Monday, March 2, 2015

The Best of Both Worlds

Keep scrolling only if you have extra time to kill.

No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow. ~Proverb
Happy March!
I hope everyone had a great weekend...mine was four days long :)
With two snow days in a row, I went a little snap-happy with my camera.

My sweet hubby brought these to me a while ago...
...not this past weekend, but the weekend before.
I am amazed that they have kept so well!
In fact, they have actually perked up a bit since he first brought them.
There must be magic in those little packets that you add to the water!
Don't they remind you of spring?
And then we got that beautiful snowfall and I got an idea.


Outside, the world was covered in a white, lacy blanket.

I got to looking at that lovely bouquet on my table...

...and decided to have some fun with a photo shoot.
In the snow. 

The colors came alive against that backdrop of soft white.
It was like two worlds colliding... oxymoron, if you will.
What a lovely centerpiece...
...picnic anyone??

We're serving...SNOW CREAM, of course.
Yes, I did make some.
 (you knew I would, didn't you?)

If any of the neighbors were watching, they might just think I was losing it.

What's that crazy lady doing tromping through the snow with a vase of flowers?? 

Even though it was still just barely February when I shot these,
I thought how perfect they would be since we just turned the page on the calendar to March.
We all are aware how can March behave.

Since it came in like a lion (for us), will it go out like a lamb??

And for the finale, I played a bit with this one...
...the watercolor effect using BeFunky.

So, there you have it, if you are still with me.
Surely by now you know how much I love the snow...
...and I'm guessing you also know how much I love beautiful flowers.
They are pretty much on opposite ends of the spectrum, wouldn't you agree?
Put them together and you have the best of both worlds...
...just like the month of March :)

No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn. ~Hal Borland

Sharing at:


  1. not too many photos at all. i enjoyed the color and contrast in these! loved the picnic table and the stump set-ups. :) and laughed at the neighbors thinking: wth?

  2. Oh Debby, Debby. These photos were spectacular! I loved the contrast between the clean, crisp white of the snow and the burst of springtime colors. Just beautiful. We have finally had snow hit our mountain. It started overnight on Saturday, and has kept up pretty much non-stop since. We went out today and measured - almost a foot. I'm with you, I love the snow.

    Thank you for a most pretty beginning to this month of March!


  3. GORGEOUS!!! Bringing the flowers out in the snow was a splendid idea.

  4. These are the prettiest flower and snow pictures I have ever seen! Wait..... I think they are the only flower and snow pictures I've seen :) Oh Debby Ray, these are gorgeous!!

    Thank you, sweet friend, for sharing such loveliness with us. Hugs to you!

  5. Love these photos! The color of the flowers just pop against the white of the snow. Our snow is just starting to melt after 2 weeks. Just heard we are getting another 12". Fine. I'm not going anywhere. (smile)
    Farmhouse hugs,

  6. Oh my goodness! These are such beautiful photos! I so enjoyed them. The snow is so pristine and makes a beautiful backdrop for the vibrant colors of the flowers. Thanks for sharing these. Have a lovely evening.

  7. Ahhhh, lovely! You creative folks make the world go round. I very much enjoyed this.

  8. What a fabulous idea, juxtaposing the beauty of winter with the glory of spring!! Your photos are wonderful!!

  9. Wonderful photos! What a great idea. If I had seen you, I wouldn't have thought you crazy at all...just a lot like me! Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. Thanks,'s nice to know I'm not the only!

  10. I loved your photos! That was a splendid idea. Phooey on what the neighbors think. lol!
    Have a great week!

  11. Just beautiful! And how unique to pair the bright spring flowers with the snow. So unexpected and wonderful.

  12. Debbie, your photos are truly breathtaking and gorgeous...I just love how you captured the flowers against the beautifully crisp snow... Oh my, all these lovely snowy images are making me quite envious - we are expecting a high temperature of...33 degrees C today! Oh well, at least looking at this lovely post made me feel a little cooler! :)
    Hugs and much love to you!

  13. These are gorgeous photos, Debbie. Love the bright spring colors against the snow. I can just see you, traipsing through the snow clutching your vase full of flowers as you decide where to photograph it next!

  14. such gorgeous flowers, and they look wonderful against the white snow.
    enjoy your flowers and have a wonderful week. I am joining you at Mosaic Monday.

  15. The flower arrangement on snow dimply look gorgeous & stunning. I also like the one with logs as a backdrop. Very imaginative work.

  16. Pretty flower arrangement and lovely images..Have a happy day!

  17. Oh how refreshing! I love all the photos but I really like the watercolor! Gorgeous!

  18. I love this, Debby. What a fun neighbor you would be. I've got to get back to blogging...

  19. What a fun post; it brought a smile to my face. I too like snow and love flowers. The two together bring out the best qualities of each other; the pure white snow and the lovely colors of your cheerful flowers. Have a great day, Heather

  20. Oh, you are the most creative! I love your snow flowers and snow! Stay warm!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  21. The pop of color against the stark white snow is stunning. Enjoyed every photo. (Also I sent a text to my husband yesterday - you know to cheer his day - with a silly joke. His reply - you have too much time on your hands.) Ha!

    1. Thank you Mindy...I think I would rather have too much time on my hands than not enough, wouldn't you :)

  22. A great idea to combine your pretty flowers with some snowy backdrops.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday Debby.

  23. I am SO glad you shared this with Roses of Inspiration, my friend. It was such a joy to look through your photos again - they are truly magnificent! Hugs to you!

  24. Beautiful photos! What a great combo -winter snow and spring color! Love it!!

  25. Thanks for the reassuring proverbs! I needed them ;). Love your shots of the bouquet of flowers in the snow--simply gorgeous!

  26. Beautiful and so creative, Debby. What gorgeous contrasts. I did something like this with tulips last year at my window looking out on snow. Now I know why it is a favorite pic of mine. It's the softness of the white snow as a backdrop--who knows, it's just beautiful. And you had fun!

  27. The contrast of color looks beautiful againt the snow!

  28. Mornin' Debby. These are lovely images. Amazing how the flowers "pop" against the snow. Wishing you a great day. Mildred

  29. Great photos and lovely flowers.

  30. No such thing as too many beautiful photos! What a great idea to take them outdoors against the snowy backdrop. It is so cheering to see such vivid color against the gray and white of winter. Beautiful!

  31. This was a wonderful idea! Some of the prettiest posed shots I have ever seen!

  32. Gorgeous photos! So creative to have thought to enjoy both the wintry scenes and the cheerful flowers.

  33. So pretty my friend!!! I love the contrast. You know I have never had snow maybe one day when we start traveling to each others homes..(smile) can make me some...:) Have a great day!!! Hugs!!

  34. Wonderful photos and stunning flowers.

  35. wow Debby those pictures of the blooms in the snow are GORGEOUS!! Love them! Love the idea!

  36. wow Debby those pictures of the blooms in the snow are GORGEOUS!! Love them! Love the idea!

  37. Such a beautiful contrast of beautiful and colorful blooms against the blanket of snow covering every inch of landscape! I love the picnic table pic, and yes, this bunch of pretties really is the perfect centerpiece for such a scenic feast!

    Happy weekend, Debby!


  38. LOVE your two words colliding! The burst of color against the "colorless" background is beautiful!

  39. I like the combination and the next to the last picture is my favorite, though I enjoyed every one of them! :)

  40. I like the combination and the next to the last picture is my favorite, though I enjoyed every one of them! :)

  41. Debby, I like what you did here! The contrast of these colorful flowers against the white white snow is fabulous!

    Happy weekend!

  42. Gorgeous Debby! You take amazing pictures.

  43. Great idea and so photo perfect.

  44. HI Debby! I'm still enjoying this post. Did I tell you how I love your pretty header? Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  45. The white backdrop makes the colorful flowers pop even more. Beautiful shots!

  46. Debby, you were inspiring with this awesome photo shoot! Absolutely stunning.

    Happy Pink Saturday. This post is being featured in my Pink Saturday post this weekend as "the one that caught my eye". Thank you for sharing.♥


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.