Monday, March 23, 2015

Saying Goodbye

The past several days have been a whirlwind.
I'm still trying to take it all in as I look at his sweet photo... seems like a movie that I just watched or a dream I just had.

We lost our sweet Hunter last Wednesday evening.
He was a tiny puppy when he came to us...about 9 weeks old.
The week had been stressful enough...
...we were due to fly to Jim's sister's home in Destin, Florida the next day.
I had almost everything packed up, including all of the dog paraphernalia for the kennel.
Just as I was able to sit and catch my breath for a moment, Hunter became very listless
and suddenly began having what looked like a grand mal seizure.
He had never had a seizure before that I know of.
We were noticing more and more that he was beginning to show his age.
He would have turned thirteen in September...
...but even though he seemed to be failing a bit—having good days and bad,
it had been a good day for him...eating, playing, running, etc.
I could have never imagined how the evening would end.
 Around 9:00 PM I found him cowering in the hallway.
I picked him up and he immediately started flailing about and crying out.

As everything started to unfold, my mind began racing with thoughts,
knowing we had airline tickets and couldn't cancel our trip...
...but at the same time, where would we board a sick dog?
And how could we even leave him anywhere in good conscience?
I googled seizures in dogs and read that they can be quite common,
 and most of the time the dog will recover quickly as if nothing had happened.
This was my prayer and hope for Hunter.
But God had another plan.
Eleven o'clock would find me lying on the couch and cradling him,
wrapped up like a baby on my chest, watching him breathe his final breath.
As I write these words five day later, it is all just so surreal.
Hunter had lived his last day.
But God's timing is never wrong, in fact it is perfect.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LordFor as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.    Isaiah 55:8-9

This was Hunter's favorite thing.
With heavy hearts, we boarded our plane for Destin.
I'll share more about our trip later.
So since I haven't read a blog for nearly a week,
I must now try to get caught up!

Sharing at:
Mosaic Monday
Roses of Inspiration


  1. Oh, heart breaks reading about your sweet Hunter. It's a terrible loss when our Fur Babies leave this matter their age. All you can do is remember the good times and hold them dear. We have them for such a relatively short time...and each one of them teach us something special. What did Hunter teach you?

    In December 2013, my dog, Benny, who was only 4 1/2 yrs old, awoke one morning, limping. By evening, he was suffering seizures and got much worse, quickly. By 10pm that night, I had to put him to sleep...I couldn't stand the thought of him suffering one more minute from the sudden neurological problem that struck him. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do...and I still miss him dearly.

    Jan ♥

  2. Debby, I am so, so sorry! It is amazingly hard to say good-bye to a beloved pet. They have so much of our hearts. May your sweet memories be some comfort...

  3. Sorry to hear of your faithful pet's passing. I've never had a pet, but I realize they really become part of the family. I'm sure you will miss him a lot.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear this Debby. Our four legged companions really become part of the family don't they. Thank goodness you were at home when it all happened, a hidden blessing.


  5. I am so sorry for your loss Debby, but thankful you got to spend those last few days with him. Hugs1

  6. Thank goodness you were able to share his last moments, may he rest in peace.

  7. So sorry for the loss. Indeed, the timing was a blessing in disguise.

  8. oh i am so very sorry for your heart breaks for you :(

  9. Debby, I well know how those little guys become part of our lives and are such a loss when they are taken. My heart grieves for your loss, but I'm so glad you were there for him to help ease his passing. :)

  10. Debby, I am so very sorry. These are the sweetest photos of Hunter. He lived a long and happy life with you BUT I know it was not long enough. Our little doxie Harriet passed away on Friday - she was 14. Our hearts are broken. May God comfort you in this time of grieving.

  11. I've been there...and it hurts so bad. I lost my Sheltie Penny in a very similar way, except that we made it to the vet and had to make the decision to let her go. But someone told me that the pain of losing our beloved dogs is so deep because their lives was so great. Thinking of you.

  12. i'm so very sorry! unexpected and difficult, i am certain! i am grateful he was able to die in your arms at home, though. what a sweet, sweet pup. i know that must have been heartbreaking.

  13. Sending loving thoughts and prayers for comfort. Such a difficult thing to go through.

  14. Debby, I 'm so sorry to read that you've lost your faithful friend but also thankful that he passed while you were still home. I dread this day with Topaz, he's 12 this year and showing signs of slowing down. Like you, I can see good days and ones where he wants to stay in bed a lot, no different than us as we get older!
    Have some photos at hand that show Hunter when he was a lively little scamp to keep these images in your mind when remembering him.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  15. Debby, to read your story .We recently lost our pug who was almost 16! Very hard and emotional time for you and your family! They are so much a part of the family! Always loving and happy ! Such great pleasure we get out of these beautiful creatures that God created ! I know someday you will reunite! Know that for comfort and peace! Take care!Cindy

  16. Debby, I'm so very sorry about your sweet dog's passing. How sudden and tragic for you but, yet, God's timing too. Blessings of comfort to you. Hugs. Pam

  17. Sorry for the loss of your beloved Hunter. I'm so glad you didn't have to try to leave him in the care of others while you were away, though, as hard as it is to lose a pet. Hugs.

  18. Reading about Hunter brings tears to my eyes, and brings memories of Toby, our 16 year old Fox Terrier, when he suffered a stroke at home, on Father's Day. We buried him in our front yard, down by the lake, in the pouring rain. Husband and I, while crying, made a cross from drift wood found on the water's edge, to place on his resting place. That was 15 years ago, and I miss him still. I know the grief you feel, and you have my sympathy. Dog's bring so much love and joy to our life, and they really do become family..We'll see then again, when they coming running to us, over the Rainbow Bridge...

  19. I am so sorry to hear of the death of your sweet Hunter. Your loving and heartfelt tribute brought tears to my eyes. Prayers and hugs, Vicky

  20. My heart aches for you, been there and it's so very hard!

  21. I'm sorry, Debbie. So hard to lose someone you love.

  22. Oh, Debbie, this is so sad! I am so sorry and know your heart is broken.

  23. I'm so sorry for your loss. Pets are family and I know it will be hard to adjust without Hunter.

  24. Oh Debby Ray, I can barely see to type these words out because of the tears flowing down my face... I am so, so, so sorry for your loss. Pets are a precious part of our lives and it's never easy saying goodbye to them. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers, dear friend. Love and hugs to you!

  25. Debby, I'm so sorry for your loss. Our furry loved ones really hold a special place in our hearts.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  26. Aww... Dear Debby, my thoughts and prayers go out to you, my friend.
    Our pets are just as much a part of our familyas anybody. The loss hurts, there's no other way of putting it.
    May the Lord encourage and comfort you all at this time.
    Life is real, isn't it? As I read and catch up on visiting in this wonderful community of blogging I hear of many hurting hearts for various reasons. So many things going on in different lives.

    The Lord bless you, Debbie

  27. So Sorry for your loss...
    I feel so bad for you all, God Bless

  28. I am so sorry for your loss. It's always difficult to lose a poet.

  29. Dearest Debbie...oh! My heart aches for you over your loss... I know the terrible pain that comes with losing a dearly beloved pet!
    My prayers are with you during this time.
    Blessings and hugs,

  30. So sorry for your loss, Debbie. Our pets become our family, and it's so hard to say good-bye. Praying your many memories of Hunter bring you comfort in the coming days.

    1. Thank you Gayle...I do appreciate these kind words :)

  31. I am sitting here crying...I do not know why I torture myself with coming to read about it...I feel your pain. I feel remembered pain when we have lost beloved pets...some I would give anything to hold again. They love us so unconditionally...

  32. Anyway, hit the publish button without finishing...I wanted to say I am really and truly so sorry for your loss, and so sorry you had to leave right away...but then, like you say...God's timing is perfect, and was probably for the best that you had the plans already made.

  33. I'm sorry for your loss of you little doggy. He was so cute!
    As you say God's timing is perfect. I can see that you would have been miserable if he had died while you were away from home. And, since you had to go, it was a distraction that perhaps helped you more than you know. It looks like the lovingkindness of the Lord to me.

  34. Oh...I was here in 2015, but today I am misty-eyed reading about Hunter and your last hours together. Comfort to you as you think about these events again.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.