminders, don't you think?
I think it needs an eleventh one....and I would put it as #1...

 *Remember WHO we are celebrating and WHY*
I think I'm almost ready now :)
Wishing you ALL a very Blessed Christmas!


  1. I hope you have a wonderful holiday week. Merry Christmas to you and your sweet family. Hugs, Diane

  2. Dear Debby, I laughed so hard when I saw the wreath with the directions to bang head here!!
    I loved this post and the message is what we need to apply and remember daily. But writing a post and sharing it with others helps us all to realize we all have this same struggle.
    My kids should be here from the south anytime now,and what am I doing, counting my blessing and having a cup of coffee, why because it's my Christmas too!
    Merry Blessed Christmas to you and YOURS!
    Always, Roxy

  3. Actually, I have been rather un-stressed this holiday. I think since it is the first one without my dad, I've had a new appreciation for the things that really count - family, and the gift of the Son who gives me the hope that I will see my dad again. I suppose that after this most difficult year, I am content to see and appreciate the blessings!

    I am remembering WHO I celebrate, and even posted my thoughts about that today. HE is The Reason...always.


    1. OH! And a very MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and yours! May your house be filled with His love, joy, and peace!!

  4. Merry Christmas, Debby!! And thanks for the timely reminder to focus on the eternal!

  5. What great advice! This year all that matters to me are those healthy babies and children. I'm glad I got the shopping done early but even if I had not, I've found that it really doesn't matter. Love you and prayers for a Wonderful Christmas!

  6. A lovely post and the list is right on! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

  7. Have a wonderful,peaceful Christmas.

  8. My dear Debby Ray, thank you for sharing this important message that we need to remember....and thanks to your Pastor :)

    May you have a very Merry Christmas, my friend. I am very thankful for you! Hugs!

  9. A great reminder Debby. Merry Christmas.

  10. Very timely and "oh me." hope that, after tomorrow, all will be a lovely Silent Night. Remembering to smile is always excellent advice!

  11. Great message Debby and hitting home with me. I am not ready, but as my daughter said, do what you can and don't worry about the rest.
    Thanks for stopping by Timeless Treasures with a sweet comment.
    Wishing you many Christmas Blessings,
    Audrey Z.

  12. So glad I read this tonight! God bless you and happy Christmas!

  13. The perfect post to share with all of us at this time. Love the poster. Have a blessed CHRISTmas, Debby.

  14. Thank you for your honesty; I think we can all laugh and cry and relate at the same time. My biggest challenge this year is number 2 on your poster. It's not my job, I have to keep reminding myself. And yes, the accuser would like nothing more than to steal our joy, and sow discord in our families. Thanks for sharing.
    Merry Christmas to you, dear friend. xo Deborah

  15. Me too...AMEN! Merry Christmas sweet friend!

  16. Great post. We all need to simplify and ficus on the real meaning of Christmas

  17. Thank you Debby for this post and for being real. It is so easy to be overwhelmed during the holidays and your Pastor is so right in that never being the intention. That was last year for me, this year there has been more focus on the Lord and being grateful. (always a work in progress :))
    I pray that you and your family have a Wonderful and Blessed CHRISTmas!

  18. Hi Debby,
    Cute Christmas post :)
    ……...…..….. ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
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    …… ……. *♥♫♫♥*’.
    … …….. *♥•♦♫••♥*
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    ………*♥•♥#♠*♥#♥•♥* ‘
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    ♥:♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥:
    Wishing you a very
    Merry Christmas.
    Your blogging sister,
    Connie :)

  19. Hope it has been an enjoyable one for you. Wishes for a wonderful New Year.

  20. Hear, hear!! Although I can't say I was stressed, exactly, I was a little overwhelmed, since THIS Christmas, my daughter was flying over from Canada, and I wanted the house to be decorated, apart from the tree, which we always do together, as well as baking our painted cut-outs, which we did. But, for the most part, it was quiet and cozy, with lots of cuddles and teatime by the fire. Christmas is such a special time of year, for we rejoice in the birth of our Saviour, and his presence is felt always, like a continuous glow of light in our hearts.

    Hope your Christmas was filled with peace and comfort and joy.

    Happy 2015, Debby!



Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.