Friday, December 12, 2014

Images of Christmas: Donna's Personal Photo Challenge

Hello friends!

I always look forward to Donna's monthly photo challenge.
This month's challenge is all about images of this wonderful season that we are in.
There are many beautiful things to choose from....where does one begin?? are just a few of my favorite Christmas things:
#1. The Poinsettia...
I just love them and don't consider my decorations complete without one...
...or two...or three...or ten.
I love them in all colors but it's the red ones that really do it for me.
So, I have a new macro lens and played around a bit with it here.

These cute little tiny thingys in the middle are actually the blooms...
...but I bet you already knew that, didn't you?
The red and green parts are both considered leaves or foliage...go figure.
#2. The Christmas Bokeh...
A "bokeh" of what, you might be asking...

...this kind of bokeh.
 I just love a big bokeh of Christmas lights sparkling in the background!
And let me just confess right from the get-go...
...I am a lover of colored lights!
There, I said it.
I know there must be a support group out there for me somewhere :)

Anyway, it's easy to achieve this by focusing on an object in the foreground... this case, my lovely Christmas socked feet.
The farther your tree is away from you, the more bokeh you will get.
OR you can just point your camera to the tree and "unfocus" your image :)
Oh bokeh...glorious bokeh...
#3. The Christmas Candle
And nothing says Christmas (other than a poinsettia) like a glistening candle!
Of course we love them even when it's not Christmastime too...
...but especially during this season, they represent our Savior...

This photo was taken two years ago with my awesome little Sony P &S.
I had just discovered how to use the macro setting...
...after I had already had the camera for about five years.
I didn't even know what bokeh was back then but I accidentally created some.
The room was dark, all except for the candles and tree lights.
Thank you, Donna for another fun challenge...I can't wait to go see what others have posted.
My prayers continue to go up for you and Mr. Jim as you face these uncertain days.
May the Light of Christmas fill your hearts...
 ...with unspeakable joy and peace unlike any you've ever known.
God's blessings on you both!

“Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."    James 1:2-4


  1. i love your bokeh. i was just thinking of donna and jim earlier this evening and sending up good thoughts for them.

  2. Well I had to go and look up bokeh as I had never heard of it, but hey, life is about learning. I think your photos are lovely and I enjoyed the socks :)
    I agree that poinsettias are very Christmassy and yours looks lovely.


  3. They are all fun but my favorite is the very last one.

  4. *thud*

    Oh my how lovely! You got what I was going for to the max...yours is better than theirs!

    Sweet thoughts and prayers for two sweet people...

  5. Simply lovely, my friend. LOVE your Christmas socks and that ornament is gorgeous especially with the beautiful bokeh background :)

    Happy weekend!

  6. Sparkle, whatever the colour, is always fun and festive, whether in a flurry of blurry bokeh, or sweet sprinkles on birthday cakes! Gorgeous images, my friend!

    Happy weekend!


  7. These are really beautiful photos Debby! Thanks for sharing them. Hugs, Pam

  8. Such fun Christmas inspired pics Debby - love your effects, especially the tree!
    Adorable Christmas socks - bet they're cozy.

    Sending Christmas wishes your way.
    Hugs - Mary

  9. I love the bokeh effect of lights too Debby and Christmas is the best time for colour magic. I also really like your seasonal header, beautiful!
    Merry Christmas,

  10. Lovely photos and I love the bokeh! I love your colored lights, Debby. I love them, too, but my family always wanted only clear lights so that is what I've been using for a number of years now. I still put out a little skinny tree that has colored lights on it just for me! And then I have 3 little trees of varying heights that each have a different color lights on them. I love it all!
    Have a nice weekend!

  11. Love each one of these and No, I didn't know about the Poinsettia but it makes sense. Diggin" those snuggy socks.

  12. Beautiful bokeh shots. I don't think I need to look up the definition by the end of your post. Hey, like your sox too. And who knew how very beautiful the deepness of a poinsettia is until we use a macro lens to show us… amazing!

  13. These are Christmas magic...right down to the socks on your feet! And what a sweet thing you wrote to our precious Donna and Jim. I'm keeping them in my prayers. Happy holidays!

  14. Wonderful Christmas lights and bokeh. My favorite shot is the one with your feet - that's the way to enjoy the season - looking at the lights with feet up!
    Yes, we are praying for Donna and Jim, too. Such a sweet blogging friend.

  15. Debby all your images were enhanced by those colored lights and the bokeh effect...especially loved the ornament and candle

  16. Debby, lovely Christmas images.. The lights and decorations are beautiful. I love the candle shot and bokeh. Happy Sunday!

  17. Evidently you can teach an old dog new tricks, for I have learned something new from you. BOKEH! I love lights, too. Christmas tree and house lights, fireworks, candles. I'll join you in that support group!

    And, might I just say that you have very adorable feet!

    Beautiful photos that capture my imagination. You are so talented!


    (P.S. I sent you an email. If you don't see it, check your spam folder. My "address" is a little "different" - very occasionally, I'm sent to the spam folder...just like life!! LOL!)

  18. Beautiful shots, Debby!! I love your colored bokeh! (No need for a support group, funny girl!) :D

  19. That is just gorgeous, Debby!!! I find it quite amazing what a camera will and can do! I'm not real good with a camera,but boy through you dear friends in my blogging communities am learning along the way.
    Love those socks!

  20. Awesome shots! I love the effect of the lights in the background.

  21. Beautiful bokeh, Debby! I love it. We're only just gotten our lights up and I'm looking forward to attempting some bokeh photos of my own. Yours are inspirational.

  22. Such great pictures. Wishing you many blessings during this Christmas Season.

  23. Hello, These were worthy of being on the front of a Christmas card! I also love my macro lens
    It is fun to have a challenge to be a part of each month. I think if I would just download my pictures more often I could to join her photo challenge. I need to stop always just flying by the seat of my pants. LOL, Merry Christmas to you my dear friend HO HO HO...
    Love the socks!
    Love, Roxy

  24. Wow! Your photos are always amazing Debby!

  25. Hi Debby! Oh, I love your gorgeous photos. I love those bokeh things! Thanks for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  26. Debby, the camera is magic in your hands. . . but I think that's mostly because there's magic in your heart!

    Hope you're having a wonderful week!

  27. Eu amo suas fotos! Parabéns e um feliz Natal para você e sua família!
    Um abraço!
    I love your photos! Congratulations and a happy Christmas to you and your family!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.