Monday, December 8, 2014

It's Christmastime, once again

Hello everyone!
I hope your Monday has been a good one!
Isn't it hard to believe that in just a little over two weeks it'll be that time again?
I was able to get most of my decorating done over the weekend...
...and it seems like that's all I've been doing lately!
Between decorating at church, work and home, it has just been non-stop!
And speaking of time....
...I decided to use my clocks again on the mantel.
Here's the way it looked last year.

This year, I decided to change things up just a bit.

After playing around with a few options,
I decided I liked the look of layering my Goodwill green and red place mats as a base.

And I thought I'd give the snowflakes a rest this year, replacing them with golden sprays.

I was hoping to have another clock to add to my collection this year...
...but...I didn't win the bid on ebay :(
I wrote a post on my other blog a couple of years back,
reminiscing about this little clock that I remembered having as a child.

Against my better judgement, I "bidded" my final bid at $152.00 and then I went to bed.
The next morning I saw where it sold within seconds later for $155.00.
I let it get away.


Needless to say, these little clocks are collector's items,
 but I just couldn't justify spending the money on a sentimental memory... least right now...maybe someday, I'll try for another one.
~ time getting away from you like it is from me...
...or do you have it all together already??


  1. haha. liked your 'time' escaping comment. :) i like your candles and clocks.

  2. I hope you find another one at a better price. Your mantle looks gorgeous! Time flies...that's for sure! Holiday hugs, Diane

  3. I love your mantel, Debby, both actually. Such a great way to display your clocks.
    In the move of my parents my father wanted me to have the wall chime clock that my great grandfather bought for his wife, my great grandmother, when she gave birth to her daughter in 1892.
    Its a beautiful clock, though a little noisy. Hook on Peter Pan would not like it hanging on his wall. Haha
    Out tree is up, but I'm a bit slow this year. Still so busy with my parents
    Enjoy all that comes with this beautiful time of year.
    Joy to you! Debbie

  4. Dear friend, I never have it all together!!

    I love your mantel, and I love your clocks. Such an inviting and quaint vignette! I wish I lived closer, for I would certainly make "time" to come and see you!!


  5. All together? Know any other funny stories?

    Your mantel is simply gorgeous and it goes right into the New Year so very well!

  6. Very pretty mantel. Love all of the clocks. Time is getting away from me too. Happy Holidays.

  7. Ohhh, I just love your mantel, Debby Ray! I thoroughly enjoy seeing old books and clocks being used as decor - there is something beautiful and charming about all of it.

    Time....where does the time go? Hugs to you!

  8. I do like your mantel piece, very Christmassy. I too am a fan of clocks, with hands not the digital ones.
    I could do with another month between now and Christmas, lol, but I'm sure I'll get there as usual.


  9. Oh, I never have it all altogether! The time is rushing by too fast. I love your mantel and I love the way you used your pretty!

  10. Your question reminds me of something I heard: "Just when I got it all together, I forgot where I put it!" (Describes me to a "T"!)

    Lovely collection on your mantel!

  11. Hi Debby! I love your mantel and you have some very lovely clocks! Looks wonderful and thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  12. The red/green placemats really bring out the clocks. What a smart idea. My sil has a collection of clocks and I always enjoy them!

  13. Hi Debby! Your mantel decor is perfect for the holidays! Everything coordinates so well and the placemats are so pretty!
    Yes I feel the same that time is speeding by too fast for me to even realize Christmas is upon us!

  14. Your mantel looks beautiful, I love the clocks, candles and greenery! Have a happy day!

  15. What a fun idea for a mantel display, especially since this time of year always seems to fly by! Too bad you lost out on that cute little clock; better luck next time!

  16. Time is flying by isn't it? Your mantel looks beautiful. And yes, I'm way behind. Have a great day! Pam

  17. Love the clocks and candles! I have a clock with a glass dome (Not sure what they're called) similar to the one you have on the mantel--lovely style.

  18. Hi Debbie! I really like the way you used your placemats. The red really pops! All those clocks, wow. Do they chime? That must be quite an experience when the top of the hour comes. I love candlelight, so those red candles (which match the placemats) just warm my heart.

    Enjoy this scene! Especially in the peaceful. Have a cup of tea and take a nice deep breath. We all need a moment like that in our days. And thank you for your ornament pic on Facebook. I so enjoyed seeing it!!

  19. A very pretty Christmas mantel, Debby! The soft glow from the candles is soothing and the array of accessories providing different heights add such visual interest.

    It seems that it doesn't matter HOW many beautiful clocks we have in the house, we never have enough time in the day to accomplish all that we want or that needs doing, especially at this most festive, but sometimes frantic, time of year!

    Wishing you a wonderfully warm and peaceful week, my friend!


  20. Both mantle displays are gorgeous! You sure have a decorating talent ~ so beautiful!

    My mom had that clock too! So fun seeing it in your post! I hadn't thought of it in years. So sorry, you missed out on the auction.

  21. The mantel looks so festive. I like the weight the red/green adds to the base.

  22. Both are beautiful. I know you will enjoy looking at your mantel for the next few weeks. Happy week!

  23. Debby, I am in LOVE with that mantel!!! It is gorgeous. Now you've inspired me to do something more like Christmas with mine. Yours looks like it belongs in Country Living or a Somerset magazine. No kidding!

  24. Debby I also L O V E your mantel. It may be the most favorite I've seen! I've redone my three times already this year and finally am satisfied, but it's not like yours. Oh for a cup of tea sitting by this lovely thing! I think our fireplaces are similar. Good old NC bricks!

  25. This is beautiful Debby. I love old clocks, and to hear them ticking and chiming is so comforting. Somebody I know told me of someone they knew who had something like 142 clocks and they were never perfectly synchronized, so every hour for about ten minutes they would all go off, chiming away the hour. Can you imagine?! And winding them all!
    This mantel will be perfect for New Year's too.

  26. Hi Debby, I am so impressed with your mantle. I was last year, too. It was fun to check how you changed it this year. I love them both. each has it's own flair. You are an excellent decorator. Good thinking on the clock that you wanted. Maybe it was not meant to be. The ones you have now are gorgeous. So very pretty on your mantle. Take care......

  27. I love your beautiful clock looks amazing. Hope you can get that little fireplace clock...I see several are listed on Ebay. :)

  28. Hi Debby! I'm still enjoying your gorgeous mantel and wanted to thank you for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  29. I didn't know you collected clocks. Your mantle is class, classy! I love the two lamps. So, very pretty. I've enjoyed your pretties.

  30. Beautiful collection and they sure do make for a lovely Christmas mantle.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.