Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!
I've been away for over a week and seems like I have been gone a month!
We have been in Tennessee taking care of our sweet grand kiddos
 while Mom & Dad went off on a cruise to celebrate their ten year anniversary!
This was a first for us and it was such a blessing to be able to spend this time with them.
Caring for an eight and a six year old, getting them off to school and picking them up...
...well, let me tell you, it's been a while since we've had to do this!
Need I say more?
This was one worn out Mawmaw by the end of the week...
...but I wouldn't have traded the opportunity to do this for anything!
I didn't look at one blog while I was there....just too much going on everyday.
But I did gather enough fodder for several posts of my own...'ll hear more about all of that later.
 In the mean time, I will try to catch up a bit :)
So, again, I wish everyone a very special Valentine's Day...
...filled with love and many blessings!


  1. awww. so sweet that the parents had time away and grandparents had time with the kids. :) welcome back!

  2. Looking forward to what you have to share.
    Happy Valentine's day to you as well.


  3. Nothing beats time with the grand kids. I'll bet you will have some great future blog posts about your week.

  4. What a blessed time to be with your grandchildren! Happy Valentine's Day and farmhouse hugs!

  5. What a fun time with your grandkids.. Happy Anniversary to the Mom&Dad. Happy Valentine's Day!

  6. Sounds like a very fun, non-stop adventure, Debby! How lovely to have had that time with your two grands. Welcome back to the 'hood! Is that a new header? It's beautiful!

    Happy Valentine's Day, to you, too~!


  7. You enjoyed your Valentines in advance! I am sure that the celebrating couple appreciated your commitment as you honored theirs. A relaxing and pleasant Valentine's Day to you and Mr. Favorite Things!

  8. So sweet to spend time with the grandkids, but as Cousin Violet said in Downton Abbey, 'It's just the on and on-ness of it.' LOL Hope their parents had a wonderful time on their cruise. What a treat for them that you could come and stay with the kids - and I know it was a treat for you too. Lots of memories made. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day, Debby.

  9. May you have a love-filled day too! Happy Vday!

  10. I wondered where you were! Glad all is well and that you got to spend time with your grand loves. Happy Valentine's day!

  11. How fun that you got to spend this time with your grand kids. Have a blessed week.

  12. Time with the little ones is tiring but so much fun! Looking forward to hearing more in your posts :)

  13. We forget all the energy it takes to keep up with the younger crowd! But it's so much fun that it's worth the effort. Glad you enjoyed your time.

  14. Isn't it amazing the difference in the energy level from when our kids were little to now? Of course we were used to caring for them each day. I'm glad you had this opportunity and I'm sure you and they built some wonderful memories. We missed our opportunity to do that when I was sick, so the other grandma in town had to do double duty and I know she was tired! Stay safe in the weather coming, whatever it turns out to be

    1. You are so right, Dotsie! And I didn't realize how exhausting it was till near the end of the week...but I was doing some other projects to add to it. It was fun and I will do it again in a heartbeat! I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day :)

  15. Hi Debby! I can only imagine what wonderful memories you created for your grandchildren... and you! I know it must have been hard to swing into someone else's calendar and way of doing things, but I know you had some great times. Can't wait to read about them!
    Welcome back, you were missed <3

    1. It was a great time! I was one exhausted Mawmaw...I guess I realize finally how "old" I am! Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day :)


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