Monday, February 2, 2015

Snowy Memories and a Close Second

When I was a girl growing up in Ohio,
I hardly remember a winter when we didn't have plenty of snow.
Our home was close to a small lake and ice skating...well...let me re-phrase that...
...trying to ice skate with my brothers and sisters was the high point of my winters.
I thought I had some old photos of us kids down at the lake skating
but one of the other siblings must have them in their collection. 
 All I found was this old photo of me and my sis, Barb, all bundled up...
...we even took a!

And why was I hugging a tree?? Really?
We would gather up all of the other neighborhood kids and have a blast.
Have you ever played a game called Fox & Geese?
It's where you make a huge circle in the snow with your footprints,
then with more prints, dividing the circle into quarters like pie.
The center point, is where "home" is.
Whoever is "it" chases the others around the circle,
 with everyone having to stay in the tracks until they reach the center safe zone.
Whoever either falls down or runs outside of the tracks is tagged...
...and then they become "it".
The deeper the snow, the harder is it...and the more fun!
Of all the fun snowy memories, making snow cream was one of the best.
I will never forget the excitement to see a fresh, untainted blanket of snow,
knowing that my dad or one of my brothers would don their coats, gloves and boots...
...along with a big bowl and scoop and fill it up with that lovely white stuff.
Mom took over after that, adding just the right amount of cream, sugar and vanilla,
and sometimes cocoa powder when one of us asked for chocolate.

Last February, we actually got enough snow for me to make a batch.
Here is a photo of some I made last year, right before Valentine's Day...
You can read all about it here.
It seems we get most of our snow around the middle of February...
...that is if we get any worth mentioning.
I do realize many of you have no trouble getting more than enough every year :)
This past Christmas while visiting Adam and his family in Tennessee,
my DIL found store-bought snow cream at Kroger, made by Purity Dairies in Nashville.
I was pretty excited but then quickly realized we wouldn't be able to get it in our area.
So, a few days ago, I needed a few groceries and stopped at Lowe's Foods.
I usually don't shop there but it is right across the street from where I work.
On a whim, I went to take a peek in the ice cream section.

Looky, looky, looky!
Thank you, Mayfield Dairies!
It may not be quite as good as the real thing...

...but it's a close second!

Now...if we'd just get some snow....


  1. I never heard/seen/tasted 'snow cream' before! But it sounds really 'cool'!
    Have a nice day!

    Denise (

    1. It is really more ways than! Thanks for stopping by, Denise :)

  2. oh, that's cool to find an 'old-fashioned' new product! :) never made snow cream before or played that game. cute photos!

  3. Hi Debby!
    I'm enjoying your photos from the past. Looks like you had a lot of fun back then.
    Snow cream! I didn't know Mayfield had this one out. It's a brainstorm for sure. lol
    Just found the comment you left at my blog, and I wanted to drop by and say hello.
    Have a great day!
    p.s. I live on the Tennessee side of the G S Mountains and on what they call the "peaceful side of the Smokies which is near Townsend.

  4. Never heard of snow cream! Sounds delicious, though. Just the perfect thing to enjoy on a cold winter's day. We've had some snow so far this season, but it hasn't lasted long. Just had some rain last week, which is a good thing when you're surrounded by a thirsty forest!!

    And, for the record, I've been known to hug a tree or two...


    (You and sis are adorable, by the way!)

  5. Debby, you're welcome to come on up to visit me and bring your Snow Cream with you. We have tons of snow and another big blizzard just starting at this moment. I've heard of Fox and Geese and may even have played it at some point as a child. My siblings and I spent many hours ice skating on an outdoor rink right on our block all winter long. It was awesome. We never made Snow Cream though and this is the first I've heard of it but it sounds yummy. I love the 'vintage' photos. :) Enjoy your Snow Cream.

  6. haha... I love your "selfie", Debby Ray - you and your sister are so pretty!

    And snow cream! My son would LOVE this. His nana always makes snow cream {when we have enough snow} and he finds it to be a special treat.

    Hugs to you, my dear!

  7. I remember making snow ice cream too! I can still imagine the flavor....with lots of vanilla! Love your cute photos. Enjoy your week! Hugs!

  8. What sweet memories and pictures! That game sounds similar to Duck, Duck, Goose. Snow cream sounds tasty! Have a blessed and beautiful week!

  9. Lovely memories and lucky you being able to buy some snow cream near to home.


  10. Thanks for the memories! I grew up in Ohio, also. We had a large field beside our house that we played Fox and Geese. It was a blast! Enjoy your snow cream.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  11. I'm glad to find someone else who wishes for snow in the winter. We rarely get any and I always hope for a week or so of white stuff. I grew up farther north where snow hung around until April and I don't want that! But I remember playing Fox and Geese, too. Great memories. Never heard of snow cream. Enjoy it!

  12. What a wonderful idea for the snow! Thank you for sharing!

  13. That snow ice-cream looks very good.

  14. Love the selfie and the wonderful memories of childhood. So great that you found the snow ice cream!!

  15. I enjoyed reading this, and we never played that game, And I'm surprised growing up in Illinois with tons of snow that we never made snow ice cream. My parents probably thought snow was filled with radiation. :-) It sounds like you are wishing for some snow, as we are, but there is not even the tiniest prediction in our long range weather. Enjoy that snow cream!

  16. We've got 11 inches here in the last two days with more to come. Our big thing growing up was building igloos. The snow cream sounds delightful, and so do your childhood memories. It always seems we had lots more snow back then, but probably because we were smaller!

  17. Hi Debby! I remember your post last year on snow cream, and I think you listed a recipe too? It was the first time I'd ever even heard of such things. (See how you open my horizons??) How fun that your DIL found a package of it! We had a TON of snow Super Bowl Sunday, the city was full of snow cream makins!
    Love the photos. We were all hugging trees back then, it was the thing to do :)

    1. Not only did my DIL find it first, I found another brand when I returned to NC! It does taste just like homemade...not really much a of a recipe really just cream (or milk) to cream consistancy, sugar to your taste and vanilla. If you are going to make some, store the bowl outside in the snow covered with foil...of course you want fresh yellow stuff...LOL! And when I was hugging that tree, I don't think I even knew what a "tree-hugger" was!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. We always made snow cream when I was a kid, and I made it for my girls when they were kids. Now, I am not so sure I would trust the snow with all the pollution!

  20. I have never played Fox and Geese...but snow cream is a standard around here! Wow! You can buy ice cream in that flavor? I've never seen it, but I'll certainly keep my eyes open!

    Great selfie! :)

  21. Oh, this brought back memories for me, as we skated all winter long... I think that your snow cream looks interesting! We only made snow slushes...
    Hope you get the real stuff before your winter is all over!
    Hey, Happy Valentines Day!
    Love, Roxy

  22. You took a selfie before the selfie was invented. How cool is that?
    Always good to look back and reminisce. Thanks for taking me to one of your favorite memories.

    1. Thanks for your visit and memories! Have a great day :)

  23. Love the old photos, Debby, Living in the south and not having much snow, making snow cream was always a highlight for us. I think I will have to check Mayfields snow cream. Thanks for sharing the memories.

  24. The old photos are just delightful. I've never had snow cream, but I would love to try some. I can't imagine not loving it. :-)

  25. Snow Cream? I love it. I grew up on our farm here in town and my mother would make snow cream for us kids. We had plenty of cream from the dairy cows. It was the best! I have the recipe in my old recipe box...I should get it out and make it for my grandkids It would be a delicious treat! Thanks for the memories, Debby. I love your posts!

  26. What fun memories you have and such cute pictures from your past. Wow, Snow Icecream, now that is something.

  27. I tried Snow Cream this week...blick...I had to throw it away. Must be an acquired taste. We loved to play Fox and Geese and I hardly ever hear about anyone playing it now. My dad would stamp out a trail for us wearing his snowshoes. Lots of fun! Look at that! A "vintage" cute!

  28. I grew up playing fox and geese and eating snow ice cream here in UT. We usually have a snowy Feb. but this year we have record breaking warm temps. In fact it was in the upper 50's today and I was able to clean out all of the garden beds in our front yard. Crazy! I will be looking for the snow ice cream in our local grocers.

  29. I remember one winter living out in the power for days and we had a cistern with an electric pump so out of desperation my sis and I brought bucket after bucket of snow in to melt and warm up for baths / washing our hair :) Never made snow cream though! :)

  30. I remember one winter living out in the power for days and we had a cistern with an electric pump so out of desperation my sis and I brought bucket after bucket of snow in to melt and warm up for baths / washing our hair :) Never made snow cream though! :)

  31. Hi Debby! What cute snaps and I'll bet it was fun growing up in the snow! I've never had snow ice cream before. I've been deprived! :) I've never seen any at the store but I just may look for some!
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  32. I do love to look at the snow, and enjoy a long weekend of it if I can be in by the fire! It's just soooo cold! I do love Mayfields ice cream!


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