Monday, March 9, 2015

Little Pops of Color

I know it's hard to believe.
They say that spring is coming...whoever "they" are.
We go through this every year...
...wondering when spring will finally show it's long-awaited face.
Many of you have had blankets upon blankets of glistening white snow,
and I realize and understand that enough is enough.
 Our winters are usually quite drab here in the south
Between late November and mid March, there isn't much color at all...
...not even white...that you can count on.
 Yet every now and again, even during those bleak and gray days of our winters,
 a tiny little sumpin sumpin takes your eye.

I took these photos back around Christmas at my son's place in middle Tennessee.
Their winters are very much like ours...pretty ugly for the most part.

 I googled them and I think they are beauty berries.
They are growing all around his back yard, heading out into the woods.
 I've never seen them around where I live.

 Aren't they something?
And on that same day, something else stood out against the mostly naked trees.

Okay horticulture experts,  could this be a greenbrier vine??

There are probably many varieties of green heart-shaped leaves that grow on prickly vines.
This is what google said it could be.
Regardless of what it actually is, it excited me...
...remember, it doesn't take much :)

And my next offering isn't so much about color, but about how the sunlight made them pop.
These wispy fronds were growing in a clump at the top of their half-mile long driveway.

They looked as though they were spun from golden thread.

I have no clue what they looked like in their former life...before the winter came.

I found it difficult to write a decent description about them for Google so I didn't.

And then this afternoon I saw them.
I apologize for the quality of the photo...
...I snapped it from my car.

Could those actually be.......??
YES.....I believe they are!!

It won't be long now.

Sharing at:
Roses of Inspiration
Amaze Me Monday


  1. nice to see the blooms! but i really love the dried weed/bloom remnants. i don't know what they are either, but the light was awesome!

  2. shhhhhh...daffodils? Oh sweet! You have an eye for finding beauty everywhere. Those berries have a unique color.

  3. Absolutely beautiful photos, just like I like 'em - and you do the best!!

    When I saw that last picture with a little pop of color, this is the verse that came to my mind:

    "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?" (Isaiah 43:19, ESV)

    Yes, Lord, we see Your beautiful Spring coming...


  4. Gorgeous post. The pops of color are pretty,but I really love those delicate weeds/dried flowers.

  5. Such gorgeous bits of color here and there!! Amid the gray, they're even more beautiful. (I am feeling a lesson there...)

    Spring, she is a'springing!!

  6. Debby, what a beautiful post! Like you, I am of the belief that, SUNLIGHT, shining on ANYTHING, instantly makes it more appealing, (except on dust, which can be rather scary!). What interesting finds of floral and fauna, my friend! Spring is definitely on the horizon in your neck of the pretty woods!


  7. Such sweet delights, dear Debbie! Thank you Precious Lord for the wonderful gifts of colour! They may be small and quite simple, but oh! How rich and beautiful they are to behold and what joy they bring to the heart!
    Hope your day has been blessed! Hugs to you, Kelly-Anne

  8. You have some beautiful snaps there Debby and yes Spring looks like she's about to visit your part of the world.


  9. Great post of the outdoors! I do believe I have some heart shaped vines in my yard.
    Ready for Spring and warm days!

  10. Your photos are gorgeous. We had a few beauty berry bushes at one of our homes and I loved them. They remind me of pop beads (remember them from childhood?)
    We just came from the grocery and remarked on all the pretty jonquils blooming!

  11. Oh, I had never seen the beauty berry bushes that I ever remember...LOVe them, not sure what the others are but am familiar with them both.

  12. I got to trying to look them up and forgot to tell you I love all these shots...just so beautiful.

  13. What lovely photos! You looked for beauty in the dullness, and found it. Those beauty berries are gorgeous! Our snow is starting to melt here -- hooray!

  14. Yes, I have hope that spring is almost here. And there is always beauty around us, we just have to take notice of it. And you sure did with your lovely photos. Thanks for sharing.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  15. Oh yes, spring is coming- I saw the jonquils this afternoon, too! Be careful touching any vines on trees- that's how I got poison ivy last year!

  16. Such beautiful photography! And yes with this warm weather we've had some blossom trees pop out yesterday and today, and of course the daffodils. I think spring is here.

  17. You captured these pops of color quite well!

  18. Great photography and so nice to see the color that surrounds you.

  19. Very pretty photos! Nothing drab here through the lens of your camera!

  20. Hello, What a sweet post! I do need to be encouraged and seeing a pop of color does help us to keep watch and trust Spring will always arrive. I would love to take a walk with you and find these treasures of beauty! I can feel so encouraged when I see a flower break through that hard cold dirt!
    May you be blessed and keep your face towards the SON...
    Love, Roxy

  21. Daffodils! I love daffs and the pop of color that is needed most right now! I loved seeing your snaps of the berries (I've never heard of those and you eat them?). I still can't see anything on the ground yet - snow. But we got up in the 40s yesterday and things are beginning to melt! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  22. Lovely as always. Hang in there, it is coming. Of course, we haven't had winter really in FL....heehee...

  23. Love the color of the berries in the first photos! It must be so exciting to have your first flowers of the year blooming--we are still waiting here in Iowa.

  24. Hi sweet Debby Ray! First of all, I must apologize for just now getting around to visit your lovely blog. I have been dealing with computer issues for the last 4 days. Thankfully everything seems to be back to normal....whatever "normal" is with computers :)

    Your pops of color brought a smile to my face. It seems when we just take a moment and look around us...really look...we can find beauty. And speaking of beauty, the Beauty Berries are simply lovely.

    Thank you, my friend, for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. I love having you link up. Hugs!

  25. There's nothing like the pops of color in the drab southern winter landscape! My family lived in Tenn. for about 6 years. We had a holly bush that was such a blessing in the winter months for giving us color, plus the birds loved to hide in it since it didn't lose its leaves. (They didn't eat the berries.) Beauty berry is such a lovely shade of magenta, isn't it? :-)

  26. What pretty pops of colour!


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